Desk Jobs suck :)



  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    desk job here, computer screen my best friend for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Luckly MFP isn't blocked because I'm able to come here and play in between working... oops gotta get back to work :grumble:
  • Tosha_Lynn
    I have the same commute time as you !!! i live two counties away from my job! lol
    I'm in the same boat as most of you.. i drive an hour to work everyday to sit behind a desk and do almost nothing. it pays the bills for right now and my boss is great, but i am literally here by myself most of the time so no one to even talk to! I actually started my own business recently and my goal is to be in a place where i can quit this desk job and work that full time! I love MY business - i mean, who doesn't love skincare!!!! I recently became a recruiter for Rodan + Fields Dermatologists, the creators of Proactiv Solutions, their new company. It has actually helped with my boredom at my desk job as well - since i am able to work on that while I'm here too. I truly feel that its the only thing that will help me get out from behind this desk and enjoying my life!! I encourage you all to follow your dreams, use your position right now if you are not satisfied as a bridge to something greater! I basically changed my mindset a few months ago and its really helped! This desk job is just right now, Rodan + Fields is my future! I'll post my website if any of you would like to check it out. I'm not posting on here only for my business, I can totally relate to the majority of you and wanted to share what my way is to help the situation... and who knows! you guys may love what you see too! my website is
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Luckily the loo is upstairs & I try to drink plenty of water............:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I try to walk at lunchtime, weather permitting.........

    And the MFP window is permanently open (but hidden........) :heart:

    Sue :smile: x
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    That is what MFP is for!!

    This :D
  • Buca412
    Buca412 Posts: 367 Member
    I work behind a desk all day long & everytime I come into work I dread the day because I know I'm gonna sit at my desk and be glued to the computer screen for 8 hours! I feel like a slug all the time.. I seriously watch the clock for the first 4 hours because I go to the gym on my lunch break its my escape from reality.

    Does anyone else go throught this?

    That's exactly what my days are like. It's dreadful.
  • roslynds9
    roslynds9 Posts: 139 Member
    I feel exactly the same. I work in an office and I spend most of the afternoon itching to get up out of my seat and do some exercise. My colleague and I walk at lunch time but can only do 15 mins in the time we have. Still better than nothing! :)
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    Cubicle Jockey's

    Eat those Veggies, Drink that WATER, Move YOUR body!
  • Tosha_Lynn
    I work behind a desk all day long & everytime I come into work I dread the day because I know I'm gonna sit at my desk and be glued to the computer screen for 8 hours! I feel like a slug all the time.. I seriously watch the clock for the first 4 hours because I go to the gym on my lunch break its my escape from reality.

    Does anyone else go throught this?

    That's exactly what my days are like. It's dreadful.

    I'm so glad to know i am not alone!!!!!
  • RedKH
    RedKH Posts: 58

    I'm also in a desk job.
    I SIT for an hour on the bus, walk 5 minutes to work and SIT down most of the day, then I SIT for another hour on the bus home.
    I sometimes crave the days I used to work for Virgin Megastore and was up on my feet all day running around and having the occasional dance in the stockroom to the store radio station....I was shattered at home time but I also was a UK size 10 and feeling pretty healthy!

    Now I work for my city council in a sleepy, stuffy office and I swear I can feel my *kitten* growing!!!!

    Bahhh.....rant over...
  • agibson0430
    agibson0430 Posts: 27 Member
    Yep, desk job. Tax Accountant.... Bored because the stuff (1099's, Schedule K-1's) for me to do my job hasn't arrived yet. When it does, my life will be over. Right now I too watch the clock till lunch, hit the work's gym, then watch the clock till 5..... I feel so unproductive, but I'm on my 4th big glass of water already. :-)

    Haha!! Yep...this is how my day goes as a tax accountant too - waiting on my info to complete 990s. Once I get the info, I hope I still find time to do gym.
  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    Though my title is Teacher, I am pretty much a babysitter/referee behind a desk. In a juvenile center where I work, my main goal is to make sure the kids get thru the hour without a fight breaking out. If I can get them to work on the worksheets quietly then I know I am doing good. This is the first time in my life I have had one job that paid all the bills and then some.

    Now, do I feel like I have a greater purpose than sitting here? YES! What is it? I DO NOT KNOW! But I can not complain about where my life is right now. Life is great!

    Also, MFP helps me get thru the day faster.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I don't have to sit at the desk all the time, but the majority of the time I do. I no longer have a chair. I sit on a stability ball (or stand when possible). I've made a second work station at my lateral filing cabinet where I can do non computer or if I can get my hand on one of the laptops. I wish I could put in a treadmill desk. I found a site that says you can build one pretty cheap, maybe I'll loo into it!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Yes yes yes yes yes!

    I work at a recording studio and I'm either glued to my desk or glued to the phone sitting at my desk! It's a lose lose ): 9:00 to 5:30 Monday through Friday. I meet cool people but most of the time, I'm itching for something productive to do!

    Normally I would have class and do my assignments at work but this semester, the one class I needed for my nursing degree wasn't available. The time slots interfered with my work schedule and the ones that didn't were already full.

    My hubby says he hates it when I don't have class because I honestly become the most anxious person on the planet! It's horrible. The other day I broke down over a freaking salad! And it was because I had had such a crap day dealing with morons that once I got out, all I wanted was to interact with someone somewhat intelligent and I managed to get shafted! Sigh lol [/rant] Sorry!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I don't know what your office is like, but if you have the ability to do so, I recommend a mini- elliptical for your desk... i have one and it helps when i'm glued to the phones.... It's fairly would need the ability to be able to have space to stand and a way to lift your keyboard and mouse ( i use a box, with a board over it! ;).... otherwise there are standing/sitting desk station you can get so at least you could stand and do your work? :)
  • Miranda_the_Phoenix
    I'm in the same boat. Lunch break on the elliptical machine and typing to my MFP buddies does seem to make the difference though!
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    As for a workstation that you can stand up at while working and order a tall chair for when your knees need a break.
  • RDalton84
    I also have a desk job where I pretty much sit 8 hours a day and answer the phones. Some days it's busy and most days it's not and I just sit here and wait for the phone to ring lol somedays I feel like I am getting paid to surf the internet. The frustrating thing is that some of the girls I work with ARE very busy and have a lot to do and I try to help them as much as I can but many things they have to do I don't have access too so I feel like sometimes they look at me liek I am lazy because I don't have any work to do :( but like everyone else, the hours are good for my family, pay is good, benefits are good, lots of paid time off and right now I am going to school for free because I work for a college and I am going for my teaching degree, so I just keep telling myself it's only temporary! :)
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm at my desk 10 hours a day and probably spend about 9 of that wishing for something to do. I only have work to do when the equipment breaks down. I have requested an ipad so I can do my job while walking the production floor and since my company is supporting the scale back alabama campaign maybe they will get me one. hoping anyway :yawn: