Stay with the program

i just can't stay with it if any one out there can help me please feel free to do so all help is needed.


  • jenniferjwilliams32
    i just can't stay with it if any one out there can help me please feel free to do so all help is needed.
  • K.Ann
    K.Ann Posts: 37
    A few things that I do that makes this easier on me is that I plan my whole menu out for the day early on so it takes the guess work out of things, I know what to eat and I know what the calorie count will be. Make sure you spread out your food to be able to eat every couple hours so you don't become starved and overeat or cheat. That was my problem before I started on this site, I NEVER snacked, just always made myself wait till lunch or dinner when i would eat a huge meal plus dessert in one sitting. Very unhealthy. Just try things that work for you and maybe it will just click.
  • goodtimesdani
    i know how you feel. what really works is thinking about how much you really want to look and feel better. its good to focus on how you want to be fit much more than you want junk food. when im feeling like that, i go to the bookstore and look through weight loss books and things like that to inspire me to do well. you can do this!
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi Jennifer, I'm sorry your having problems. What area are you having problems with? The calorie counting or not enough calories? Maybe if you tell us more we can help you better. I know it takes devotion to your goal, mine is for better health. It really is a must for me or have a heart attack and or kidney failure. If you want to mail me and talk feel free to.:smile:
  • mikeleroux1970
    mikeleroux1970 Posts: 28 Member
    find healthy foods you like and stick with them. don't keep junk in the house. only fresh whole foods.
    good luck.
  • candoit
    candoit Posts: 1
    Hi. One thing is that it is important to try to stay positive, while also being honest with yourself. If you tell yourself "I just can't stay with it" you'll feel weaker than if you tell yourself, "This is hard--and at times really hard-- but I can do this if I keep putting my mind to it, and I want the results that will only come if I stick with it." It is so great that you reached out for support--that is a sign that losing weight is an important goal for you. Good luck!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I make my plan the night before. I even guess on the exercise I will do and enter that too. That way I have goals in place and feel bad if I don't even attempt them! I avoid eating out but when I do I make sure to plan in advance when we're going and what I'll choose. It sounds hard but I've only been at it a week and a half and I've already got it down pat! If you're like me and have a sweet tooth set aside a splurge day and treat yourself that day (once a week, or every 2 weeks). For example I keep a stash of those cadbury thins chocolate bars in the fridge. they are 100 cals each so not bad.
    Once you get into the swing of fthings on MFP you'll find it much easier. Remember, you can eat anything you want... as long as you watch your potion sizes and keep moderation in mind. YOU CAN DO THIS! Good Luck!
  • dragonscapes24
    It also helps a lot to have a friend on mfp that you can talk to everyday... you can give and recieve encouragement and motivation... you can cheer for each others wins... It has been really helpful to me that I met kerrilucko my first couple of days on here... we email each other almost everyday and encourage each other to work harder... although part of that may be the spirit of competition setting in... as of this morning I am winning ... lol... but I know that she will pass me and I will work even harder this week so that next week I will be on top again... hehehe... I like friendly competition... it helps a lot...
  • edyta
    edyta Posts: 258
    Write something more about yourself and your problems, I'm sure we have some advice for you :flowerforyou:

    If it's motivation try to think positive (I know, it's hard).
    Find a good motto, and repeat it when you need. Most of the users on MFP have some so have a look.
    I love these:
    "Weightloss is not for sissies" :laugh: My no1 :smile:
    "The harder I work, the luckier I get"
    "The best way out is always through"

    If you think it's not enough calories first try increasing fiber intake and eat tons of vegetables cause they make you full. Next thing - check if your calorie intake is not too low or if you shouldn't jump from "sedentary" to "lightly active" and so on.

    And cheer up! You already lost a few pounds! :flowerforyou:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    You CAN do this. We are here for you. If nothing else, come here and read posts. It keeps you busy and you are doing something that will help you reach your goal.

    If you have a day of too many calories, it's okay. Just start again. Keep starting again untl you get it.

    Every day someone says something on these posts that helps me or motivates me. Share your journey with us: you never know who you may help.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    One of the biggest parts of a healthy lifestyle (or anything) is your attitude. If you feel like you can't do it, then you can't. Luckilly, it's not as hard as you think to change that. You need to really focus on making this work, break it up in to small bits, forget about your end game and where you need to be overall, set a small goal, a reachable one, like maybe being good for the next 5 days. And accomplish it, do that a few times, gain some confidence in yourself, and before you know it, you will be a month into it and realizing, wow, I CAN do this. It's a very gratifying feeling.

    Good luck!
