fast food

i never realized how many calories are in so many fast foods. Any suggestions as to what to order and still not blow the whole day.?We do go to more sit down restraunts than like mc donalds. Ive had no mc donalds for 6 weeks now. I dont miss it but sometimes we are out and need to eat. I try making better choices but then come home and log them and wow am i suprised. cant it be done and still lose weight?


  • BecksFit88
    Best solution- Just stop eating out. My husband and I only go out for birthdays, anniversaries, and a date night every few months.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I still occasionally eat out if I am in a rush. What I do is look up some foods I might want to eat. Every fast food menu has something you can work into your daily calories.

    So, if for some reason, I eat at McD's, I usually choose a Happy Meal.

    Taco Bell, I might select something from the fresco menu, along with a side of pintos and cheese.

    And, at Panera, I buy a "Pick 2" which means 1/2 a sandwich and a serving of soup.

    I bought a book called the 400 Calorie Fix which shows you how to make choices so you have 400 calorie meals. There's a whole section on eating out.

    Or another useful resource is "Eat This, Not That." It shows some typical choices people make and then lower calorie, lower fat substitutions. And, I think there's an eating out section.

    FInally, a lot of restaurants have on their menus a Heart Healthy set of options. I know you can find them at IHOP for example.

    So I think it takes a little planning. One major thing you can do is drink water or even lemonade instead of soda. Diet soda can also sabotage your nutrition because it gives false cues regarding your hunger.

    Good luck and you can do it!
  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    thanks i am drinking water now instead of soda ill check them out.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Burger king has a veggie burger
    Hardees has a turkey burger

    Getting any burger with out cheese saves a crap load of fat and calories. All of them offer a side salad instead of fries.

    Taco bell will sub any of that meat product with beans, there again, eating with out the cheese will save a bunch of fat and calories. Getting the bowls instead of a taco shell or burrito wrap at any mexican type of place saves hundreds of calories.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do you have a Pita Pit in your area? The veggie, hummus or baba ganoush pitas are 350 calories or less with no cheese or mayo, and they are big and filling.

    Wendy's chili is another pretty good option.
  • Candlelight1990
    I feel your pain. I work in a McDonald's and it's so hard to turn down the free food on my break but I've started to bring in lunch now cos it's scary how much the little things add up to!
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    At McDonalds I like getting the snack wraps with grilled (!) chicken if I really just want a small snack. has a good app too which has the calories for most items at a ton of fast food restaurants.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    I usually will go to Subway and either grab a turkey on wheat, no cheese, with mustard and all veggies, or a salad with fat free dressing.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    try any sandwich without the bun.....Lots of fast food restaurants have bowls to put them in.. Then it is like a burger salad. Wendy's has a Cheesburger deluxe that comes with more condiments and is really good....Some even give you the condiments on the side...