
I have been having the hardest time eating right lately! I've been staying with parents helping my mom with my dad who is very sick, its putting a major strain on my marriage, and I seem to just be eating my feelings instead of expressing them in a better way! I have zero motivation to do a lot of things because I feel so emotionally weighed down. Does anyone have any words of wisdom or advice that might help me get out of the hole I'm in and to get back on track!?


  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now, emotionally. With all the stress you're under, do you think you'd be able to lose weight as effectively even if you were able to stick to your weight loss regimen faithfully? Maybe--and this is just a thought--maybe now is not the best time for you to be taking on this extra weight loss challenge?

    I'd talk to your husband to see if you can work out some of the things that are straining your marriage. Keep your head up, I'm sure your mom appreciates your help. With all you're going through, have you considered counseling?
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I have been eating horribly for the last 2 weeks. i would like to say I had a real reason but I don't other than a health issue I am having. But other than that it is me just wanting to binge eat and eat junk. I started a 21 day challenge which you can feel free to join. The more the better. :) You can also add me if you would like! :)
  • jeannie1018
    jeannie1018 Posts: 15 Member
    The strain is just that Im gone and an hour and a half away for weeks at a time. I know my mom needs me, and she totally appreciates it. I've talked about counseling but I just dont have the time. I have a 2 year old, plus getting what my dad needs, and taking him to the doctor 3 times a week. I just bottle it up, because I dont want it to affect my mom more then this is. I dont necessarily want to give up my weight loss goal because even if I cant exercise I can keep up with my calorie intake. And I need to be healthier.

    When Im home, and I dont buy the crap I dont eat badly. But there is always junk food at my moms cause my dad never knows what he wants to eat so we are constantly getting random things. I'll check out your challenge!
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I dont necessarily want to give up my weight loss goal because even if I cant exercise I can keep up with my calorie intake. And I need to be healthier.

    Good for you! It sounds like you know what you want. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but there is a lot of support here. I wish you the best of luck in getting through this chapter in your life :)
  • jeannie1018
    jeannie1018 Posts: 15 Member

    Good for you! It sounds like you know what you want. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but there is a lot of support here. I wish you the best of luck in getting through this chapter in your life :)

    Thank you! Support is definitely needed!