Defecit Calories

Ok .....So I've been reading lots of posts on eating your exercise calories and so on. But i have read that you have to be 3500 in deficit to lose a pound is this deficit based on what a woman is recommended to eat a day aka...1940 or deficit as in the 1200 your recommended and exercise calories....

Sorry i'm not sure if this is clear


  • Self bump
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    The 3500 calorie a week deficit (500 a day) to lose a pound a week is based on the total calories you burn in 24 hours (TDEE). That includes your bmr, daily living calories which includes what you burn during work or school or taking care of the home/kiids, and any extra exercise.

    And I know you didn't ask but MFP already puts you in a deficit which is why it's ok to eat your exercise calories back. :smile:
  • so hard eating them but i feel like 1200 just isn't enough some days! thanks for the help!! :D