Off topic...but important to me!!!

ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

Just wanted to take a moment to let you in on something that is very near and dear to my heart.....

April is :heart: Autism Awareness month.:heart: ...and I wanted to give you some info on a wonderful documentary called Autism the musical. Its on HBO this month....if you don't have HBO you can watch it on 3/30th in its entirety here is the link

One of the reasons I'm letting you all know about this is because Autism affects my life and the lives of 1 out of every 150 childen that it touches by the diagnosis. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects a persons communication and socialization as well as well as many sensory impairments.

There is an autism spectrum in which the range of the disorder is vast. However having the diagnosis is not the end of the world by any means, even though it may feel like it at first...what it is is a beginning of a new that is very challanging for the loved one and family of the diagnosed person....but also one that can really teach you a thing or two...because people w/ autism are amazing!

well....I don't want to preach, but Lord knows I could on this subject lol...but I wanted to just let you know about the documentary and spread some awareness!!!

big hugs and thanks for listening and I hope you check out the link or the show!
Ali....who loves someone w/ all her heart & for always on the austim spectrum!:heart:


  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member

    Just wanted to take a moment to let you in on something that is very near and dear to my heart.....

    April is :heart: Autism Awareness month.:heart: ...and I wanted to give you some info on a wonderful documentary called Autism the musical. Its on HBO this month....if you don't have HBO you can watch it on 3/30th in its entirety here is the link

    One of the reasons I'm letting you all know about this is because Autism affects my life and the lives of 1 out of every 150 childen that it touches by the diagnosis. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects a persons communication and socialization as well as well as many sensory impairments.

    There is an autism spectrum in which the range of the disorder is vast. However having the diagnosis is not the end of the world by any means, even though it may feel like it at first...what it is is a beginning of a new that is very challanging for the loved one and family of the diagnosed person....but also one that can really teach you a thing or two...because people w/ autism are amazing!

    well....I don't want to preach, but Lord knows I could on this subject lol...but I wanted to just let you know about the documentary and spread some awareness!!!

    big hugs and thanks for listening and I hope you check out the link or the show!
    Ali....who loves someone w/ all her heart & for always on the austim spectrum!:heart:
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I am there!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I know my son is amazing! He's very intelligent and I am excited to see what the Lord does in his life (and ours as parents) though Autism!:bigsmile:
  • bjigglepants
    i'm also a parent of an autistic child. my oldest is autistic. she has sensory integration dysfunction and asperger's syndrome. she's 8 and was mainstreamed into her regular 2nd grade classroom this year. my husband is also an aspie w/ adult add. his mom is aspie and adhd and brother is add. there's an excellent article on asperger's syndrome at

    they've run quite a few articles, this past week, on autism.

    eta: my husband and children were all born in utah. the autism rate there is 1 in 133
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    My little brother also has autism, but you wouldn't know it. God has done so much. My brother didn't communicate at all at 3, threw tantrums, HATED being touched most of the time etc.. Now he is a 10 yr old boy who participates in sports, performs in musicals and recitals and LOVES to hold his nephew. It is amazing.

    I have had the privilege of doing ABA with several kiddos and they and their families were all amazing. God Bless all of you and your children
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My son has autism. He is 14 yrs old. It can be challenging but I would not have it any other way...:flowerforyou:
  • bjigglepants
    i agree alf. as frustrating and challenging as it is, her imagination, her artistic skills, compassion and overall zest for life constantly amazes me. she and her teachers have worked very hard to achieve her goals of being mainstreamed. we were lucky, in that her diagnosis came when she was 2 1/2 years old. we immediately got her into speech therapy and early intervention. it's been a wild and frustrating ride, but it's taught me so much about patience and compassion and made me a better mother to her and my two other kids. it's made me a better person.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Oh boy!!! wow and thanks for sharing guys!!!!

    big big hugs!

    I totally agree w/ you son has taught me so much about love, patience and man just everything and has come such a long way with therapies and school and our families love and support!

    he is amazing...just like your loved ones I'm sure...I'm so glad to have met you all!
  • kimdommerc
    Hi, I just want you to know that you inspire me! I dont know anyone with autism but I have read enough about it to know what you as a mom might go through every day.(not to mention what your son goes through) I give you tons of credit and think its great that you are trying to get healthier in part to be around longer for your son. I am inspired because you are doing it despite the challenges you face in your life and no matter how tired you must get. I dont have nearly as many challenges in my life and so you have helped me realize that I am just being lazy sometimes and feeling sorry for myself when I shouldnt. I admire people like you! All of you that face the difficulty of raising a child with autism and I think it is great that none of you feel sorry for yourself and that you have all touched on the fact that your child(ren) is wonderful, just the way they are. Not all children have parents that feel that way which is sad but true. You and your children are truly blessed to have each other!

    Thankyou for sharing with us and I'll be sure to watch the HBO special. Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • Soniabruja
    I have so much respect for those parents.....:flowerforyou:
    And I admire those kids....:flowerforyou:
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I admire all of you moms! I am a teacher and had a little boy with autism a few years ago in my regular classroom. He barely communicated with any of us. Now he says hi to me in the hallway without any prompting! It is so amazing to see the growth, it just seems slow sometimes. It is also cool to see how kind and helpful most other kids are to kids who have a challenge. That group always made sure to include him. It seems the younger they are, the more accepting they are. I wish it was that way regardless of age. Keep up the good work!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Thanks so much for all the kind words, but honestly and personally I'm just a mom lol, who absolutely loves her boy....our kids who are on the spectrum are the ones I admire!!! I have met so many wonderful parents w/ children on the spectrum (the whole range, aspergers-pdd/nos-autism etc....) and hearing about thier kids makes me smile all the time! The strides they make are amazing!
    And again personally my guy makes me love life so much more and I thank God for him every day!...he teaches me to appreciate everything in life, especially the little things because sometimes those are the most worthwhile and the most overlooked! :heart:

    well thanks again for the great response!
    big hugs!!!!

    now I have to go get my exercise in.:ohwell: ...he and I are gonna jam to some latin music, he loves the salsa and merengue...just like his momma!:wink:
    best wishes to all!:drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Merengue and salsa!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite music to listen and dance to!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you taken Zumba? But you can also blast the music at home and dance and dance and burn tons of calories!!!!!!!!!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    you know what I have hear of zumba!!! I want to try it sooo bad....but for now we have the on demand thingy and listen to the salsa/menegue station LOL....I hate when the slower ones come on....but he likes bachata too soooo lmbo....he's happy! I agree I sometimes feel more tired after a merengue dancathon than after taebo! lol
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OMG Bachata????????? Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I am from Puerto Rico so Latin music is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep on dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    My son is half Puerto Rican, my mil is from there and so its in his genes, we love going to PR! I'm Italian but I can jam like I'm PR! lol...and cook it too LOL.....awesome to meet you!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    My oldest son who is 12, is autistic. They are amazing children. Life with a child in the autism spectrum disorder is as rewarding as it is challenging. My son was diagnosed at 18 months. I have not watched the show but will. I was not aware that you could watch it online. I dont have HBO. Thanks for this post. I look forward to watching it.
    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I hope you like the video....I got my coworkers to watch today was just checking my emails and almost all sent me an email saying wow!!! great documentary and were so happy they saw it and had really no idea.......good start to autism awareness month! lol
  • bjigglepants
    Just a bump to remind everyone that today (Apr 2) is National Autism Awareness day and April is National Autism Awareness Month!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Thank you!!! That's right!!!:heart:

    hugs and please spread the awareness!!!:heart:

    mom to a super sweet, super silly, and super active 7 year old who was also diagnosed w/ PDD/NOS at 29 mths!:heart: