MM Challenge-Closed Group



  • heatherconcoff
    Great challenge this week!

    Go team!!!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    I asked Tonya if we could find another member since Hayes dropped out, she said she was leaving it up to each team. So, if anyone knows someone that would like to join the challenge let us know.

    I'm looking forward to this week, jumping jacks and water are alot easier for me than burpees and sodium. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    I have a friend who would love to join the group!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Tara, that would be great if your friend joined the group. What is his/her name? I will need to know what their weight was on Sat so I can let Tonya know.
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies! Thanks for letting me join the group. My weight on Saturday was 148. And then the Super Bowl came... :)
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome to the group Jackie. I sent your name and weight to MM and added you to the spreadsheet.
  • heatherconcoff
    Exciting to have a new member! Welcome:)
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Kewwy sent me a message that she was dropping out due to health reasons, she will be in and out of the hospital. I hope everything goes well for her.

    So...if anyone know anyone that would like to join let us know. I'm good with continuing with just 4 or adding someone.

    According to the spreadsheet everyone is doing great this week, WTG!! My arms are really sore from the JJ.
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    If no one else has a friend who wants to join, I have one! I am full of crazy friends that want to do this wacky stuff with us!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    Tara, we like crazy friends that want to workout. Send me their name or have them send me a message.
  • heatherconcoff
    I'm so glad you've got someone Tara!!

    Hope everything goes well for Kewwi! She was great!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    Hey everyone! Thanks for letting me join the group! My weight is 138 and hope to get to my goal by summer.

    Excited to get going!
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi there! We are HAPPY to have you join our little group! Looking forward to getting to know you and sharing our successes and frustrations. Every week is a great challenge, and I find it so motivating! Welcome, welcome!!!
  • Chirron40
    Chirron40 Posts: 169 Member
    The new challenge has been posted here

    HALT Every time you "want" to eat you to ask yourself: am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired/bored. Then drink 8oz of water ... and if after that you are still hungry... go ahead and eat.

    Pick one red light food ... and completely abstain from it for the whole week.

    Exercise Challenge ...
    It's simple...
    it's a competition ...
    Running gives you 2x the miles you run
    Walking gives you 1x the mile you walk
    Aerobic exercise (elliptical, biking, etc) gives you 1 point per 15 minutes
    Non aeorbic exercise (weight lifting) ... 1 point per 30 minutes
    Most points wins

    Attend one group fitness class this week (or if you really cannot find one than pick a DVD or rent a DVD or a video that you have NEVER done before)

    What is your red light food for the week? Mine is DP10.

    Keep up the hard work everyone.
  • heatherconcoff
    Are we shooting for 10 fitness point for the week... No problem for me:)

    However, the HALT think will take mindfulness - Good!
    And, I am giving up breads.

    So, should be interesting...

    I bet we'll all have great losses this week! That's how it goes, a nice loss, then smaller, etc.

    Anyone have an idea for a class?? Would yoga count?

    Have a great week!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    I'll be doing group aerobic class for 60 min 3 times this week. I would normally do 4 but I have a stupid evening test thats going to cut into my bootcamp time with Tara.

    I think my red light food is going to be chocolate/sweets. I might try to do eating out period, but we didn't get to go grocery shopping today, so we shall see how the week goes.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Sorry I didn't post any weight lost this week -- I did quite a bit of strength training and my legs and arms all feel like they have a 20 lb bowling ball strapped to them. My nutrition was not spectacular (I'll be better!) but I'm certain that strength training is to blame. Hopefully the muscle gain will catch up with me quickly and knock a pound or two off at once!

    I'll be on vacation snow skiing later this week and am hoping that 2 days on the slopes (with heart rate monitor in tow!) will make up make up for the 2 full days of driving from TX to CO. I will not have access to a scale to weigh in on Saturday so I'll probably just log the same weight for next week.

    Good luck this week!!!

  • Apple84
    Apple84 Posts: 10 Member
    and I am going to give up tortillas this week! I ate enough last week for everyone on our team!

    In place of a class or a DVD I'll find a strength training workout on YouTube that I can do in the mornings before we hit the slopes. I might even do some jumping jacks, mountain climbers or run laps around each gas station while we're stopped to fill up. [only HALF kidding! :) ]
  • TaraAlbert
    TaraAlbert Posts: 12 Member
    So, I think I am going to do the "punishment" exercises with Tonya this week. Just because she didn't give them to us doesn't mean we can't all use the extra burn, me especially!!

    My red light food will be anything "eating out". I bought groceries and I need to eat them!

    Hopefully this will be a better week for all of us!

    Good luck ladies!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    So I talked to the hubby today and he said we'd give up eating out this week. :-) it is going to be really tough bc we don't feel like cooking after a long day. But we can do it!

    Good thing too bc I need some chocolate right now. :-) Lol

    No eating out for us this week! All home cooked meals! I'm excited!