plantar fasciitis

jess_h_2 Posts: 49
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I have started a walking/jogging routiene that I am trying VERY hard to stick to.... the problem is that i have plantar fasciitis in both feet and when I walk/jog my feet KILL me for the rest of the day... and the next. Anyone have any suggestions to help overcome this? I have had custom insoles made for my shoes and this helps with work but isn't doing much to help me with exercise. Thanks for any help you can offer!!


  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Have you gone to a running store to get fitted for your shoes? They'll take a video of you running/walking and examine your gait and your foot strike and work with you to get you into shoes that work with your feet.

    The place I went to did such a good job with me that I don't even need my inserts in my running shoes... but my plantar fasciitis was already much better than it had been before I started running.
  • ae135
    ae135 Posts: 2
    I am dealing with this also and know a couple of people who have as well. The advice from their docters has been to basically not let your feet straighten out because it keeps re-injuring it. You need to wear shoes with arches at all times for about 6 weeks, as soon as you get up in the morning, all day, and even wear sandals with arches in the shower. It seems like a pain but it does help and it allows your feet to heal. You should probably see a docter and get specific advice. Good luck!
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    I have had this in the past and I was only able to wear shoes with arches. I also have something that I put in my sneaker to arch my heal. I had trouble giving it my all during my workouts because of the pain. I have even had to skip a few days and stay off my feet. It made me angry and frustrated but it got better because of that. You might be better off using a stationary bike for now. And work on your upper body until your better.

    Get Well.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I was given an injection and then put on a stretching and strengthening program by my doctor. Worked well for me.

    He said most people keep their running/walking/sneakers for WAY too long. I was told by a podiatrist that if you walk or run on a regular basis, you should change out your shoes every 3-6 months!

    Hope it heals.

    (Oh and I ice mine after a walk/jog!)
  • 9726172000
    9726172000 Posts: 428
    I know what you are going through. I had this in both my feet and my left foot is completly healed. My right foot is 3/4 of the way to being all healed. The plantar fasciitis is actually caused by the tendens leading down to your heal. They tighten so much that it will actual pull on the heal tenden and that is what you are feeling. The heal is inflamed. Ice your foot down for about 10-15 minutes each day. Also try massaging the bottom of your foot and also your calf at the end of the day. Try not to do any extra running or walking than you have too. Try the Epi for your cardio, I do the Epi for my cardio for 1 hour. Also before you get out of bed in the morning (or even after a nap) take a towel and use it to slowly pull the bottom of your foot towards you. This will stretch your tendons in your calf and you will have less pain when you walk. Once you have plantar fasciitis it can take up to 1 year or more to get rid of it but you will need to be careful after it is gone because it can come back again. Also you should have a new pair of shoes about every 3 months. A good walking/running shoes. I wish you luck. They also say if you lose weight just a little that will help also.
  • kshiz
    kshiz Posts: 24
    I stopped walking barefoot, but the thing that really helped me was investing in a pair of Crocks ! I have not had any problems since wearing these shoes. They aren't the most stylish, but it truly helped me.
  • jess_h_2
    jess_h_2 Posts: 49
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you everyone for the great advice!!!! I will give it a shot and see what happens. I am so very greatful!!!!
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