Well, Hello...!

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this and I have been using a Fitbit for about 2 weeks or so.....
I've got MUCHO weight to lose, and I'm about to freak the hell out because as I have been also training for my first 1/2 Marathon in March, I've done nothing but GAIN WEIGHT while I've been trying to get into shape! GAIN! So frustrating.
People keep saying that I'm probably gaining muscle....but 6-7 lbs of muscle????!!

Anyway, it is so refreshing to get on here in the mornings as I drink my morning water/coffee and see that I'm not alone out here!
Looking forward to learning some on here...and I'm sure I'll need support as well.



  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member

    It drives you mad when you don't lose the weight and everyone will tell you a different reason as to why your not but I hope MFP helps you, it certainly has me. I do recommend taking your measurments though, one week I hadn't lost any weight but had lost 7 1/2 inches from my body.

    Feel free to add me!
  • mmachen
    just keep up the good work, im new too and its hard for me to keep track of everything i eat and get on the internet all the time but i am really trying and thats what counts!(:
    feel free to add me!(:
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    What workouts are you doing? When I first started working out I started on Insanity late last fall. My starting weight was 155 pounds. In Jan I joined mfp and lost 10 more pounds. So far I have lost a total of 35 pounds. Now I am doing the Shred and can't wait to see what that does. About a month in on Insanity I gained two pounds here and then a pound there. I was really getting upset about it. Turned out it was muscle. Once I got more and more into shape the weight started to drop more on the scale. So I feel you're pain:( Just don't pay that close attention the scale. It can be your worst enemy! If it were not for me taking measurements and my clothes starting to become lose, I would have not known I was actually dropping inches because of the scale. Any body reading this can add me. I do have my before pics and my now pics on my profile. I'm very short and still have some weight loss to go. Now it just seems like it has been getting slower the closer I get to my goal weight "that figures"!

    Good Luck!