Green Team Week 6

MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hi greenies:bigsmile:
Im starting this to maybe help get some stress off Jaque, you know she is going through a lot at home. So lets start this new thread and keep her and her loved ones in our hearts and prayers:bigsmile:
SO week 6!!! yeah!!
Went to wendy's lastnight because my kids were dying for food that was not made by me (or atleast food that came with a toy):laugh: But I ordered a blt salad (lots of sodium, but still safer then other items!:bigsmile: and i couldn't eat it all!!!!:bigsmile: that is amazing)
lost 3 pounds this week (as seen on the ticker) and 12.5 INCHES!!!!! WOW:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Heck yes!!!
went and tryed on some clothes at teh store lastngiht and am still a little discouraged from teh summer crap clothes!:bigsmile:
How did everyone Else do? i hope you all did well!!!
and if you didn't :drinker: heres to a new week!
let it roll off you sholders like a drop of water on a duck's back:heart:


  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    woot woot TGIF!!

    down 1.2 this week. ready to break the 70's, AGAIN!! got in 2.25 miles of 'wog' yesterday....and eating was good, but not so good today already..:grumble:

    missvvc ~ YEEEE HAWWWW! 3 lbs gone! happy for ya girl! that is great! keep on keepin', it's workin for you!! 12.5 inches smaller!! YIIIPPPY SKIIIPPYYYYYYYYYY!! :happy: tonin' the bod!! way to go on the fast food choices! that is powerful!! little by little we learn and succeed!

    hope everyone else is doing good and ready for a sizzlin hot summer weekend! :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    So I totally let it slip my mind that Fridays are a new week for here and I didnt weigh in or anything. oh, well will do that tomorrow morning. My friday is going okay. The day is a bit slow....but oh well.
    Congrats on such a great weight loss MissV VC!! That is soooo great. I doubt I did so well....What can I do to re motivate myself to go back to the gym. I know I have to get the the shoe lady and find out the proper shoes so I can help fix my knee. I have the worst pain even after a few mins on the treadmill and I think that is my problem. If I cant do my cardio I dont like going. I dont mind weights but running really is a stress reliever. I might need to get there Monday (shes not there on weekends)....but definately need to do some sort of workout in the meantime. I didnt hit my weight loss goal in the time I allowed myself but I am not beating myself up about it. Just pushing forward and hope to see some progress very soon.
    I hope everyone has a great weekend....and give all the love to your daddys and husbands if they are fathers. Have a good one!!
  • squib
    squib Posts: 34
    Hey, can still join your group? the group that I was in before has become silent (like complete mute :grumble: ) :wink:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Now worries kit you have a wonderful additude!:happy: maybe try not going on the treadmill, i know it hurts my keen sometimes as well, maybe go on the elliptical or do something in the water (lo-impact?) maybe do some light yoga (20 mins) before bedtime! that works wonders!
    :heart: thank you so all your support Greenies!
    U rock!:bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey, can still join your group? the group that I was in before has become silent (like complete mute :grumble: ) :wink:

    our group is always open to newbies!!! WELCOME!!!:flowerforyou:

    miss kelly you up to make the challenge this week? if not anyone else can do it?
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey everyone....weekend is here!! hope you all have a good one and a nice fathers day to all the hubbies, father's and role model daddies.....what would we do w/out our men? :wink:

    WELCOME to green team squib...glad to have you along on our journey.....visit when you can, and wishing you much success! we are here for you!!

    kitn ~ i know what you mean about the treadmill. actually, i think the treadmill is a harder workout than on my own outdoor walk/jog. for some reason on the blacktop or rock roads is easier physically for me, and i can go faster and farther. i also think that joggin and running is hard on our knees, no matter where done, and joints overall. i know if i dont keep at it, i am sore and achy the next day. but i do get better results with jogging. hope you can get your shoes soon. i would just do some power walking until then, something aerobic. hey, enjoy the anniversary sunday!! :heart:

    well i have a couple of things for the challenge this week...... 1) NO chips 2) tricep exercises. i must have 5 bags of chips in tne house now, and chips are my downfall. and the flabby, flappin arms...just do something every other day thru next friday. if you guys want something else, just put it out there.....i am fine with whatever!! ok, so no salty, crunchy snackin and get firmin' your wings! :bigsmile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all, sorry its a little crazy here, well I will weight in later this morning after I wake up. My sister is doing better. My one aunt passed away and the finale arrangements are done. My aunt that in the hospital is doing better. Once they get her hemoglobin up they will be able to do surgery, hopefully next week. My aunt Susan is still with us , but they removed all support and comfort measures only, so it a waiting game, well I have not anything other then eat and sleep.
    Kellya great idea chips are my weakness so it a good challoenge for me
    Suib Welcome.
    Everyone else thanks for your prayers, we feel the calmness so Thanks
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am up 2 pounds :sad: Went and had my hypnotic gastric bypass today. Which was a major hypnosis to make me eat alot less....1200 cals a day but no snacks. alot of water and serving sizes are no more then 2 oz of food, as much liquid as I I can smoothie if I want.......
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey all, sorry its a little crazy here, well I will weight in later this morning after I wake up. My sister is doing better. My one aunt passed away and the finale arrangements are done. My aunt that in the hospital is doing better. Once they get her hemoglobin up they will be able to do surgery, hopefully next week. My aunt Susan is still with us , but they removed all support and comfort measures only, so it a waiting game, well I have not anything other then eat and sleep.
    Kellya great idea chips are my weakness so it a good challoenge for me
    Suib Welcome.
    Everyone else thanks for your prayers, we feel the calmness so Thanks

    Jacque`~~I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time......prayin' for ya....
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Headed out the door up 2 pounds, but I was expecting more, Well I'll talk to ya later. Thanks again everyone for the prayers, It helps knowing my green family is supporting me. God bless
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    happy saturday GT ~

    jacque ~ so sorry to hear about your loss.....and what a tough time for you with all that is going on. glad your sis is improving.... just take a break if you have to...your family needs you and you need to be strong.... get some rest and some deep breathing...... take care of YOU hon and don't worry about the scale, we are here if you need to vent .......** hugs ** :heart:

    sassie ~ how ya doin girl? never heard of the hypnotic gastric bypass. that sounds almost cruel...are you ok? calories sound right...but you can only eat at mealtime and NO snacks? is it high protein and healthy fats? share if you can.....i am interested. smoothies are yummy anytime! :tongue:

    gonna head outside now and fertilize my flowers, pull some weeds, trim the lawn and then mow. lots of straight line wind damage yesterday...90mph winds. we're ok, but 3 miles east of here trees are flattened. dh is helping 2 diff farmers clear the devastation. SUMMER STARTS 2morrow!! :glasses:

    have a great day buddies......
    1. plan and be mindful of your eating
    2. get in a good workout (** work the tricep flab **) OR enjoy your day of rest!
    3. 8+ water
    4. NO CHIPS :bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Kelly- that is a wonderful challenge! my chicken wings flap in the wind:laugh: :laugh:
    and I am not a chip person, but anything crunch is mine!!!:bigsmile: :blushing:
    That wind sounds crazy i hope everyone is ok .
    Jaque- Im so sorry about your aunt that is an awful thing to go through. the improvement of you sister and your other aunt is great. Take some time, and don't worry about the devil scale, don't even look at him ( All scales are male because they lie:bigsmile: :devil: )
    We:heart: yuo and you know we are here if you need to vent!
    SassieFrassssss-You did what? with who? when? how? Im lost sweets explain it in slow for me:bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: :heart:
    Well we got invited to a friends house lastnight and there was pizza. But I only had a piece, and then my stomach was so :explode: :mad: :mad: I had bloated stuck belly gass junk all night that gave me sharp pains!!! :grumble: Thats what I get! Never again
    Well greenies, i hope taht you have a wonderful saturday and that you have the will power and strenth of a tiger!:bigsmile: arwwwwww!!!
    :heart: vita
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Well, I survived babysitting my nephews. They are full of energy, and I kept up. That is new for me. About killed myself playing tetherball with them (in a good way). Did have pizza for dinner, but tried to eat it slowly and enjoy every bite. Otherwise, I did very well food wise.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hope everyone have a good fathers day, headed to lunch with dad
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ha ha ha i guess I confused some.

    I went and got hypnotised on Friday. The hypnosis is called the Hypnotic Gastric Bypass. It basically is telling your brain that you cannot eat more then a certain amount or u get sick. The portions are 2 oz each. So, 2 oz ding bean.....2oz meat....2 oz rice whatever I eat it has to be in 20z oe 1/4 cup increments and high in protein / lean meats. 3 times day unless I workout. I can have as much liquids as I want, so if I want a smoothie, or protein shake or juice or whatever I can as long as it's in my cals.

    I did it yesterday and seemed alright, had a smoothie when I had that sweet craving and kept it within my cals.

    Will let ya all know. Oh and I weighed yesterday at 232....I am 230 today, so I am fluctuating crazy right now.

    and on another note. The new wedding dress came in in the correct size.....a bit snug to get zipped, but that is not the worst back fat is bothering me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dress goes really low in the back...I am taking it with me to my grandma's and gonna see if she can take it from halter to over the shoulder straps....I think that will help to bring the back up for me.....

    Anyone with any ideas on getting rid of the back fat let me know. I know target workouts don't work, but if I could get something done here. I have 1 month!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Monday morning GT!! Let's all have a healthy week and really try hard at our wt loss goals....WE CAN DO IT!

    had gatherings at my parents and inlaws yesterday, and over ate x2! at least i didn't feel sick tho, like last week one day. :frown: leftovers were sent home and we already had some of our own, so our frig is packed.....looks like i won't be cooking for the guys for a couple of days! :bigsmile: this will help me stay on track too. also, am hoping my cycle ends soon here....had a horrible weekend with it and 3 accidents. i know it is diff for everyone, but how long does pre/perimenopause last? i am going on 4-5 yrs of this and the last year or so has been horrid. keeps me 'homebound' at least 2 days now every 23-31 days. :grumble: my 'real' mom had a hysterectomy at 46 or so, and they really dont do them anymore.. my dr wants me to have an ablation, but they are not guaranteed. have had 2 ultrasounds and 1 biopsy. all say everything is ok, no fibroids, no endometriosis, no cancer. tired of ruining underwear, and never knowing when...the 'flooding' is by far the worse. i am basically stuck on the stool for 6-7 hrs at a time..... birth control is not an option. :ohwell:

    sassie ~ this whole lifestyle change IS a total head game!! i agree...and the hardest thing to change, our mindset. i would have a chef and a personal trainer if i could! oh, and someone to either guard the kitchen or have a locked door to the frig and cupboards paddlelocked!. glad it is going good for you. re the back fat. yeah, there really isn't any one movement that will help, cept lots of cardio, but doing squats with your arms raised (maybe even holding 5-10 lbs) above your head does work all the back muscles....some people cannot even do this move without a lot of practice, or work up ot it. another thing that i do is just a stretch with your arms....1. stand with your feet about hip width apart, knees slightly bent. 2. reach across the front of your body, raising your arm to the air and also, the arm you are raising, stretch the same leg but out away from body and toe/foot pointing on floor. 3. it will look like you are making an X (one line of it) switch back and forth with arms/feet. you should feel a good stretch down the entire back side (back fat). be careful not to hurt yourself, and i would suggest doing this AFTER your cardio session, so you are limber and muscles are warm. (best time to stretch, and less likely to pull a muscle.) i too have back fat, but it isn't as bad now. a good bra helps with it too. :bigsmile:

    jacque ~ hope you had a nice lunch w/your dad. :heart: how are things going with your family?
    azwildcat ~ sounds like you had fun with the little guys!! 1 boy = lots of energy, 2 = TONS of energy!! :bigsmile: good job on the pizza!!

    well hope everyone is doing good and ready for a WT LOSS week. i am on my last week of driving for the summer and a very busy, hot, humid week here. 2 games today, will be in the bus probably 3+ hrs, and at games for 8 hrs. UGH!! :glasses: take care guys!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok all, I really let myself lose focus this last week and I feel like crap. So I know this work out does more then just help lose weight it actually make you feel better and stronger. So as of today back on the wagon so to speak. Hope everyone is doing good, and once again thanks for all the prayers and support. I really love you guys:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Goodmorning everyone. I was MIA some of the weekend. Havn't been feeling wel at all.
    had taco bell yesterday:grumble: and havn't gone to the gym all weekend:grumble:
    Im trying to get this house in order, along with all the animals before I leave (wednesday night)
    I just feel like junk all around. BUT HEY !!! Im a cheerleader at this club here so I need to get out of my soppy self owned pitty house:bigsmile: . Because Im not too sick to be here!
    Well girls I getting back on track, even though i didn't get to far off course It is the right thing for me todo.
    Sassie- :bigsmile: You ar too funny! Girl!. I think that I would have to have a labatomy for my condidtion (I:heart: food) Haaaa haaaa:laugh: :laugh:
    Kelly- My mother has been premenopause for all of her life, :bigsmile: im not kidding that woman sweats in an ice storm, an her hormones are crazy. you would think a woman that works at a hospital would make a doctors appt. but no!:bigsmile: Good luck sweets I know it is hell! are you on something already for it? I have heard of natural remedies to help:happy:
    Jaque-Everyone is here for you always! falling off the wagon is part of the process, if we would never fall off, we would never really enjoy the sweetness at the end of the trip:bigsmile: Working out helps me feel better all around (It hurts but then I feel better)
    I will check in later! Good monday everyone!:bigsmile:
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    okay I got up and weighed this weekend since I had forgotten of Friday and i have lost .5 pounds...not too much but better than nothing.
    I had a great anniversary weekend and my hubby had a great fathers day too. Hope everyone did the same.
    I am already looking forward to the day being over with but at least its going by really fast. Already 2:30 yippee!! But boy its hot and I have to get out in the garden when I get home. Oh poo! :frown: :cry:
    I plan on working out today b/c I need to burn off the calories from lunch....taco bell is soooo yummy but wow...too many calories!!
    Hope everyone is having a great monday and will continue to have a great week!:bigsmile: :drinker:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    did really good all day went to the gym, did a work out not a normal one but still went. Then I got home and started eating everything in sight AGHHHHHHHHHHHH:explode: Going to bed
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