Valentines Day! Ugh

My hubs and I haven't been out to dinner since I can remember. We are thinking about going out to eat for V-day more like D-day. I have such a fear of going out to eat!!! The last two times I went out to eat, the next day I dropped 2 pounds and then boom the day after that I gained like 5-7 pounds...and then I just feel like I start all over. It does come off easier then it use to now that I've been exercising everyday but I almost feel like I shouldn't go out to eat until I at least get under 190 because then I wouldn't feel so bad.
Any V-day suggestions for dinner?


  • Woman!! Please go out and enjoy yourself! Watch your portions and be smart (: Do what I do..I check the nutritional info from where I'm going beforehand. You'll do fine and I'm sure your hubby would love his dinner date back (:
  • Woman!! Please go out and enjoy yourself! Watch your portions and be smart (: Do what I do..I check the nutritional info from where I'm going beforehand. You'll do fine and I'm sure your hubby would love his dinner date back (:

    I second this!
    Don't skip a Valentine's dinner with your husband! Like you said, you haven't been out to eat in a while.
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Woman!! Please go out and enjoy yourself! Watch your portions and be smart (: Do what I do..I check the nutritional info from where I'm going beforehand. You'll do fine and I'm sure your hubby would love his dinner date back (:

    I agree!!!! You can get nutritional information on just about any restaraunt online now!!!! Have fun and don't be so hard on yourself.
  • klhinrichsen
    klhinrichsen Posts: 26 Member
    Before you go anywhere you think your diet might be compromise, eat a good size heathly meal. This way when you get there, you are not as hungry so you can enjoy a smaller meal but most importantly enjoy the reason why you are there in the first place- for the company of friends and love ones.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    When I know I'm gonna go out, and I don't want to worry about portions, I try to get in a good extra long workout. weights and hopefully cardio. That way, even if I over eat, I've at least mitigated the damage.

    Even if you can't workout, and even if you can't find "healthy choices" who cares??? You're going out for your first dinner with hubby in AGES. Have a free night, enjoy him, and get back on track the next day. Have FUN!!

    If you stress about your food, it might be a loooong time before he wants to go out to dinner again. Better to be relaxed,fun.
  • I would love to go out with my hubby but he is currently deployed. Go and enjoy yourself...just remember moderation...don't deny yourself anything, cause then you will over eat. Have a nice salad, a nice dinner, get something you will enjoy eating and do just that - enjoy, eat slowly, really savor/taste your meal. You can even use my little trick...I ask for a to go box when they bring my meal so I can automatically divide it in half and take it home for lunch. If you never deny yourself, you will be surprised at how much you don't eat. My husband and I always split a dessert...usually 1 or 2 bites and I am done. Or we get it to go and enjoy it at home later. Have fun!
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Do it!
    I went to a steakhouse with my husband (sans kiddos) last night and it was great. Many places have under 500 calorie and other healthy options. (Check their websites beforehand for nutritional info) Make it a game to find a delicious meal that fills you up and doesn't bust the calorie "budget" by too much. My husband took the opportunity to have grilled salmon (because I don't like it and cook it only under duress) and I had a grilled chicken breast that I thoroughly enjoyed. Salads, steamed vegies, avoided the buttered bread. We stayed under our caloric goals and still had a great time. Instead of a heavy dessert, we went out for coffee. I had a small soy cappuccino and he had green tea. We sipped it at the tables outside the coffee shop and just enjoyed each other's company. I highly recommend it :heart:

  • ashisgonnaloseit
    ashisgonnaloseit Posts: 15 Member
    I am feeling the same dread that you are. But you know what? I have been working my butt off these past couple weeks and I feel like this could be a cheat day for me....and you! It is a special time you two are spending together. You can try to check out the nutritional info before you go and just remember that you do not have to eat everything on you plate. Just go and enjoy yourself! :heart:
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks everyone! Some great tips!!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Other alternative is to eat in. Spend some time cooking and eating together, and go for something healthier if you think your night might be ruined by going out. Get a candle going, some ambient music, and make your own restaurant experience.

    We're doing the middle-ground - a three course meal at home without caring about the calories. :tongue:
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Instead of eating out, what about a couples massage at a Spa... some Spa's are offering 2 for 1 packages... Just an idea, I am getting my wife a 1/2 day package but they were promoting the couples thing.. I will pass this year...
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    Instead of eating out, what about a couples massage at a Spa... some Spa's are offering 2 for 1 packages... Just an idea, I am getting my wife a 1/2 day package but they were promoting the couples thing.. I will pass this year...

    Awesome idea! Your wife is going to be thrilled :)
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    some restaurants even have a low calorie section. i went to ruby tuesday's recently and they have some of their entrees labeled with ft for fit/trim...and i got one of those and stayed within my calories. you could look for something like that...or like the others said, look it up online and go have some fun! :)