HELP! new to this/need motivation!

Hiya! been dieting for a while now lost about a stone and a half, struggling to actually EAT more now as I exercise a lot and been told (by my fitnesspal) that i need to EAT MORE to LOSE MORE. weird huh? anyone with me?? Problem is, I have in my head that I CANT possibly eat more or i generally feel fat when i eat and worry about putting on weight everytime i do! HELP!!!


  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    HI, I eat 6 times a day and am coming in short on my eating. I'm thinking about doubling my protein shakes. Are you doing anything like that?
  • sexyminxinthemaking
    if what you are already eating calorie wise is in healthy range then keep doing what your doing not everybody eats their excercise cals back bacause it dosent work for everyone, i know it dosent work for me if i eat my excercise cals i gain weight :( x
  • epeck2
    I am a registered dietitian, and I would strongly recommend not going below 1200 kcal/day. If you do not consume adequate kcals daily, you risk breaking down your own body tissue, including any muscle tissue you might be gaining from exercising. Muscle is a very metabolically active tissue- thus, you don't want to lose it! Let me know if you have more specific questions about eating, and I will try to help you out!

  • Chany_b
    hello sorry late reply, i struggle to eat more than 3 times a day! i would think i would not be able to stop if i did, do you have a time that you stop eating at? and protein ergh no!! x
  • Chany_b
    Hello Liz, I am eating at least 1500 a day but i burn on average 600-800 cals 4 times a week at the gym, i also study dance so i have 4 hours of dancing a week on top of the gym, i have now only just begun to eat more as i think my problem is my metabolism mostly..
    thank you!