How do you cook for your family?

Hi I'm interested to see how other people who are trying to lose weight cook for their families. Do you make one healthy meal that everyone eats or make one meal for your family and another for yourself? Also I would love some ideas for meals the whole family will like and won't bust my diet. Thanks :)


  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    I do both - it just depends on what we want. As far as ideas for recipes, I have found a few on that my family loves. The kids really like their "healthy chicken nuggets" recipe. Tomorrow I am making their chicken sante fe. Yum! :smile:
  • michellereneejenkins
    i'm doing this not only for myself but for them also! i want my kids to eat healthy. i want my husband to eat healthy. cooking a lean protein, a whole grain carb, and a veg for dinner every night is balanced. you can take short cuts and use frozen veggies (and even frozen brown rice!!) to make dinner more quickly. kids learn to LIKE dinners that don't include mac and cheese every night. i don't worry about their portion size (just mine.) it's waaaaay too much work to make more than one meal for your family. and they will be healthy right along with you!!
  • sunfyrejade
    sunfyrejade Posts: 29 Member
    I cook one meal, I will say I do not have children to worry about (just one big child in the form of a man). But my thoughts are, if it's not healthy for an adult, why is it good to feed to a child? or vice versa?

    I think healthy foods are important for everyone in the house.
  • Angie0rtiz
    I also do both! I love the food taste amazingand it counts everything for you per portion size. For the most part I cook one main meal, but with picky eaters, some things are swapped out. Like today we had rice beans and roast pork (sound like a lot, but I measure and weigh all my portions). 2 of them didnt eat beans and one just didn eat meat., and are good sites too, but I think you have to subscribe.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks! I agree it is important for my kids to eat healthy too. One is very picky and turns her nose up at anything I make. The other 2 are pretty easy, but a little cautious around new food. I'm excited to try out the webpage that was recommended. Thanks again :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I cook one meal for both of us, and my husband gets a bigger portion. He eats his own snacks during the day, mostly nuts, and I don't restrict his food, but he is not into calories and macros like I am.

    He is not picky at all and just eat what ever I cook (probably because he doesn't know how to cook...:ohwell: ). Kids are all grown up so I don't have to worry about cooking different meals.
  • FarmerNikki
    I just cook one meal for all of us, and if it ends up being a boxed mac n' cheese night I just take an extra helping of fruits or veggies :)
  • hsmithway
    I live with my husband and our 8 year old son. Most of the time I make us all the same meal, though every once in a while either I or my son and I will eat something different. It's DH that's picky, though, and not my son. So if we're eating something DH won't eat, I'll either do it on a night where he can eat leftovers from the night before, or I keep a few frozen pizzas on hand for him in case he either fusses about what I made or I'm not going to be around at dinnertime.

    Really, it's good for the rest of my family to eat lean meats and veggies, so there's no reason they need to eat something different, though Mr. Picky sometimes rears his ugly head :grumble:
  • 0AmyMarie0
    I do both too. I cook meals for myself and the kids, but on nights that I have my heart set on something that I know they will NOT eat (like salmon) then I will make them something different. I usually always have something easy on hand for them.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    My husband and I eat the same healthy foods. I save a little extra calories for dinner so I can make something that's 400-500 calories if I want to. Then he'll just eat a larger portion. For instance, tonight we had salads but he put on extra feta cheese, olives, and extra salad dressing to make it more calorie dense. Then he has healthy snacks while I work out so I don't see him snacking. It works out really well.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I make whatever I want to eat. If the hubs gets some of it, fine. If he doesn't like it, he can make his own food. I'm his wife, not his b!tch. (I think I respond to a post with that phrase at least once a week.)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have 2 sons. They eat whatever I'm eating.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    Just me and my hubby- he can eat what I eat or starve. LOL
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I will make one meal for my wife and I, but I will make small changes to meet our needs. On steak night, I make a baked potato for her and stir fried collard greens for me. I make shepherd's pie in individual casseroles so she can have mashed potato on hers and I can have mashed cauliflower on mine. Having a variety of side dishes lets everyone eat what they want.
  • npellegrino17
    I have been wanting to try mashed you have a recipe?
  • Camsdette
    Camsdette Posts: 32 Member
    I have an interesting situation in that my husband is actually under his healthy weight range, so he's trying to gain weight. He also hates half the stuff that I'm trying to eat more of, like whole wheat pasta and brown rice instead of regular pasta and white rice. So, I usually make little tweaks to the meal so that it works for both of us. He has spaghetti with beef, I have whole wheat spaghetti with turkey. He has tacos, I have taco salad. Things like that. I'm still figuring it all out, but so far it's working pretty well. That way I can stick to my diet without having to cook two completely different meals.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I try to make mostly the same thing. Last night I made red pasta sauce (garlic, cooking spray, onion, crushed tomatoes, spices) with fresh basil, grated Parmesan. I ate everything but the cheese on top of spaghetti squash, while the boys had pasta.

    Some nights I do something light and healthy for all of us (think Cooking Light), other days I make a version that is lighter for myself. I'd like to do more of the former, since buying whole wheat fat free tortillas, veggie crumbles, fat free cheese on top of regular versions of all those foods gets expensive, but it is something I am working on. ;)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Smart *kitten* answer: I cook the same as I do for myself, just more of it :P
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I have always found that if you pick one main source of protein ... Fish, Chicken, Lean Meat ..etc ... and add a few sides to give everyone choices works well.

    My favorite ...

    I eat Salmon with lemon, cubed sweet potatoes with sprinkled cinnamon, steamed mushrooms with garlic and wilted spinach with tarragon.

    I serve my 11 yr old son .... Salmon, Broccoli, Rice and steamed apples.

    It's a win win .... mine is under 400 Calories and he's happy with his ! :smile:
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    one healthy meal that everyone eats

    if it's healthy, it's healthy.... i refuse to feed my family crap that i won't eat.
    If they want it they can get it for themselves but i refuse to contribute to their eating problems myself any longer.