New - Suffered through the 'Freshman Fifteen'

Hey everyone, just started My Fitness Pal and was hoping to meet some people for inspiration and motivation.
I'm a flight student in Canada and I happened to have my flight test and exams in the same week in December 2011, and gained quite a bit from stress and not having time to make healthy meals. Hoping to get fit and toned again to build back the confidence I used to embody. Hoping to look great in a bikini this June 2012 while in Mexico with my boyfriend!!



  • Courtney24107
    Haha I did that too which inspired me to lose all of the weight!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • sheisunique
    I can sympathize with the freshmen fifteen. I gained the freshmen thirty when I started college. :/ I've since lost all of that weight, but I wasn't healthy from the start, so now I'm trying to shed off what I started with Freshmen year!

    You can definitely lose fifteen pounds in four months. Shoot for about a pound a week and start making time for yourself at the gym. :] That's the best way to do it! Also, carrots are your best friend. :D
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Welcome! :) I was able to avoid the Fr. 15 and LOST 15! Feel free to add me if you'd like! <3
  • DelilahNguyen
    Wow everyone is so nice and friendly! Thanks for the advice!! I'm currently on my first week of TurboFire!!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Turbo Fire is awesome! You are going to have so much fun with it! I love all things Chalene. I did CX last summer and had great results. Now I am lifting weights 3 days a week (have a home gym in my basement) and doing Turbo Fire for my cardio. I can already tell a difference in how high I can jump since I have been building up my leg muscles. Keep us posted on what your think of Turbo Fire and best of luck to you on your journey!

  • xonicolette
    xonicolette Posts: 151 Member
    I gained in my first year also! Through my 2nd semester though I ended up getting pregnant and that's where most of it came from, but my first semester I gained about 15-20 lbs before becoming pregnant! I'm doing online college now so that is helping me with the weight lol

    Feel free to add me :)