Have 75 or more to lose?

Hi, I stated MFP in January, I am 40 and the mom of 3 kids..and started really well lost 13#'s right away..I gained some of those little buggers back (but only 3) but am on a quest to look and feel my best..I have good days and bad like we all do, but I am looking for people that maybe have the same weight loss goals as I do...I go to Zumba and another fitness class 2x a week..but my quest is to get to be a smoking hot momma! join me?


  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    I'll join you :)
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks! for joining..you are added! We can do this!:happy:
  • BorderMommy
    Me too! I'd like to lose about 100 pounds (typing that hurt.). I've got two kids, and I want to be the best example I can be for them. Right now I am hitting the gym 5 days a week doing a mix of cardio everyday and whole body strength three times a week.

    Count me in!
  • Brandie1029
    Brandie1029 Posts: 183 Member
    you can add me. I've lost 40....35 more to go! :)
  • Coach_Simon
    Coach_Simon Posts: 254 Member
    Don't hesitate to add me. I'm new here and have quite a journey in front of me. Friends and supporters are always welcome....
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    feel free to add me! i'm 43, with about 80-100lbs to lose! mom of 1, plus a dawg and hubby :) i suck at zumba but love when i work up the courage to go:)
  • davitalynette
    davitalynette Posts: 117 Member
    I'll join!
  • jody0726
    jody0726 Posts: 34 Member
    I would like to be included. I am 38. I'd like to weigh what my drivers license says... which would be a 82 pound difference. I have two teenage boys and a husband. I started working out 3 weeks ago and will weigh in at my doctor's office next week. Let's encourage each other.
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    WE have a great group of people! WE all need the support! Thanks so much!:love:
  • 150poundstogo
    I have 150 to lose, sadly. :( But i'll get there!
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    I have 100 in all actuality..but I am taking baby steps..I wanna get the first 25, then the next and so on..I don't like looking at the big numbers!
  • jackaimee
    :smile: hi im jackie and have around 120lb to lose feel free to add me
  • shellicious777
    shellicious777 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in! I have over 100 to lose. I can't say that very often or I get discouraged just thinking about how much that really is. I can always use the support!
  • darla100
    darla100 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm in! I have over 100 to lose. I can't say that very often or I get discouraged just thinking about how much that really is. I can always use the support!

    I know..I don't like that number either...I would be happy with 75 (I think) I have a friend that I told my goal to, and she said that there wouldn't be anything left of me...I just told her that I hide my weight well..there is plenty to go around! haha
  • sofbal14
    sofbal14 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there ~ I would love to join your group. I am 40 and have 2 kiddos of my own. I want to be healthy for all of us. I have a total of 75 lbs that I want to lose. Sign me up for friendship, motivation and a swift kick when I need one!
  • Lona728
    Lona728 Posts: 105
    I have 3 boys and a husband. When I started I had 116 to lose. I am now down to 94lb to lose. I would love to join y'all.
  • julieann1966
    Hi, count me in too, I have about 65-75lbs to go. Married with 4 children, 19, 17, 15 and the youngest who is 4 ! Its time to regain my life and feel good about myself...I am on approximately 1200-1400 calories a day and walk 2 miles every evening with one of my daughters.

    I am determined and realise this is a whole life change, my husband is very proud of me, so far its been 6 weeks and as I don't own a scale I am going by how my clothes fit and so far so good...think the tummy and hips could be an issue though ! ;)
  • sofbal14
    sofbal14 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to MFP and I am just wondering how all this posting works. How will I be able to find everyone tomorrow? Do we share emails or just post in a group forum like this one each day? Thanks in advance for the info.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    When you go to your "home" page you will see postings from and about your friends.
  • sgallen
    sgallen Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to added to this group. I am a 28 yr old, new mom of a wonderful baby boy. I need to lose at least 80 and would love to lose 100. I have already lost 14 and would love to be a part of a group that shares the same goals as I do. We can do this!!