Women only please =)

Hey Ladies,

Just wondering if any one has or had the same problem that I am experiencing at the moment.

Basically October last year I had the Contreceptive Impalnt put in (Nexplanon) and ever since then I have had constant bleeding. Which as you can imagine is really starting to get me down.
At the time of having the implant in the nurse did mention I could experience irreagular bleeding, (they never mentioned this could mean every single day). They also told me if had any problems to give it at least 3 months to settle in before visiting my doctor. I went to the doctors on Tuesday and have been given the contreceptive pill (Microgynon 30) to stop the bleeding. I have been taking it several days (they did tell me to give it least a week) but I have not seen any changes what so ever, I'm just getting really stressed thinking its not going to work. Also I'm getting worried the bleeding could be more serious.

Has anyone else had this problem or know someone who has.

Thanks in advance for your comments.



  • Hi Amy!

    I had that birth control after my daughter and I didn't stop bleeding for 5 months. It was horrible! I had it taken out and I went on the pill!

    Hope everything works out for you!

  • Hi Amy!

    I had that birth control after my daughter and I didn't stop bleeding for 5 months. It was horrible! I had it taken out and I went on the pill!

    Hope everything works out for you!


    Thanks Angie,

    Just getting really annoyed lol

  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    I'm on the intrauterine mirena and have had no problems. Maybe try a different one?
  • thepegasus
    thepegasus Posts: 54 Member
    a freind of mine had the same problem... she ended up having to have it removed..

    sorry hun, i feel for you :( 5days a mth is enough for me!!! bugger having everyday!! i would go back to docs, if your not happy with what he says go to a different doctor
  • Hey, I had the implant removed because it was messing with my body so much, I had it in for 9 months and didn't bleed once, obviously the nurse did mention it to me, but since I have had it out I have had perfectly regular ones!

    Go and see what your doctor suggests! xxx
  • FitSid
    FitSid Posts: 117 Member
    my friends sister had the insert thing (it's like metal, right?) and uhh, it lasted a year.... /never getting it
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    I had mirena a couple of years ago and had it removed after 6 months. I was bleeding in spouts, not everyday, but sometimes every other. Also, my boyfriend hated it because the "string" would poke him, which damaged our sex life. Not supposed to happen!!! lol I went back to my doctor and explained to him my problem and he took it out for me. I've been on regular birth control ever since.
  • tatertotfishstick
    tatertotfishstick Posts: 91 Member
    my friend had this happen with Mirena, after 6 months, she had it removed. But she was miserable for the entire 6 months. Good luck hun!
  • I had an implant... lasted about a year. did horrible things to my body and my bleeding was so irregular. Had to ask 3 times to have it out and the last time I was almost in tears as they just DID NOT want to take it out and didnt believe me about the side effects! after having it out I am so much happier and everything has returned to normal :) hope it all works out for you.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    I've got the implant. Was perfect for a year and a half, no periods, no issues, no pain and then I started vigorous exercise and just started bleeding and pretty much haven't stopped. Now it's less with the exercise and more with sex. Two ultrasounds, swabs and many dr's appointments later, my doctor finally told me the simple bit of advice 'Because the implant makes your womb lining very thin, it's like having thin skin anywhere else - it bruises easy and it cuts easy'. So there's pretty much nothing you can do... I've got to have mine out soon, terrified of that and even more terrified of having to use condoms again but that's pretty much the only thing they can do for me, other than put up with it.
    Sorry that you're having the same issues but it seems like once it starts it doesn't seem to want to stop :ohwell:
  • deffo have it removed if he's put you on the pill anyway, seems bizarre that he would do that, that's A LOT of chemicals going into your body :noway:
    very very good luck getting it sorted, must be horrid for you, lots of hugs xxx
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member
    I have the nexplanon implant... I've had it since last April and for the first 3 months (ish) I was regular, then I started getting periods every couple of weeks, so I went to the doctor and was told that it can take up to 9 months to settle down. Since the new year I've had a period for about 2 days every week. I'm going to have it taken out, which I'm annoyed about because I had the implanon implant in 2006 for 3 years and it was great... why did they have to and change something that worked perfectly fine?!

    Also, my boyfriend says that my moods have changed quite significantly since having the nexplanon... like I get snappy (whoops!) and right to the other end of the spectrum, I can get a bit weepy and down in the dumps... which is totally not me!

    I just HATE taking the pill :(
  • Smansfield1
    Smansfield1 Posts: 50 Member
    I had the mirena, bled for three months straight. Then after that I would spot for a day or two every couple of months, it was really nice not having a period. Then after nearly three years of having it, the fights kept getting worse with my husband, he kept trying to tell me I was turning into some kind of psycho***** but I thought he was crazy. Then in August, after a REALLY big fight and threatening to kill myself, I realized "hey this isn't me, something is not right" I call my Dr. and had him remove it. Now I have irregular periods but my moods are stabilized and my hubby and I are actually trying for our 4th!

    You know you body the best, if you feel something isn't right, then do something!
  • Thanks for all your advice and comments.

  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I also had an implant and had the same issues with the bleeding the op is talking about. Months in the bleeding stopped, and went to, on and off again spotting ugh! I got tired of my doctor saying just give it some more time, the bleeding will subside. So I went to Planned Parenthood and had it removed. Now I been using the depo shot and have had some spotting but nothing like the implant.. Who wants to bleed everyday, I know I sure don't want too.
  • bestiepants
    bestiepants Posts: 5 Member
    I had the implant put in nearly 3 weeks ago and I started bleeding 2 days after and hasn't stopped yet!! It's really annoying as I'm use to only having a 3 day period every 4 weeks. Really hope it stops soon