how do you get motivated when you're exhausted or depressed?

Hi I'm still kinda new here.
Not new to exercise or diets! LOL
My biggest problem is i've battled post partum depression and come out of it with some medication but now after our last daughter was born I didn't want to go on anti depressants. The one time i took them for 3-4 months it masked all of my emotions.
So anyway i was getting through it on my own and doing okay for emotions and my weight and then my father passed away.
How do you get motivated when you're exhausted physically and emotionally. I get through the day to day stuff but when it's time for me to go to the gym especially ( that time of the month) it's almost impossible.
Looking for partners with similar problems or just any advice, so feel free to add me.


  • Hi, first of all I'm really sorry that you're going through all of this.

    Have you tried working out in the morning? I know how hard it is to spend an entire day doing stuff and then have to come home and still have the energy to workout...that's almost setting yourself up for failure. If you try to get in a little workout in the morning, it might lift your mood up for the rest of the day. If you can't go to the gym that early, maybe try getting a short exercise video?
  • myoldselfback
    myoldselfback Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you. You're right I have been a few times in the morning and it's better to fit it in then rather than at the end of the day.
    I'll try and make it a goal to get there to start my day.

    The biggest hurdle is when you don't get much sleep you're exhausted after you get everyone breakfast and off and running, take care of the dogs and feeding the horses I feel like a nap already!
    Maybe I need to start drinking coffee !
  • Lululucyloo
    Sorry things are so tough for you :frown:

    I struggle with depression, have 2 children, work as a nanny and go to university full time so understand how hard it can be to get motivated. I would like to sit on the couch all day to be honest.
    I bought the kids wii for Christmas and the funny thing is not only do I exercise because it is fun but the kids are doing it too so we are spending heaps of time together laughing and playing.
    Funny the things that can bring you closer to your children.
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    It's never easy, and for me I eat when I'm depressed which only made things worse in the long run. I hope things start to improve for you.

    It's different for everyone, the way you get motivated to get back up and going. For me, the first time I'm usually dragging myself to the gym, and dreading going the entire time, but as soon as I start I immediately start feeling better. Working out for me is my stress reliever. My gym time is the only time I have to myself, and I'm even bringing my toddler to the gym with me but he's in the childcare area (which is also awesome, because he loves going there and playing with the other kids and employees!).

    It's hard to say what your motivating factor is. I hope things start looking up for you, dear.

    The best of luck to you.
  • brosb123
    Hi I'm new here too....

    I have dealt with depression all my adult life..... it is hard to deal with at times..

    I just want to tell you what I do.... I ask myself every day what I am going to do to make myself stronger and healthier. Sometimes the answer is going to the grocery store to get fruits and vegs to prepare healthy meals... other times it is to ask a buddy to meet me at the gym. Along the lines of the gym. I have met many people there and have asked some of them who are there consistently (usually staff) to check up on me if they don't see me.

    I pray that checking in here will also help keep my motivation up. and I hope that helps for yourself also.

    To answer your question... I suggest baby steps.... you mentioned taking care of the animals.... maybe going for a short walk 15 minutes or so is all that you can handle on your blue days... If you look at a child grow from an infant... they never get up and run a marathon... they crawl, then get on their feet and wobble around a bit.... then they start to run..... they take small steps and we are proud to watch each and every one of those steps...... Rejoice in your small steps.... .. just like a baby your are new to this...

  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Getting to the gym is the hardest part. Myabe start with some DVD's at home. Bob Harper & Julliane Michales both have some I like. (Bob Harper 30 Minute Kettelbell workout / JM 30 day shred) What I have to tell myself is that I am going to give it 5 minutes; If I'm not up to it I'll quit. I have yet to quit even once.
  • myoldselfback
    myoldselfback Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone for your great advice I will try all of it
  • KathieSwenson
    We all know how you feel. It's the hardest thing when I'm sitting at home exhausted and I know that at 6:365 I must be at the center to work out and train. I normally tell muself how dedicated to looking good ate you. My answer is normally always enough to get my butt off this couch and go. It's hard! I'll be the first to tell you but exercise cress endorphins and endorphins make people happy to put it simple so if your feeling down tell yourself it will make you feel much better. Use it as a medication , a good, healthy, over the counter med that you can take as much of as you want. That's what I do to motivate myself to go. I won rather take exercising every day and not take antidepressants. Friend me if you would like.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    This is a hard one! It's hard to find motiviaton. I normally use weigh in day as motivation. I always weigh on fridays, so sunday through thursday i just try to think about a better weigh in if i work out. I also try to remind myself how good i always feel after working out. Even if you can just put your kids in the stroller and go for a 15 min walk a few times a day it will drastically help i think. I have also read studies that say even walking can give you the endorphines that a good workout does.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I'm so sorry about your dad ... I lost my dad in May 2010. It was actually his death that motivated me to lose weight. He had pancreatic cancer due to uncontrolled diabetes and taking care of him at home was incredibly difficult because he was a big man (not fat but 6'3). He is my inspiration to get the weight off and get healthy so that I can be around for my family. I was a single mom and now my kids are grown but hopefully I will have grandchildren to play with in the future.

    Find activities that you enjoy ... I go to Curves five days a week and hula hoop six or seven days a week. I LOVE both...Curves is fun and hula hooping is meditative for me. Exercising will give you more energy and it helps with depression.

    Gather up supportive people in your life. Either here or in person. Find a workout buddy - you will be less likely to cancel if someone is waiting on you.

    You can do this -- it is important for you to take care of yourself. Please feel free to add me for support.