Ugh! 2 weeks and gained..!!

I have been logging everything in MFP and under my goals! I don't know why I haven't lost and actually gained 2lbs! I'm so ashamed that i dont want to log a gain!!! :(


  • tishonamarie
    tishonamarie Posts: 46 Member
    Keep logging! Sometimes it takes time for our bodies to adjust. I've had a hard time losing too, but you can't quit. I've been logging everyday since 1-17, but I've only lost 6 pounds and that was just recently. It was getting very discouraging. Keep logging, keep moving, and keep drinking water!!!
  • Don't give up!! Sometimes we can retain water ladies are prone to do around that time of the month....Also watch your sodium intake as well. Just stay the coarse and keep moving...eventually you will see results.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Now, this might have nothing to do with it....but sometimes during certain parts of your "cycle" it can be much harder to lose weight than at others. I was losing ok and then that time came and I didn't lose for 10 days straight, and gained during part of it. Try going a few more weeks and maybe you'll start to see a pattern of when you lose weight more easily. You can do it!! (If you still have a hard time maybe you can have a friend check out your diary and see if they have any suggestions.)
  • darcy1982
    darcy1982 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks to everyone who commented! all of the motivation was wonderful...i guess i just have to try not to look at that dang scale...but she calls my name all the
  • When I first started the program and started walking I gained a pound and didn't lose any weight for 10 days. I've started losing now I have lost 1 lb. Which doesn't seem like much in two weeks but I feel like the tide is turning and will now start losing weight. Keep your fingers cross that I'm right.LOL
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Oh too. I still weigh myself every single morning even though I know it's a dumb idea. :D
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It can be very frustrating!
    Are you drinking enough water? It really helps with weight loss, and helps prevent water weight gain near that TOM.
    Keep working at it, you'll get there!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Keep at it.. you've done well - if you're logging food and exercise.. (that's more than i did before i started here) =- you're body might be behind you - keep at it.. get your water in =-
    the weight will come off -

    if you're looking for motivating friends, please add me !!

    YOU CAN DO THIS, you deserve to be the best healthiest you!
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    Do u measure? I am one of those people that have always been able to lose inches faster then weight. The last 2 weeks I have stay the same but have lost a total of 3.5 inches since I started logging on MFP Jan 16th. Seeing the inches comes off makes me just as happy as seeing a number on the scales. If u dont measure, start and do a total body.. not just waist or hips. good luck and keep on logging.
  • Hey don't get discouraged. I looked on the scale last week and hadn't even lost a little bit despite reaching all my goals of calories and exercise regime. Just keep on going and slowly but surely you'll start to see some results.
    Haha and i know what you mean by the scales calling you. But try to weigh yourself at the end of each week, in the morning as our weight tends to fluctuate. Good luck
  • elisabej
    elisabej Posts: 30 Member
    I know we aren't "supposed to" but I weigh in every morning to make sure I'm on track. I only have my official weigh in once a week, but I use the other days to keep me in line. :)
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    Keep going! My weight sometimes just sits there, and that really gets to me. I go by inches usually I workout everyday and I can see results in the mirror and by inches lost but not on the scale. The scale is my enemy! I been trying to avoid it. But I know I won't:)
  • don't get discouraged!!!! ive been told both ways some people weigh themselves everyday, and can track and see their weight loss and other do it once a week, i usually go for every other or every 2-3 days its hard to tell what's right.
    but hopefully you'll start to see some results. I'm you'll lose!
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    good job ... i didn't see any loss last few weeks also ... i am way under the calories .. not eating my workout calories... i am just gonna keep trying and keep logging .. good luck ... we all here for help and motivation ....
  • darcy1982
    darcy1982 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks again for all the motivation and scale woes!!! I will get through this..I'm just...well.....IMPATIENT! Lol I know "slow and steady wins the race" but darn just let the scale move a little! i still have 18 lbs to go to Onederland! If anybody would like to add me...i love motivation and help! I will also try to return the kindness...! Good Luck everyone!!!!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    make your food log public and we can be more helpful.
  • I know the feeling!! I've been doing the same. Keep going.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I've had the same experience and have also only started logging recently. But i had my weigh in yesterday and was down 5 pounds. I expected to be down much more so was a little disappointed, but it is movement in the right direction. And later in the day, 2 of my team members at work walked over to me and said "We just came over to tell you you look good in jeans." Wow. That was unexpected!

    Anyway, i am staying committed and you should too. There's no reason not to.
  • darcy1982
    darcy1982 Posts: 52 Member
    diary is now public..I thought it was already I know there is a good bit of processed foods...but I know its better to eat clean but right now working 7days a week I eat what i can in mod. :)
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    Don't quit!! Your sadness and discouragement right now is temporary. You will get over this "hump" and start losing again and you might be losing now the scale just isn't showing it. BUT if you quit..... the unhappiness is permanent.... do you want to be unhappy for the rest of your life? Especially over a little setback like 2 pounds which could be water retention or new muscles?? No way life is to short to accept unhappiness! work through it and remember the scale does not show everything! It does not show all the good you are doing to the inside of your body by eating healthy nutritious food instead of junky processed fattening empty food with no nutritional goodness! That is daily progress..... so MAYBE you gained 2 pounds but maybe also you are preventing diabetes, and cancer and a myriad of problems! don't give up! :happy: