need some support and advice!

Hi! so i've been on a diet for about 20 days! when i mean diet i mean extreme!!! I only eat 1000 calories a day, i've been working out like crazy I do 45 min of cardio everyday i've only missed 1 day of gym time in the last 20 days. I've completely changed my eating habits I used to drink like 3 cans of coke, not to mention in the morning i'd have a red bull. I ate out everyday, like greasy *kitten* food!!! I've been trying to eat stuff with high protein low carbs. I drink 9 cups of water a day! I just feel like i've made such a drastic change in the way I eat that 6 pounds is not a lot. Am i on the right track? Like my life style has seriously changed so much I used to eat out every day and at late hours of the night so I just feel like I should have lost more weight by now. Can I get some opinions and feedback please?


  • First off congratulations on making healthy changes like eating better, cutting out soda and fast food, and exercising regularly. Six pounds is an extremely good weight loss for twenty days. Thats about three weeks and averaging two pounds a week. Getting the body you want isn't going to be an instant thing you're going to have to expect to work for it. And going about it in a healthy way including healthy weight loss and eating habits. I'm sure others will say it too but the negative here is that you are not eating enough calories to properly fuel your body. You should actually up your caloric intake.
  • Ericacastillo
    Ericacastillo Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you! Okay well in your opinion how many calories do you think I should eat a day? I'm just really motiviated for the first time in a long time. Not even free olive garden has made me cave lol. I have not cheated at all!!!
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    Based on the initial profile you filled out, how many calories did MFP put you at? I keep reading on here that the minimum daily requirement for anyone is 1200, so you might want to aim to NET that every day! Make sure you eat back your exercise calories!! Feel free to friend me, too :smile:
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    1000 calories a day is no where near enough, esp if you're working out everyday for 45 mins. Redo your goals and set your weight loss for 1 pound a week. Stick with what MFP gives you initially until you get a better idea of what you need for your body. Also aim to eat back at least 1/2 your exercise calories a day. Yes 6 lbs in 20 days is a great loss, but you are going to burn yourself out quickly if you keep going at like you are now. These changes should be realistic and attainable.
  • are you using mfp to track food intake and exercise? You should eat what it recommends based on your age, weight, height and weight loss goals.
  • I had the same question, so you are suppose to est back the calories you burn??
  • Remember this '80/20' 80% is nutrition, 20% is working out. Fuel your body! 1000 calories in not giving your body the nutrients it needs therefore your body will go into "survive" mode. The body will only "allow" fat cells to burn if it doesn't feel "threatened" that its in a starvation state. Make sense? Good luck and great job on the weightloss thus far!
  • Ericacastillo
    Ericacastillo Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the advice everybody!! IT has told me I need to eat at least 1200 calories but I figured the less you eat the better but I guess not lol. Go figure! I will up my calories to that and continue my workouts. I think I just have to remember that it took me 4 years to gain 20 pounds (freshman 15) lol I'm not going to lose it in a month or two. I'll be graduating from college in the May and I really want to look good, my parents want graduation pictures taken and it just sucks because I feel huge and I don't want to send out invitation looking and feeling huge. Do you think by the end of march I could reach my goal if I continue to eat properly and exercise? I'll even take another ten pounds lol