Do 5pound hand weights count as strength training?

Since January I've been working really hard at making better choices...doing Zumba faithfully once a week and walking once or twice a week on the treadmill, at an incline...keep reading how important it is to incorporate strength training for weight loss...and because I'm not seeing much movement in the scale I think it's time to "bump it up"...I have 5 lb. hand weights and wondering if using them a few nights a week count as strength training....and if it does, what do I do with them for maximum benefits?


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    If you are getting soreness after 8-10 reps, then I'd call it strength training. If you can just go on forever and ever with them, I'd call it a waste of your time. If you need something heavier, use gallon milk jugs and fill them with water or sand.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    If you are getting soreness after 8-10 reps, then I'd call it strength training. If you can just go on forever and ever with them, I'd call it a waste of your time. If you need something heavier, use gallon milk jugs and fill them with water or sand.

    I use the light weights to boost my heart rate on a recumbent bike.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Starting with 5lbs is fine but to me strength training means always progressing, so you would want to increase the weight (I am no expert though, this is just my experience with my personal trainer).

    Check out some of this info and also try youtube, I have found helpful exercise videos there before. Best of luck on your progress!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    hardly, but something is better than nothing
  • leafygreensforme
    leafygreensforme Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks...can't join a gym right now so looking for something I can do at home...