Morning motivation

FantasticVoyage Posts: 53
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I'm trying to lose at least 56 lbs and the only time I have to workout is the mornings. I have 3 YOUNG children. Ages 5, 3, and 8 mths. I'm tired ALL the time. I know that if I don't get my workouts in the morning, they won't get done. How on earth do I motivate myself when I first wake up. The first week or so I'm great, then I start getting bored and slack off. I do exercise dvd's. Also how do I stick to a diet when so many junk foods are so tempting. DH will NOT eat healthy snacks so I'm forced to be around them!:laugh:

How do I stick to my 100 calorie packs when he is eating a Snickers Ice Cream bar? Sorry so many questions. I really want this to be successful this time.


  • Vogue
    Vogue Posts: 15
    Something that I have found to be helpful, is not believing the lie of “it’s for a special occasion” because, let’s face it, there is always a special occasion. Any of these excuses sound familiar?

    “It’s so-n-so’s birthday”

    “Well it’s this holiday”

    “Well, we hardly ever eat at this restaurant”

    “I only hang out with this friend every few weeks, so it’s okay to splurge.”

    “I hardly ever get to eat this such-n-such food”

    It’s always someone’s birthday, there is always a holiday around the corner, and there is always the homemade desert that so-in-so brings into the office, and that restruant is always going to be there.

    During every season of the year there are so many “special occasions.

    Think about the summer: weddings, birthday parties, bar-b-que’s and “special occasions.”

    But don’t buy into the lie that just because there is a reason to celebrate does not give you a reason to blow your diet. It’s not worth it.

    Here is the truth to combat that lie.

    There will always be another time when you can eat whatever food it is that is at this “special occasion”

    If you need to, add this clause to it. “If I say “no” now, I can always say “yes” the next time it comes around.” Because I can guarantee you, it will come around again.

    Just think of it, all those foods that you love to splurge on, they will always be around, if you say no to it THIS time, you can always say “yes” the next time. There will always be another opportunity for you to have that snickers bar, or that cake, or those chips, or that soda or that pasta dish.

    I took one month and evaluated how often “special occasions” for me to splurge. There was about 8 to 10 a month. Between weddings, birthdays, dinner with friends that I had not seen in a while, to And I started to see that these “special occasions” come and go all the time. And I just need to stop looking for an excuse to splurge or pig out.

    There will always a good reason to celebrate. We just need to stop using them as excuses to splurge.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Willpower. If you want to do it enough, you'll learn to control yourself.
    So focus on small, short-termed goals - weekly ones - so you can keep focused and on track.
  • hdjohnson
    hdjohnson Posts: 35
    Is there anyone willing to work out with you in the AM? I make my sister work out with me twice a week in the morning (6am), and for a teacher in the summer, it's difficult to wake up :happy: !

    Otherwise, I would reccommend varying your routine (the DVDs) and writing your exercise schedule down; that way you can check it off your list and you know what you're getting into in the morning.

    As for the food, yes, if you want it, you'll do it. Tell others around you to hold you accountable and offer you healthier options (I LOVE the Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, Fiber 1 chocolate and oat bars, and Yoplait light thick and creamy cinnamon roll yogurt...they really help the sweet craving).

    Good luck!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    "How do you motivate to get up in the morning?"

    You find a type of exercise that you like so much that you get up and do it. I work out in the morning when my husband and daughter are sleeping. I go out for a run before they wake up. If I did workout DVD's every day I would never get up (I know I have been there). So I mix it up.

    Monday's DVD
    Tuesday Run morning/Walk with daughter in evening
    Wednesday Bike
    Thurseday Run/Yoga
    Friday Strength DVD
    Sat Run
    Sunday Hike with the Family.

    I have a husband that needs a large amount of calories. I just make smart choice and use portion control. If I want ice cream too I buy Skinny Cow Mini's. If I want pizza, I have a large piece with a salad. It is just a different way of thinking about things without feeling like you are giving everything up.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm trying to lose at least 56 lbs and the only time I have to workout is the mornings. I have 3 YOUNG children. Ages 5, 3, and 8 mths. I'm tired ALL the time. I know that if I don't get my workouts in the morning, they won't get done. How on earth do I motivate myself when I first wake up. The first week or so I'm great, then I start getting bored and slack off. I do exercise dvd's. Also how do I stick to a diet when so many junk foods are so tempting. DH will NOT eat healthy snacks so I'm forced to be around them!:laugh:

    How do I stick to my 100 calorie packs when he is eating a Snickers Ice Cream bar? Sorry so many questions. I really want this to be successful this time.

    Is the mornings really your only time to workout? Peronsally I hate mornings and I"m not a morning person. You can work out in the evenings, at night.

    Support can come in various ways.
    - When he's snacking on a snickers Ice cream bar, let him also take care of the kids, and give you an hour, to go do a DVD, or go for a walk.

    - After the kids go to sleep, give yourself some time to go for a walk. If you do exercises in the house, you might get interrupted.

    Plan 30mins to an hour a day, and tell the hubby THIS is what I'm going to do, and YOUR going to look after the kids. :flowerforyou:

    I don't have any kids yet, but I can't see why in a 2 parent household that this theory shouldn't work.
    Hope this helps.
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I confess....I have a snicker's ice cream bar once a week. LOVE THEM!!
    It is so hard to avoid the junk food when your family is eating it. Luckily, they are all supportive and the kids will eat healthy stuff more than the junk. My DH can also eat tons of calories and not gain an ounce. The one thing I learned is not to eat with him when he snacks.
    It is hard to get up in the am when everyone else is sleeping, but I'm like you. If I don't do it right away, it doesn't get done. I also have 3 kids: 10,6 and 3. They like to go for walks though, so I power walk while they ride their scooters. Sometimes I push the 6 and 3 yr. olds in a double stroller!! 70+ lbs. of weight and a power walk!! Great workout!!
    Just keep trying....mix it up. Don't beat yourself up if you don't get a workout in. Go for a walk with the kids or leave them with hubby after they go to sleep and walk.
    Hope this ramble helps!:blushing:
  • I also have 3 young ones, ages 4, 2 and 5 months. I run in the morning before they are up and before work (get up at 4). There are some days that I am just too exhausted and on those ones I ask him to watch the kids for a half hour and go run 3-4 miles. If he is supportive of you, this will work. It is usually only one or two evenings a week that I do that, right after dinner. And, as my husband loves junk food too, it is his chance to eat ice cream with the kids or something like that so that I am not tempted. It's hard, not gonna lie, but it works!
  • I agree with getting the healthier snacks, if your husband doesn't like it, too bad, tell him if he really loves you he'll compromise. Or to avoid snacks altogether, pick something you like more, shoes, purses, a new outfit. Pick a milestone, like a small one, 10-20 lbs, and every time you reach a milestone, go reward yourself, because you deserve it, and trust me, there's nothing better than going out to buy a new dress and realizing you've gone down a size or two. It works great to boost your enthusiasm and keep you motivated. I just started this site yesterday, but that's how I lost 60 before i even found MFP. Good Luck!
  • Thanks so much everyone for your replies! Tomorrow morning is a new start for me! I will start working out, lose this weight, and regain my body, health and life!

    I am taking ALL of your tips and putting them into play!
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