New me

My name is Kirsty, Im 32 years old and Im from Australia. Im looking for new friends so we can support each other and share our journeys. I have always been overweight with the heaviest I remember being was literally off the scales- approx 130kgs (286lbs) ..... that was before I stopped weighing myself
About 3 weeks ago I had a lightbulb moment where I just changed my entire view on my health and how I look after myself. I quit smoking on Australia day and to do that sucessfully I realised that I needed to re-program my way of thinking. I didnt realise at the time but my 'new me' has also seen me cure my problems with alcohol and given me the motivation to lose weight. I have gone from an obese alcoholic heavy smoker to a fit, healthy, sexy and powerful woman on a mission to repair my body from years of abuse. I cant see many changes yet but I feel different. I now see myself as I really am and for the first time in my life my extra weight that I am carrying feels foreign to me, like it doesnt belong.
Has anyone else had what I call a 'revelation' like this? I sure hope its for life!!


  • Arani70
    Hey Kirsty!

    I'm 19 and live in New Zealand and weight about 91kg, last week I had the same moment like you where I just realised I can't keep going the way I am and then everything changed, it's like I have a new outlook on life which I am thankful for!!

    Good luck on your journey and it's nice to see that I am not the only person just at the beginning!
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Hey Kristy! I am from the United States and I weigh 295, I was 300. There just comes a point where you know you must do something, and you do it. I have been heavy most of my life, and am giving my self a chance at being in shape. Feel free to add me :)
  • justageekgirl2
    Welcome. I was very near how you were. I was 240ish pounds smoked half a pack a day and drank at least 2-3 times a week. I was just finally done. I now can jog 3 miles at a time without wanting to die. I never thought I would be one of those crazy people who get the "runners high" but here I am starting to train for a 1/2 marathon. It is a lifestyle change and not a diet and you can totally do it. I am here to support you on those days when sitting on the couch and potato chips sounds like a better idea than going for a walk and broccoli.
    Welcome to your new more fun life!
  • gailashton
    Hello, I am in the US. I started my weight at 251 pounds last April. I too used to be a heavy smoker and have been free of cigs now for about 5 years, but just got active again in the past year with working out. I am amazed how much better I feel. I was so deconditioned when I quit smoking it really didn't matter until I finally did start exercising. Within a matter of months of working out it gradually got easier and easier to move and I've been moving ever since. Every day with a cigarette is another day you add to your life, another day that you can exercise, be healthy. It's all about being the best you can be. One step at a time with all our addictions. I've quit smoking before, I've lost weight and exercised before, but this time I knew it would be the last time I would need to do this because It's a lifestyle change for the better!. Good luck and if you need a friend along the way, I would be happy to be there for you! LOL
  • trina433
  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey Kirsty,

    Firstly, GOOD FOR YOU! =) I'm so glad that you've decided to take your life in hand and are making positive choices to improve your health.

    To answer your question, yes, I had a moment like that a few months ago just before I first started on MFP. I have always had problems with my weight and have yo-yo'd over the years; I'd tried half-heartedly to lose weight a bunch of times but I never stuck with it and ended up steadily putting on weight over the course of a few years until about two years ago when I was at my biggest. After a bad break up just over 18 months ago I lost about a stone which just came off on it's own due to the mixture of stress and relief I think but I was still pretty big and very unhappy in my body.

    Anyway, around about 6 months ago I went to the doctors surgery to get a new prescription for my contraceptive pill as I have to do every 6 months. The nurse told me she was updating the medical records and asked if she could take my weight, height and ask me some questions about my lifestyle. By the end of the session the nurse had to inform me that my BMI put me in the “obese” category and as such they could no longer prescribe me the pill I was using as it could put me at serious risk of blood clots, heart attacks etc etc. I was totally shocked, the nurse and doctor were very nice about the whole thing but I knew that basically I was being told that I was too fat and as such had begun to rick my health. Given that my family has a long history of heart disease that was the kick in the butt I needed to really commit to changing my life and my health for the better.

    Soon after that I went out for lunch and shopping with my best friend, she had lost a load of weight over the past year and was looking great so I asked her about it. She introduced me to MFP and supported me in getting started. Since then my mum and boyfriend have both joined MFP and are also getting healthy.

    Since deciding to make the change it’s been like a switch flicked in my brain and I have stuck to my new lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong, I still have some days when I let my calories spike and splurge a little but unlike in the past I don’t let it become the norm. Now if I have a high calorie day I make sure I get right back on the horse afterwards.

    I started around about November and I’ve lost 10lbs so it’s coming off slowly but surely and I know this time it’ll stay off. I’m so lucky to have my boyfriend, family and friends all supporting my 100% as well as all my wonderful MFP people!

    I wish you luck and best wishes for your journey and please feel free to add me if you’d like some support.

    Roz x
  • chipaddict
    Hey yes until a couple of weeks ago I was a smoker who drank wayyyy too much and I'm looking to lose about 70 pounds (I'm 210 atm) so add me if you like :) We can be sober, fit&not wheezing together :P
  • nshannon14
    nshannon14 Posts: 36 Member
    Congrats on your Ah Ha moment! My story is very similar to yours in a lot of ways. I had my moment about six months ago, but lacked the fortitude to do anything about it until very recently. Feel free to add me as well. I'm fairly new on here as too, but from what I can see that support on this site is tremendous. Best of luck to you!
  • tamnih20
    tamnih20 Posts: 47 Member
    Yip... I think everyone has that lightbulb that flashes, my moment came when I seen a picture of me at 243lbs, see on facebook I could control the pictures that I wanted to post often I was hidden behind someone then I was flicking through a friends facebook and there BAM was the picture of me I was so shocked when I seen it thought (after many tears) Mmm better do something but what? Slimming world, weight watchers, Scottish slimmers, GI diets ehhh yip done all those and it was just by pure chance when looking for a free game on my phone I found mfp and can honestly say I have never looked back, since sept I am 51lbs lighter I do some form of exercise at least once a day (exercise was never ever done before lol)
    Wish you all the luck on your journey honesty is the key to success (add me if you want extra moral support)

    I am the same way!!! I could always control what pictures I post and then I saw one someone else posted and I was like OMG ... thats what I look like! Jan 1 I decided enough is enough .... Its a slow process but I feel so much better and know the changes I am making are long term not just a quick fix ... Good luck on your journey!
  • dodiecoyle
    dodiecoyle Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Kirsty,

    I am in the US, I have a lot of family in Australia. My mother is originally from Sydney and now lives in Fl. I haven't been there since I was 13 and now that I am pushing 40 this year... I wanted to make a change for good! I have always been heavier than most of my friends, it has been a constant battle.... A Yo-Yo of sorts gain weight- lose weight- and repeat! I'm done and I just want to be healthier and happier for the long haul. I have done every diet there is to do... and once I get to wear I feel and look good... I give up on myself. I like the MFP, I can carry it in my pocket on my phone... and essentially can't leave home without it. I have lost 9 lbs thus far and have been logged in for 31 straight days. Every day is a challenge. I quit smoking 4 years ago and after the first two years..... free - I started again-at work. One challenge at a time .... you could motivate me on that journey also. Feel free to add me if you like, I wish you all the best ....
  • chirpskb
    chirpskb Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing their stories and making me feel welcome. I think I may just become a MFP addict!! I am looking forward to sharing my journey with you all and hopefully keeping each other motivated.