When did you notice...

I've lost 20lbs so far which is great but in the past this is when I start losing motivation cause I can't see the weight loss yet. I have had a couple shirt fit a little loser in the arms but that's about it.

I know everyone is different but when/how many pounds lost before you noticed your weight loss?


  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    10 kgs (22 lbs) before I noticed any changes but they were small.

    When I hit 15 kgs though, all of a sudden EVERYTHING was fitting me differently and compliments were flying out of nowhere!

    Don't you dare think of quitting! You can't keep doing what you're doing and not get the results you're after :D
  • visiri
    visiri Posts: 173 Member
    Have you taken pictures of yourself or measured? Sometimes we get stuck with seeing what we're used to seeing and not what is actually starting back at us in the mirror.

    I'm down about 6 lbs, My shirt sleeves are looser, my muffin top is getting smaller, my chest is definitely smaller - I'm in a hook on all of my bras.

    20 lbs is a lot and you should be down a size - take some pictures - I think you'll be surprised by what you see.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    10lbs. I notice my yoga pants not fitting like sausage casings. it is a good solid 20lbs before I can go down a size but I do notice the subtle differences at about 10lbs.
  • Stephanie8242
    Stephanie8242 Posts: 20 Member
    No I haven't measure myself but have been wanting to, that's a great suggestion and may give me more motivation thanks!

    @APHREAL- haha sausage casings that had me rolling :)
  • aiyana1228
    aiyana1228 Posts: 100 Member
    It was very close to that point but its going to depend on where you started. I think it was more like 40 when other people started to comment. Now that I am at 64 total (not what shows on MFP cause the first 40 was before I got here) I totally see the difference and everyone asks. But I am short-5'2". I started at some where over 200. I am 150's now and have gone from a tight 18/20 pants to a loose (need a belt) 10. I did the 20 lb and stop thing a hundred times over the years. I have always said that if you added all the weight I have lost over the years you could fill a footbal field. Don't give up! Make it past that wall. If you are bored or starving yourself take a good hard look at what you could do differently to make it easier. Try new foods. Try new ways to prepare your usual stuff that will make it different. Schedule one special meal every two weeks and work towards those reward meals so you have something to look forward to. (or more often)- If I have been under goal I get a SF pudding or 1 Gharadelli dark chocolate square for desert. It helps me move past those moments of temptation during the day. Change your mind set to remember that what you really want is to be healthy. Looking better is just a symptom of better health. I know sometimes the eat clean club can sound like a broken record but I swear that not only do fresh fruit and veggies taste better but I really do feel better too. The less packaged stuff I eat the better the whole system operates. Remember that the winner is not always the fastest but the one who keeps moving forward despite obsticals. You can do this!
  • snowkid03
    i notice at 5-10 depending on if its cardio/lifting that i have been focusing on... but that being said i am also a size 8/150 lbs and when i get to 130 which is considered "normal" i wear a size 2. my body is weird.
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    At around 20, a male friend of mine commented that my "girls" seemed a bit further out than they were before (because the part under was less than it used to be). I noticed it in the face before anything else.

    Now, if you feel you are losing motivation, go to the grocery store and pick up a 20 pound bag of potatoes. Or two ten pounders, if that's all they have.

    That's what you lost. It's a great motivator when you realize that you really did lose all that!
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    I can tell a difference now in how my clothes are fitting, but I can't visually see a difference when I look in the mirror (I'm 5'6" and down 7 pounds). The friend I work out with says she can tell a difference in my rear end and my face...but she's the only person that has commented and she's obviously looking for it, too.