At home/on the road work out suggestions

okay, I need help, I have 15 lbs to lose and have been fit hard to get a good work out figured to lose the weight. My husband and I are on the road a lot, I mean CONSTANTLY traveling, for instance, in 10 days I will be away from home, living in hotels Etc. For about 2 months. I need some suggestions for good work out videos that I can take on the road with me. Obviously something that needs minimal ammunt of space ( think hotel rooms) and a minimum amount of equipment.
I started the 30 dAy shred this week and I think it will be good, but I worry that 20 min a day is not enough!!
In the fall I relied on going runni outside and hotel gyms, unfortunately not all the hotels had a gym, and I found that I was too paranoid about not knowing the areas I was in to go running on my ownm so have decided DVDs will be my best option...
Thanks for the suggestions guys!


  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Those hotel gyms can really suck and be misleading from the pictures they advertise. I don't know if you travel to big cities or just small ones, but if it's a bigger one, having a gym membership at a national chain can help. If you have a laptop, DVD's are great for working out in the hotel room, though sometimes you have to modify and be creative with the layout of the room. I've had a few bruises from knocking into furniture. As for weight training, resistance bands are great and lightweight for packing. So is a jump rope to add in between resistance band moves for cardio.

    Crunch fitness has a lot of fun dance aerobic videos. Zumba is good too. If you have internet connection on your laptop, Hulu has alot of full episodes from exercise is a link to get you started, poke around and find something more up your alley :) Where there is a will, there is a way!
  • Coco_puff901
    Coco_puff901 Posts: 54 Member
    Last week I picked up a resistance band for arm and leg exercies I do at home. You can look online and print out lots of different exercices to do with them, and they are small and compact and will fit in a suitcase ! I do about 1/2 hour routine and It seems to be working out okay for days I cant make it to the gym, it's great for toning. Hope this helps ! :)