last ten pounds! so close but so far

hey guys! I thought I'd start a page about losing the last ten pounds. I know there have been so many pages about this in the past, but I thought it might be helpful to make one for the people trying to lose their last ten pounds now. I've pretty much been stuck at 135 and my goal is 125 by summer! is anyone else going through this? and for people that are at their goal weight - how long did it take to lose the last ten pounds? any tips? thanks everyone!


  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi cdl. I'm in that boat too. I've lost 17-18 pounds but have 10 to go. I'm looking good already and am not sure if I need to lose the other 10 pounds to be "finished" but it's my original goal weight so I want to see. My weight loss has stalled for the past 2 weeks. No gains but no real loss either. I've started eating more and expecting less loss per week as my understanding is your body loses the last few pounds more slowly than the ones before. All the best in your journey!
  • nmj1988
    nmj1988 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, Ive got 13 to go to my goal weight.... 146-115, im sitting at 127-128 right now, and im noticing its getting tougher, ive changed my routine a bit though and im hoping to see some results after this weekend!! Good luck with your last ten pounds!
  • I am at 134 and wanna be down to 122-124 and am stuck losing the last ten lbs. any suggestions haha?
  • sup ladies! I'm in the same boat... except I spell mine with kg's not lbs lol....

    my plan at the moment is to drop the cal intake right off.... I'm eating 1400ish a day very comfortably and burning off 700 on average a night on cardio so intake is only about 700.... 2 week crash course on these numbers should be enough to drop 2kgs a week ish,

    I'm doing it pretty comfortably, had a good chat to a few sports nutritionists last night about the arguement of 1200-1600 minimum and every one i talk to all believe its the reason why the western world is over weight, because we think that anything below that you must be 'starving yourself' I'm not... my diet currently is

    2x slices of raisin bread

    Morning tea:
    Protein shake

    big bowl of teryaki chicken and white rice (or something around the 500cals mark)

    Arvo tea:
    Toast or fruit or something

    Work out:
    Hour cardio
    Protein shake

    Steak and veges

    I'm hitting 900cals with ease and in no way starving myself.... I'm fit, im healthy, just need to lose those last few kg's to bring out the definition more...
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    It's harder to lose the last 10 pounds. Try increasing your calorie intake for a few days by 300 calories and then return to your normal calorie allowance. Change your exercise routine. I plateaued for almost one month and my personal trainer said I needed to shake things up. She instructed me to eat 1500 calories per day for about 5 days and then returned back to 1200. I basically ate lean proteins, good fats, vegetables, fruits, no dairy, no grains, no alcohol. I added boot camp training and jogging to my exercise routine. It was incredible. The ten pounds melted away in a three week period and I actually exceeded my weight loss goal by 3 pounds.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Been there for the last year. Keep losing and gaining the same five pounds.
    Right now, I am 141, and I'd really like to range between 130-135. I've been between 135-145 for the last year, mostly right around 140.