Opinion on elliptical trainers?

I hear a lot of contradicting opinions on ellipticals... I have a hard time working out and so far the elliptical is the only thing working form me! What are your opinions, though? I am very new to working out.


  • Kim28dav
    I like them but they bother my back a little so I started using the Arc Trainer which is simliar but works your legs in a different motion and doesn't seem to bother my back. And I sweat alot and burn a lot more calories. I would do what works for you tho.
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    I don't have a scientific or experienced opinion, but I say keep doing whatever it is that is going to get you up and moving. Doing something is better than doing nothing!

    From a personal perspective, I'm trying to start running but right now it hurts my knees and back too much. But I can do the elliptical just fine - I do it for an hour and I can guarantee that I definitely work up a sweat! I'm hoping that once I've lost a little more and strengthened up the muscles in my legs/back and especially around my knees that I can run pain free (I'm also strength training to accomplish that goal).
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    I actually went to an exercise physiologist today. I asked her what she considered one of the best machines in the gym for cardio. She said the ellipitical machine. I personally prefer the treadclimber before meeting with her. But now I will be using the ellipitical.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I think it is really easy to go through the motions on it and not get a good workout.

    If you set the resistance high and steep, and really work hard you can get a good workout.
  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    Personally I just find them to be incredibly boring. My preference is to be outside but I know that's tough at times for those in colder climates.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    They're a little easier on my shins, feet, and knees. I'm a heavy runner (working on it) and it puts a lot of stress on my body. Like one other poster stated, if you work hard and up the resistance, you can get a good workout.
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    I la la love the elliptical if it was a man I would be having a affair!! I bought one because it is the one machine I love so much!! I can burn 100 calories in 5mins running and the highest resistance at a incline. It can make a short workout a good work out.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    i LOVE it! it's what i work out on 90% of the time. easy on the body, and i can burn 600 calories/hour on it.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    that is what i have so that pretty much only thing for me besides running and walking. before when i was over weight it was very hard for me to use it but since i been walking and running and eating healthy its much better. quit smoking helped me a lot also. so all i will say is good luck and you can do it . lets get healthy.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's great for beginners ... I had to move on to a similar type of machine, but the cross ramp has a different angle and the resistance works better for multiple parts of my legs, so I find it better than the elliptical - for me. I started with the elliptical, but I've gotten to the point where 5 minutes on it and my feet are numb and then hurting, so I can't even physically be on one.

    I say it's great... go fast with low resistance, or go moderately fast with a little bit of resistance to really get a good burn. Try backwards as well. Works different muscles!
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    I lost about 50 pounds doing treadmill only.. I have recently tried the elliptical and love it. A good machine- gym quality is over $2000 reconditioned and about $5000 brand new.. I know because I wanted to buy one for my garage- the same as the gym has... I guess I will pay $14/month and go to the gym, LOL

    I like it because it moves to work different areas of your legs and arms, my pulse stays up around 150, it is non-impact, yet challenging, I am a good daydreamer, so I don't think it is boring. I had tried a cheaper model prior, and hated it. I use row machine, treadmill and the elliptical for cardio now.
  • VinaAnderson
    The elliptical works for me. I raise the incline and tension throughout my workout, switch from forward to backward motions and I never use the hand rails. I let me legs do all the work. After an hour I'm sweating like crazy. Some people prefer it over treadmills or running because it's low impact. I am currently focusing on jogging so I miss the elliptical sometimes because running sucks.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I like them but they bother my back a little so I started using the Arc Trainer which is simliar but works your legs in a different motion and doesn't seem to bother my back. And I sweat alot and burn a lot more calories. I would do what works for you tho.

    Love the arctrainer. Wish my gym had one. :(
  • msthing21777
    I do those same machines. How much on each of them do you go for?