A tragic murder that has rocked the running world

A girlfriend of mine that I run with asked me to take a look at a blog that she follows. I did, and cannot stop thinking about it. Please go to her blog and take a look. Her cousin Sherry Arnold went out for a run last month and never came home. She was a teacher, wife, mother, cousin . . . the list goes on and on. We as runners often like to get our runs in at odd times. I know I do 5am sometimes, and have done as late at 9pm. Both of those times are in the dark. This story has scared me more than I like to admit. I do go with a group of women, but still we are not as safe as we would like to think. Please be careful out there. Sherry lost her life. Her children lost their mother. This makes me both angry and very uneasy. Life is so precious.

My reason for posting this is that this woman's cousin is asking for runners everywhere to run in remembrance of her this Saturday, Feb. 11th. It's free, and you can print off a bib with her picture on it from the blog site. She's not asking for anything other than we as fellow runners to run and think about her, and our own running journey. It's not an organized event other than in her home town. Just go out and run. So, if you are going out for a run on Saturday or Sunday anyway, why not print off the bib and remember this woman who shared the joy of running with us? Her death has made me think twice about my safety when I run, and for that I will be forever grateful.

The blog site is www.shutupandrun.net


  • dcain2
    dcain2 Posts: 102 Member
    Very sad! :cry:

    I am running on Saturday and I will be doing so remembering Sherry. Thanks for posting!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    That is so sad! I am also running Saturday and I will do so in remembrance of Sherry.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I'd read this blog a couple of times and I'm shocked this has happen. Like you, it's made me think more about when and where I run.

    I shall be out Saturday and will attempt to print a bib off.
  • T0M0
    T0M0 Posts: 250 Member
    I am planning a long run Saturday. I'll be thinking about what i have just read along my route.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    What a tragic story. Everyone be safe out there!
  • cloeyfish
    cloeyfish Posts: 25 Member
    I live about 80 miles away and this has rocked eastern MT and western ND. Please be safe out on your runs, I no longer will run early morning or late at night, the house treadmill is the only place I am running for now. I am to afraid to go out by myself. Be safe ladies and be smart.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I live in eastern MT too (only 50 miles from Sidney) and I have thought of Sherry each time I have gone out for my runs. I will honor her memory on Saturday when I "shut up & run" again!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Today is Saturday, 7 degrees here in eastern Montana but I got out and ran 4 for Sherry!! The Lord knows best and I am giving this situtation to him! May he have opened his arms to Sherry and deal will the evil that harmed her!!
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    guns aren't that heavy, i wonder what happened, and what could have been done to prevent it.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    guns aren't that heavy, i wonder what happened, and what could have been done to prevent it.
    God help the fool who tries to make a victim out of me. Folks, learn to protect yourselves.

    It's a cruel world at times.
  • 2hungariangirls
    The world can be such a cruel place. I also had a friend that was kidnapped while running, driven around in the trunk while they figured out what to do with her, raped, and murdered. She was 5 months pregnant with her first child.:mad: Please be safe out there!
  • Vmcd
    Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks to everyone who took time out to remember Sherry and her family this weekend. I just finished a 5 miler, and prayed for peace for her family, and justice for the precious life that was ended too soon. I am a slow runner, but in this case it gave me an entire hour to reflect on this woman that I have never met and what her family is enduring. I felt her with me in my run. May she be a reminder to all of the runners out there . . . Be careful and be aware!