Hello :] Looking for friends! other students struggling?

I joined MFP I believe back in October, and I've lost 17 lbs so far! However I still have about 29 pounds to go. It is SO hard for me to eat "healthy" because for one I am in college and am forced to use my meal plan, I'm also broke (like every other student!) so I can't afford to spend "real money" and not "meal plan money". I also don't have a stove OR oven or hot plate or anything, just a microwave and a fridge. I've been doing so well but these past few weeks have plateaued. I KNOW I eat unhealthy foods quite often as sometimes it is the only thing available to me, and I'm ALWAYS over my sugar, but hey I am trying!! I also can't eat lettuce and most fruit/veggies unless they are steamed or cooked (Oral Allergy Syndrome). I am just looking for some support and some friends to help me continue on my journey. I find everyone here SO inspirational so feel free to friend me! Thanks everyone!


  • Hey there :)

    I know what you are talking about. I am a student too, living in a dorm, without a decent kitchen. It is really hard if you have to rely on fast food and I am seriously wondering how so many girls manage to stay skinny!
    But 17lbs is a lot, so you must me doing it right ;)

  • aleexFIT
    aleexFIT Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I know exactly how you feel. Also with everyone else around eating super unhealthy stuff and drinking alcohol constantly, its so hard to stay on track. But I have lost 50lb so far and I'm managing it ok, I just don't allow myself to buy too many of the unhealthy snack foods and instead stock up on lots of fruit and veg (I know it is expensive compared to some other foods but honestly the money I save by cutting back on alcohol makes up for it completely). Feel free to friend me and you can see my diary :)
  • rebelo3
    rebelo3 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks to everyone who replied! So amazing how you have all managed to lose weight while at school.. it is so hard! We can do this :)
  • Friend request sent. The more support we have for each other the better!!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I'm a sophomore but I'm doing distance learning online since we have a new puppy in the house lol. It's a pain in the *kitten* but just remember to always bring snacks and stuff with you when you have classes all day. It helps cut down on unnecessary eating and keeps your energy up. :)
  • i'm a working college student too! finding time and having money to eat healthy is hard, it sucks !! lol
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I'm a student nurse in the UK, it is pretty hard when you have like NO money to be healthy!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I am a full time grad student and working full time so I feel your pain
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I've realized that I spend about $40 a week LESS eating healthier the last two months. I don't buy fast food, hardly ever go out to eat and I buy stuff when it's on sale or buy 1 get 1. I also buy a few things in bulk from Sam's Club... like flounder and chicken. I have a 5lb bag of frozen veggies in my freezer still and it's been there like a month... I think it was $6.
  • Sent you a friend request, I am also a university student and I live in residence. I do have a kitchen, but it can be really hard to find the time to cook properly and those late night cram sessions are killers for snacking :(
    Let's keep each other motivated!!
  • I know what you mean! I gained a lot of weight when I lived in a dorm. Wish I had found MFP sooner. I just started three days ago, so no results yet, but watching my calories now makes me sad when I think about how I used to eat! There was a gas station and pizza place across the road and my diet consisted of root beer, Reese's, and pizza! LOL! I probable went 1000s of calories over my limit! I am still in school, but I have my own apartment now, so it is a little easier! Just do the best you can now and just think- you won't live in a dorm forever! Make eating right about overall health and the weight loss is sure to follow! Good luck and add me if you want!
  • Oh yeah and congratulations on the 17 pound loss... that is awesome!!