I can't decide if this site is right for me...



  • sammydiddly
    Don't forget that the calorie suggestion they give you is for weight loss. If you go over you still have a buffer of calories that will maintain your weight. Going over is not the end of the world, in fact it is good to go over occasionally, otherwise your body gets used to how many calories you are eating and adapts.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I had a friend attempt that. But she didn't stick with it long. It is okay to be over in calories. You are already at a deficit so a little over is not going to be too damaging. Don't take this personally, but I'm not really sure your ready to make this commitment to yourself. It should not be stressful, and if it is stressful, then you need to reset your way of thinking about it. Everyday does not have to be perfect. The attempt at eating healthy is just as important as actually achieving it.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I stressed at first, but then it became a routine and I got over the initial obsession. I even took a week off and went on a vacation. I love it because I know tracking calories is important, but I didn't know how to do it before finding this site, which makes it easy. I also love not following a special diet, because that's too much trouble. I'm sure it's not right for everyone, but it sure works for a lot of us!
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    This site has changed my life, but I was skeptical at first too! Calorie counting just seemed so 'last century' but it works and it's now second nature to me. If you go over once in a while, it's not the end of the world and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

    The biggest thing is commitment. If you have that, the sky is the limit!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Looking at your profile, you are suffering from an eating disorder. So while tracking calories may be the only way to lose weight for some people, maybe you are not ready at this time to track them. Maybe simply keeping a food journal until you better understand your triggers for binging is a good idea for a while.
    That being said, how many calories are you allowing yourself? You may be feeling guilty about going over simply because your calorie goal is set ridiculously low. You are 18 and active and not technically overweight....so 1200 calories a day probably isn't the best goal for you (if that is what you are eating). Setting your calorie goal higher may make it easier for you in the long run, though weight loss may not be quite as fast.
    I went through a period where tracking everything was making me crave everything I "couldn't" have, so I took a break for a few weeks. Now I log faithfully, but I am also more aware of a general calorie count on a lot of things before I even choose to eat them. Then I can decide if the calories are actually worth it.
    Good luck to you.
  • cherryb75
    cherryb75 Posts: 8 Member
    If I didn't track calories, I'd eat. Everything. I'm not sure what's so stressful about it, but then it's the only way I've ever known to drop some pounds. Back on the old WW plan (before they switched to carbs instead of calories) I could *look* at a nutrition label and know how many Points were in something. I loved it. It was my old go-to. Now they've gone to carbs/protein and I hate it. So I'm here, just counting calories.

    Unless you're going to eat the same thing every single day, I don't see any way around keeping track. Take days off here and there and get a break if you need to--I do--but stick with it!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    You may also have your calories set too low, which is making it harder to stay under your allowance.
    Your diary is closed, so can't see what your allowance is set at.
  • onewhodiets
    onewhodiets Posts: 67 Member
    Not very long, because so many foods are already entered in the database. Because of using MFP, I now, for the first time, have a fairly accurate idea of the calories I am consuming. I was really out to lunch before (pun intended). Bringing the facts home to me is the only reason I've had any success.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    It does take a while to get accustomed to logging your food. And it should make you aware, but not uncomfortable / guilty feeling... If you find that you go over too often (a few extra calories once in a while won't kill you), try pre-planning your days' food, and logging in the a.m. Then, if you see you'll be over, you can re-evaluate the foods you've selected, and do some modifications, or add exercise to even out the bottom line. I think you'll find that you look forward to seeing how the numbers add up- both calories in and calories out!

    Good luck, and I'm sure you'll love it here!
  • abvickrey
    abvickrey Posts: 76 Member
    No one likes the harsh reality check that happens when you realize you're most loved foods are preventing you from reaching your goals.

  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    I do feel bad when I go over my calorie count and it is there on the website for me to see. it really sucks.

    but, how much worse would you feel if 1 month from now you look at your *kitten* in the mirror, or worse yet, someone else comments on your belly.... and suddenly you realize you have gained weight. and you wonder where the extra calories came from...

    or if you lose too fast, you will get week and untoned.

    it just isn't easy for most of us to eat and live without worrying about gaining weight. that's how most of us on this website ended up here.

    But what works for one, does not always work for another.
    I like keeping track of my exercises almost more than the food part. I overestimate the food I eat, and underestimate the exercise. I go over sometimes, under other times. Some people need to obsess over always being way under, I did this for a few months. Then you get healthier and it changes.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    You can always try it for a few days and then see how you like it.

    The thing I like is that you can look at reports...so if you want to adjust the amount of fat, or carbs, or sugars you consume, you can see trends over time, of how you're eating. There are days when I have more calories at the end of the day than I was expecting. If I didn't keep really good track of my food, I wouldn't know that. It would be guesswork.

    But I agree, at first, it seems overwhelming. But if you can give yourself a little time and experience some of the advantages, you might even like logging after a while (or at least not mind it as much).

    Good luck!
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    It can take time to adjust, but quite frankly, if you aren't willing to track calories, your weight loss may simply just not happen.

    Tracking your calories is a chore - IF you think of it that way Most people eat pretty much the same foods - so as another poster said, once you enter stuff a couple of times you'll be able to it much faster than you could at first.

    For me tracking my calories has taught me to make better food choices -- I have X calories to use a day...so what is the best way to utilize them AND stay full? It's a learning process, but honestly, I have enjoyed it. I've tried some new foods, eliminated some that are just triggers for me and not worth it....and I have a TON more energy than I did a month ago and I'm not even working out diligently yet (lost 14 lbs since 1/1/12 only tracking calories!).

    Honestly - how in the heck is tracking calories any more difficult than working out for 30 minutes or more?
  • CSummers316
    This is my first time using a tool like this in my weight loss and so far I am enjoying it. I think for me, I do stress over it, but I also remind myself that the bulk of my poor eating habits came from not eating better and missing alot of key nutrients. I am still consistently falling short on protein for example.

    So I keep mindful of my caloric intake, but I try not to stress it because even if I go over what it tells me my goal is, I also work my butt off in the gym. Keep with it and just try not to stress out over it so much. You can do it
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    This is my SECOND year on this site...LOL and I am really starting to use it more b/c of 2 of my Facebook friends. One is getting married this year and the other lost over a 100 lbs w/ the help of a personal trainer. They help me stay focused! Give it some time, play w/ the tools. I completely understand what you mean about the calories stressing you out. One lesson I have learned is to log my food before I eat it so that I can modify what I want to eat and what I need to eat especially after a workout. You need a new perspective on how to get the most out of this site for the goals you have set for yourself

    BEST OF LUCK...remember CHANGE is never EASY or QUICK ;-)
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I personally got stressed out the first week and a half, but I have an anxiety disorder and I at first felt like by counting calories I was severely limiting what I could eat. But I stuck to it because I wanted to stay within a certain intake and it was easier than writing everything down and trying to figure out the calories from there.

    Now it's more a convenience because I can check the calories on something here 9 times out of 10 instead of tearing up Google and I can keep track of my water intake and my exercise hours so I know I'm not under on either. Like everything, this method's not for everyone and some people just won't like it or never warm up to it and that's fine. As long as the method you're using is getting you the results you want, that's all that matters.
  • Vicky0125
    I've only been on MFP for 2 weeks and I already see a difference. I tried the journal and it was ok but I see better results from MFP because its calculating eveything for me. What was suprising to me was that things that I thought were good for me wasn't always the best choices when it came to calories. It made me aware of the way that I was preparing food was adding calories, fat and sodium that wasn't needed. Even being able to eat out is an option that I was eliminating, now I don't have to. And I think its great that when you imput your exercise it gives you calories back to use.And I have to say that my energy level is changing. Where I would be in need of a nap by 2:00 I can now get through my work day and make it home to get a work-out in. I say give it a bit longer but ultimately do what you think is best for you.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    not everyone can be a doctor, not everyone can be a lawyer, not everyone can be educated. not everyone are meant to be in this website.

    anything good needs work or hard work. if you think it's stressing your out then my advise to you is to go out of this site, maybe you have more better things to do than the necessary work for this.

    my main message, find your happiness, but remember that anything worth it, comes work and persistence.

    all the best.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    One thing that I love about this site is the 5 week goal indicator at the bottom of each day...I know that the reason I usually go off a diet and end up gaining weight is because I can't see into the future...having this gentle reminder has been very good for me so far...I love thinking about myself 10 lbs thinner in 5 weeks...it is very motivating. I also like the educational value of inputting foods in correct portions etc.

    Hang in there with us and give this a little bit more of a chance. What I do, is plan my day's menus in the morning and then do my best to stick with them. I actually feel like I am eating more because I eat more often, even if it is just 10 grapes or an apple.

    I have only felt hungry once or twice in the late late evening and have managed to stay away from food, thinking, I would break my fast in the morning.

    I love MFP!!
  • kvsmith59
    kvsmith59 Posts: 26 Member
    I started this thing about a week ago. A true eye opener. I've never counted calories before, but it's not hard once you commit to it. It's much easier if you use the phone app plus the website. When I first signed up, I overestimated my weight by 4 pounds...wish I could go back and change that. Anyways, keeping track of things has helped me. When I do go over, I simply go for a walk and get in some extra exercise, something I would NEVER have done before.