Caffeine Addiction HELP PLEASE

I have a really bad Caffeine Addiction i have been drinking coke for years now....I dont go on days were i would be like no thats it no more because ill have the bad stomach ache.I know its bad for me and i know i have put weight on because of the coke.I just cant stop drinking it...I still drink my water at night or in the morning but no matter what ill drink a can of coke a day.I was drinking the 600ml but now gone down to cans....At one stage i stooped drinking coke for about 2 weeks it drove me crazy i was yelling at everyone i was depressed and really angry i would also get really restless...I really want to give it up and no matter what i do i cant....i even tried having water one day coke the next etc...I know ill get responses saying its all in my head when it is not its a actual addiction.Few years back i had my first anxiety attack i rember i had 5 cans of coke that night i was about 17 then and i dident know what a anxiety attack was.I went to hospital and found the coke would of caused it now because i was scared of dying from anxiety i gave coke cold turkey.....i drank nothing but water and anything that had acid or sugar i wouldent touch it.....i then became a small size 6 AU.....i became pregnnat at 21 then i got on the coke again and since then iv been on it and now im 26....i cant use anxiety as a method anymore because i now know what it is so my brain wont work the same way......i really need good advise on this i hate what im doing but i cant just stop it....its like when people smoke PLEASE HELP


  • klhinrichsen
    klhinrichsen Posts: 26 Member
    Have a little coke to drink everyday. I suggest drinking at least 1-2 cups of water before, wait about 5 minutes then have your can of coke. Maybe split 1/2 can in the morning and 1/2 can in the evening. There are caps you can buy to put on the can to preserve the taste once you open the can. Log into your food journal. Coke has a lot of suger so keep an eye on other sweets for the day. Maybe substitue the 1/2 can of coke for a small sweet instead.
    Know that this "addiction" has to be control by you and a plan in placed on how much you can consume in a day, otherwise, most likely, your child will develope the same or worst addiction. We have to do it. We have to be strong because we are Mothers.
  • I used to drink LOTS of coke PLUS coffee in the AM. I still buy sodas but I have seriously curbed my intake over the past couple of years. I must admit though, I'm not willing to give up coffee. I won't.

    As for the sodas, I have a couple of tricks. I try not to buy cans. I personally seem to drink more soda when I have cans because I not only drink them at home, but I mindlessly drink them on the go. So, I try to buy a 2 liter.... plus, I don't want to take the time to pour it over ice, etc. If I DO buy cans, I buy the mini cans. I'll open it if I get a craving, and I'll sip it and set it immediately back in the fridge.

    It's almost a mind game, for me. I know I'll only allow myself that little can so I'll try to make it spread over the course of the afternoon and drink water in between.

    I also NEVER order any type of beverage when I go out to eat. I just order a water (or a beer). But mostly water.