Confessions of a book nerd

...I totally was NOT on the whole eBook bandwagon at first- I love the feel of a book in my purse, the sound of the pages turning, the sight of a filled bookshelf..etc etc.
However my husband got me a Nook for Christmas due to the fact that I have now run out of room on our two bookshelves (he gets a bottom shelf on one. What? The dude doesn't read.) and I complain constantly about how expensive a book is now-a-days.
At first I was a bit hesitant... this little computer thing is going to let me read things without my eyes wanting to die? And the books are cheaper on here? Riiiight.

Two months later now I am all about my little Nook- it goes with me pretty much wherever I go.

Plus, now I can read all the dirty romance novels I want with nobody judging me... muhahahaha.

What are your favorite things to read on your eBook device (kindle, nook, tablet, etc)?


  • Missy8856
    Love my kindle Fire and use it for everything. I love, love , love to read!
  • MalDunc2012
    MalDunc2012 Posts: 170 Member
    So obsessed with the e-reader on my Ipad. Perfect for traveling! I AT LEAST doubled my reading volume with that investment...LOOOOVE it! Reading "Left Neglected" right now by Lisa Genova...It's awesome, you should download it!
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member

    Plus, now I can read all the dirty romance novels I want with nobody judging me... muhahahaha.

    Haha..yes. This.

    I got a Nook for Christmas and I had just bought a ton of books. At first I was "meh, cool" but now I love it. Fits in my purse, take it everywhere. I don't have to go to the store when I have a book in my mind that I want ten minutes ago.

    Love it!

    I'm currently reading Act of Valor by Tom it.
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I use my Kindle for everything now. I love it.
  • Miss♥Ivi
    I have a Galaxy tab and I use the Kindle App on there to read and download ebooks! I LOVE it! I just downloaded the Hunger Games trilogy! Can't wait to start reading them. I also have a few textbooks on there for my nursing classes. It's pretty cool that most new textbooks are including a tablet app to go along with their reading material!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I have a thing about buying books. The thing is, I don't do it. I'm such a library geek. I reserve the books I want to read online, and I get an email when they're ready.

    I've looked at the prices of ebooks...not much different than paperbacks. And I just lurve turning pages and smelling the books. But it seems the longer I hold out, the more pointless it becomes.

    Should I just get an ereader already? I wish I could try one out for a few days, see how I like it.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Oh yah, love my KOBO Touch. I too thought I would miss the smell/feel of a new book but so far I'm loving the e-reader. There are times, I'm sure that I will still buy books, ones that I want to read often or display. Apparently, now that e-readers are so popular the sales of women's trash novels have skyrocketed. I guess now women wouldn't have to feel embarassed taking them to the checkout. Currently on my reader I have Dreams of Pearl and The Happiness Project. Might read the Steve Jobs bio next.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I love my kindle. However, I worry that it gets lonely in my purse so I always have a book in there, too.

    I'm *that* girl.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I have a thing about buying books. The thing is, I don't do it. I'm such a library geek. I reserve the books I want to read online, and I get an email when they're ready.

    I've looked at the prices of ebooks...not much different than paperbacks. And I just lurve turning pages and smelling the books. But it seems the longer I hold out, the more pointless it becomes.

    Should I just get an ereader already? I wish I could try one out for a few days, see how I like it.

    My library lends ebooks. Many of them do now, and mine is very receptive to title requests. I send them an email asking for the title, along with the ISBN, and usually within a few days, I gt an email back to inform me that the title is in and being reserved for me. Bing, bang, boom.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    I only read books with paper pages.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    I got a Kindle for Christmas & I love it. I've gone through all 3 Hunger Games, the Time Machine and am halfway through Pride & Prejudice. A big seller was that Amazon has so many free books. :D
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i got a kindle for xmas and i ADORE it!!! i read a lot of fanfic - now i can DL that to my kindle and basically have it full of free porn. Aww yeah!!!!

    and i LOVE reading smut on it b/c there's no cover w/ two half naked guys staring longingly at each other. I happen to appriciate those pics, but i get judged in public.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    ...I totally was NOT on the whole eBook bandwagon at first- I love the feel of a book in my purse, the sound of the pages turning, the sight of a filled bookshelf..etc etc.
    However my husband got me a Nook for Christmas due to the fact that I have now run out of room on our two bookshelves (he gets a bottom shelf on one. What? The dude doesn't read.) and I complain constantly about how expensive a book is now-a-days.
    At first I was a bit hesitant... this little computer thing is going to let me read things without my eyes wanting to die? And the books are cheaper on here? Riiiight.

    Two months later now I am all about my little Nook- it goes with me pretty much wherever I go.

    Plus, now I can read all the dirty romance novels I want with nobody judging me... muhahahaha.

    What are your favorite things to read on your eBook device (kindle, nook, tablet, etc)?

    You sound just like me! (minus the dirty romance novels! haha) I do still enjoy "real" books. If I can get them cheaper used, I will. I prefer hard copies of certain things. But I have grown to love my Nook so much! The instant gratification when you want a new book can't be beat! I just finished read the Hunger Games trilogy. It's great when you finish a book in a series and can just immediately get the next one.
  • synthetiquecindy
    Love love LOVE my kindle app. :D
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,425 Member
    I have a Kindle and love it! Never thought I would because I am totally a library girl-I can't afford to support my reading habit if I buy everything! But Kindle finally allows library lending so it's the best of all worlds. I still get the new releases in Hardback from the library (although, it would be really nice to have the ginormous Stephen King book on my Kindle!) and check out books on my Kindle as well. It's great for trips too-no more needing half a suitcase to bring my books!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I have a thing about buying books. The thing is, I don't do it. I'm such a library geek. I reserve the books I want to read online, and I get an email when they're ready.

    I've looked at the prices of ebooks...not much different than paperbacks. And I just lurve turning pages and smelling the books. But it seems the longer I hold out, the more pointless it becomes.

    Should I just get an ereader already? I wish I could try one out for a few days, see how I like it.

    I'm the same way - I never bought books before why would I want to pay for an ereader + the cost of ebooks. Then nearly 2 years ago I learned I can borrow books from the library. I currently borrow books from the LA County Library because their selection is better (I live in NorCal). So if you know people in larger cities you can get their library card and borrow e-books for free! It doesn't go against their real book check-out and it's impossible for you to have a late-fee :)

    I doubled the amount of books I read thanks to my Nook and library lending! I think I've bought maybe 7 books since I got my nook and I believe they were all thanks to GC that people gave me.
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    I bought one of the original Kobos a couple years ago.
    Love it. Would never go back.

    Lots of people here are jumping on the Kindle bandwagon (apparently they're better but I don't see the appeal personally) But all the library ebooks are epubs and not mobi so sucks to be them!

    ETA: actually, I lie.
    I won't use the ereader for textbooks. A non-fiction book I just want to read? Sure. Something that I'm referring backwards and forwards with? Nuh uh,
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member

    Lots of people here are jumping on the Kindle bandwagon (apparently they're better but I don't see the appeal personally) But all the library ebooks are epubs and not mobi so sucks to be them!

    This isn't the case anymore - but is why I originally selected a Nook vs Kindle. As of I think October, Overdrive now offers Kindle or ePub formats for their books, so kindle users can enjoy the library too.
  • goodmonster
    Apparently, now that e-readers are so popular the sales of women's trash novels have skyrocketed. I guess now women wouldn't have to feel embarassed taking them to the checkout.

    *raises hand*

    yep that's me.

    Hey I can be classy though! I love how there are some free classics on the Nook- just got Dracula AND Alice in Wonderland. Eee.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    ...this makes me wanna bite the bullet and go buy an e-reader