Breakfast help

Does anyone have any suggestions of low calorie and filling things I can have for breakfast? I've been eating a bowl of cereal and it seems like an hour or so later, I'm really hungry. I know you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but not every hour.


  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
    I eat raisin bran type cereal & add extra raisins with a side of applesauce (no sugar addes for less cals)..

    And I also love oatmeal with maybe a boiled egg (i eat the whole egg, some just eat whites.. but I don't eat eggs that often) and the applesauce.

    When I do the latter of the two meals, I stay full for hours.
  • CMuzzy
    CMuzzy Posts: 15 Member
    What cereal? More fiber first thing in the morning, more full you'll feel.
  • j_emerson
    What cereal? More fiber first thing in the morning, more full you'll feel.

    Honey Nut Cheerios
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    Oatmeal is more filling that cereal IMO and keeps me full longer. I've been eating half a cup (dry measure) of oatmeal, 2 hard boiled egg whites and a banana for breakfast. 271 calories and its pretty filling.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    What cereal? More fiber first thing in the morning, more full you'll feel.

    I love to eat Fiber One. It's pricey but with coupons it's not too bad. I stay full from 5:30 am to about 9:00 am.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I eat my green monster.

    4 oz plain greek yogurt
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    2 cups baby spinach leaves
    6-7 cubes of ice

    Blended into a smoothie. Makes 2 servings at 170 cals each. Me and my fiancee drink it every morning. I drank mine 2 1/2 hours ago then went on a 25 minute trail run and I am still satisfied.
  • Emily_Katherine
    A tasty and filling breakfast I like is:
    Whole Wheat weight watchers bagel + Wedge of laughing cow cheese + a little (low sugar) jam, and a banana or apple.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Does anyone have any suggestions of low calorie and filling things I can have for breakfast? I've been eating a bowl of cereal and it seems like an hour or so later, I'm really hungry. I know you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but not every hour

    First, I find oatmeal to be quite filling, and the calorie content is approximate to a bowl of cereal so this might be one substitution you could make without much change to your calorie intake.

    Regarding the part that I bolded: You don't need to worry, at all, about the frequency at which you eat unless it causes you to feel better or make different choices. Some people actually prefer eating less frequently (when I'm cutting I prefer eating only a couple of huge meals).

    People were (some still are) under the assumption that frequent eating boosts your metabolism. It doesn't, at all. I'm mentioning this to encourage you to just focus on your total daily needs for calories and macronutrients -- you may find this quite freeing and less restrictive.
  • AndiPandi687
    I eat my green monster.

    4 oz plain greek yogurt
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    2 cups baby spinach leaves
    6-7 cubes of ice

    Blended into a smoothie. Makes 2 servings at 170 cals each. Me and my fiancee drink it every morning. I drank mine 2 1/2 hours ago then went on a 25 minute trail run and I am still satisfied.

    YUM! now i really wish i had yogurt for a smoothie!
  • j_emerson
    Does anyone have any suggestions of low calorie and filling things I can have for breakfast? I've been eating a bowl of cereal and it seems like an hour or so later, I'm really hungry. I know you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but not every hour

    First, I find oatmeal to be quite filling, and the calorie content is approximate to a bowl of cereal so this might be one substitution you could make without much change to your calorie intake.

    Regarding the part that I bolded: You don't need to worry, at all, about the frequency at which you eat unless it causes you to feel better or make different choices. Some people actually prefer eating less frequently (when I'm cutting I prefer eating only a couple of huge meals).

    People were (some still are) under the assumption that frequent eating boosts your metabolism. It doesn't, at all. I'm mentioning this to encourage you to just focus on your total daily needs for calories and macronutrients -- you may find this quite freeing and less restrictive.

    Thanks for the info! I was one of the ones under the impression that eating more frequently was beneficial in weight loss.
  • j_emerson
    Thanks for all the tips. It seems like fiber, with a little bit of protein is the way to go to keep me satisfied longer.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Thanks for the info! I was one of the ones under the impression that eating more frequently was beneficial in weight loss.

    If it makes you feel better, or makes you full most of the time so it then causes you to eat less, then it will be beneficial. But, these are personal preference reasons and not metabolic, and that's a very key difference.

    You can literally eat all your calories in 1 big-*kitten* meal every day and provided that it doesn't cause you to cheat and then go over your calories, you'll lose weight just fine. You really should experiment to some degree with this as you might find that larger meals spaced further apart actually keep you more satisfied since during the feed times you're getting a more appreciable amount of food.

    EDIT: Also, ghrelin is one major hunger signaling hormone and I recall reading that it adapts somewhat to behaviors. This is one reason why things like intermittent fasting can be so awesome for some people. You adjust to the not-eating part of the program and the hunger signals go away or at least diminish.
  • chirpskb
    chirpskb Posts: 7 Member
    I have a fruit smoothie
    1 tray of ice
    1/2 a bananna
    1/2 a cup of berries (frozen or not)
    1/2 cup of natural yoghurt
    1 and a half scoops of whey powder

    I find the yoghurt with the half a bananna and they whey powder keep me going for a while,....
    or you could buly it up with phsyllium husks or something similar
  • SteppyRohr
    SteppyRohr Posts: 37 Member
    I eat my green monster.

    4 oz plain greek yogurt
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    2 cups baby spinach leaves
    6-7 cubes of ice

    Blended into a smoothie. Makes 2 servings at 170 cals each. Me and my fiancee drink it every morning. I drank mine 2 1/2 hours ago then went on a 25 minute trail run and I am still satisfied.

  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Does anyone have any suggestions of low calorie and filling things I can have for breakfast? I've been eating a bowl of cereal and it seems like an hour or so later, I'm really hungry. I know you are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours, but not every hour

    First, I find oatmeal to be quite filling, and the calorie content is approximate to a bowl of cereal so this might be one substitution you could make without much change to your calorie intake.

    Regarding the part that I bolded: You don't need to worry, at all, about the frequency at which you eat unless it causes you to feel better or make different choices. Some people actually prefer eating less frequently (when I'm cutting I prefer eating only a couple of huge meals).

    People were (some still are) under the assumption that frequent eating boosts your metabolism. It doesn't, at all. I'm mentioning this to encourage you to just focus on your total daily needs for calories and macronutrients -- you may find this quite freeing and less restrictive.

    I generally like to have a small but nutritional breakfast, an economized lunch and then most of my calories for dinner and post dinner snacking. I know I crave at night so want to budget for that. By bedtime I try to meet all my goals but it's back loaded.

    I've been concerned this isn't a good approach. From what you're saying it's OK?
  • SteppyRohr
    SteppyRohr Posts: 37 Member
    I eat my green monster.

    4 oz plain greek yogurt
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    1 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    2 cups baby spinach leaves
    6-7 cubes of ice

    Blended into a smoothie. Makes 2 servings at 170 cals each. Me and my fiancee drink it every morning. I drank mine 2 1/2 hours ago then went on a 25 minute trail run and I am still satisfied.

    This sounds good, think I will give this one a try. Thanks!
  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    I eat a yogurt Parfait for breakfast.

    1 cup light and fit vanilla yogurt
    1/4 cup frozen fruits
    1 tbsp. high fiber cereal

    This has replaced my favorite desserts as well. Almost like eating ice cream.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I generally like to have a small but nutritional breakfast, an economized lunch and then most of my calories for dinner and post dinner snacking. I know I crave at night so want to budget for that. By bedtime I try to meet all my goals but it's back loaded.

    I've been concerned this isn't a good approach. From what you're saying it's OK?

    Absolutely, provided your total intake is appropriate.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    A fruit salad? My favourite fruits are pineapple and peaches, add in a small pot of yoghurt if it's to your taste.
    Weetabix topped with a chopped up banana.
    Two slices of brown/wholemeal toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter/nutella. Peanut butter is high in fat, but they're good fats. Nutella is meant to be more nutritious than other chocolate spreads.
