Anyone have suggestions for a running/work out playlist?

I need some good tunes to get me motivated! Help!


  • Nario
    Nario Posts: 1
    What kind of music are you into?
    If it's Dance/Trance then for jogging/running playlists I find I need high BPM tracks to keep my footfalls at a good pace and my mind motivated.

    Some out of the box playlists I've used are Ministry of Sound Running Trax collections and Collections by Markus Schulz.

    Hope that helps & Good luck.
  • slb106
    slb106 Posts: 70
    I pick my playlists by sitting at the computer and going through songs. If a song comes on that makes me want to get up and dance, then it goes on the list :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    For some reason my ipod usually goes to Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake when I'm working out...maybe the JT thing is I get lost in fantasy :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member


  • BoopsyBoop
    BoopsyBoop Posts: 23 Member
    I love the Sucker Punch soundtrack, and it's even better if you've seen the movie too. It makes me more focused and determined to do my best at the gym so I can be just like Rockette. :)
  • magpaulson
    thanks everybody!
  • magpaulson
    I pick my playlists by sitting at the computer and going through songs. If a song comes on that makes me want to get up and dance, then it goes on the list :)

    oooh jt. when will he come out with a new CD!? It's been way too long