Pot Belly / Lower stomach Fat



  • toddyvdt
    Hi All,

    I seem to be losing and toning my mid torso but I have lower stomach fat / pot belly which i cant seem to shift as fast,

    Anyone got a good exercise to specifically target this area?

    Thanks in advance


    Number one...most everyone posting here is right on the money. Exercises to target this area aren't going to help. What you're putting into your body is the main issue, the secondary issue is how you're exercising.

    I suggest you determine your body type, first and foremost. There are three basic body types (endormorph, ectomorph and mesomorph) and each has its own characteristics. For example, I most closely identify with the endomorph body type. Here are some of the characteristics I share.
    •Smooth, round body
    •Medium/ large joints/ bones
    •Small shoulders
    •High levels of body fat (may be overweight)
    •Body fat tends to settle in lower regions of body, mainly lower abdomen
    •Pear-shaped physique
    •Can gain muscle easily, but tends to be underdeveloped
    •Difficult to keep lost body fat off
    •Lose weight slowly
    •Have to work hard to lose weight
    •Slow metabolic rate
    •Attacks of tiredness/ fatigue
    •Fall asleep easily

    There are different things you'll need to do with your diet and exercise plan, based on your body type but what I can tell is these things will work for just about anyone, regardless of body type.
    -increase your metabolism by drinking lots of water, eating 5-6 small meals a day and building lean muscle
    -combine strength training with intense cardio and mix in something different once in a while, like Pilates (very good for balance and core strength - you won't lose much weight but your clothes will fit better and your posture will improve almost immediately)
    -eliminate processed foods
    -eliminate any form of sugar that is not natural (no artificial sweeteners, no white sugar, no high fructose corn syrup - instead use natural honey, sugar in the raw, agave, etc.)
    -cut back on dairy (limit cheese, if you drink milk make it organic, get rid of the ice cream)

    I know that's a lot. Hope this helps.

    How do you find out what body type you have??? Im interested in know what type I am and maybe making losing the 65lbs that I to lose a little easier by understanding my body type a little more

    Try this quiz.
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    Hi All,

    I seem to be losing and toning my mid torso but I have lower stomach fat / pot belly which i cant seem to shift as fast,

    Anyone got a good exercise to specifically target this area?

    Thanks in advance


    Number one...most everyone posting here is right on the money. Exercises to target this area aren't going to help. What you're putting into your body is the main issue, the secondary issue is how you're exercising.

    I suggest you determine your body type, first and foremost. There are three basic body types (endormorph, ectomorph and mesomorph) and each has its own characteristics.

    Somatotypes are bunk science.
  • j_zanzig
    j_zanzig Posts: 113 Member
    Bump for later
  • hittite99
    hittite99 Posts: 1
    Hello Friend: You wrote the post below and it was just what I was looking for. Could you provide some specifics about the carbs and the fat? Which carbs did you drop and what kind of fat did you add?. Sounds like you had great success with this approach and would love to know a little more about how you did it.
    Hope you won't mind sharing with me (and others, too, of course). Thanks in advance. Would love to get back into that size 6 again. Rosemary Neilson

    It's a carb belly. (I lost my belly when I ditched the grains, beans and dairy and increased my fat - protein was already up there). I spent 6 months counting calories and following the Standard American Diet and exercising and dropped 10lb - hit my goal. But I never lost off my waistline. I still had a belly - a "pouch" in front and a 31" waistline. Even P90X wouldn't touch it. But when I dropped out certain carbs and replaced them with fat. WOW!! I'm at a weight and size I haven't been since before puberty and I'm 41 years old. I now have a 26" waist - I have never seen this as an adult. And my health is better than it has ever been in my life including my childhood. (But I still have insulin resistance. I found Primal too late to fix my broken metabolism. But I can at least manage it now and look good and stay healthy while doing it). you