This is possibly not for me :(

I know I haven't given it long enough. Just a couple of weeks. I KNOW that in my head - but then I come here and read about people losing a bunch in their first week - or so many people losing steadily every week.

I've read not to worry about the scale (easier said than done) and to focus on how my clothes fit, take pics, etc.

So last week - I measured and took pics. Today I am the SAME measurement - look the SAME in the pics (same clothes, etc.) - the scale is the SAME - my clothes are just as tight - and I'm miserable.

I'm working my butt off exercising, I eat good calories and the "supposed" right amount of them. And in 2 weeks not a single inch or pound has left my body.

I'm overweight, sure, but I'm not exactly unhealthy. I am active with my kids - no illnesses/diseases, etc. - the doctors are always amazed at how low my blood pressure its - etc. Which means, I feel FINE. I'm really only doing this to LOOK better and it's getting me nowhere.

I feel much worse today than before I started this "lifestyle change". I'm almost ready to just call it quits. :frown: :frown:


  • faithjobes
    faithjobes Posts: 104 Member
    Don't give up. If you want the change in your appearance bad enough you can make it happen. It's not impossible. You may have to work out more and fine tune what you are eating. Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing! I'm not saying she is doing everything right, I'm just pointing out that it CAN be done and wouldn't you be so proud of yourself for sticking with the hard work or working harder until you reach your goal and making it!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    You can't give up yet!!! :wink: Some people take a little longer to lose at first. Do you eat all your exercise cals? Maybe try not eating them all if your are or eating some of them if you aren't? You have to give your body a chance to get used the changes you're making. Don't be discouraged by other people's success. I find that their stories just encourage me more, but that is me. Give it some more time and I bet you will see results soon!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    Yes, of course I would be proud - and my confidence would be majorly boosted.

    But, (forgive me if this sounds harsh - don't mean it to) - I'm not going to compare myself to celebrities who have tons on MONEY and tons of STAFF to watch the kids, pay for the gym, have a personal trainer and nutrionist, etc. If I had all of that, I would probably be doing much better.

    I know there are normal people doing it - I read it here everyday. Which is what is so FRUSTRATING to me that I can't do it. :sad:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I dont know what to say to you. smiley-hug005.gif I assume you have been checked out by a physician and there is no medical reason to have a very slow metabolism?

    I am wondering what you ate prior to starting here, and what changes you have made.

    When I started I was eating out each night, having sweets all the time and drinking no water.
    As soon as I changed these things, I started to lose weight.

    Is your goal realistic? Are you really 40 some odd pounds overweight, or is that what you weighed in High School?

    I am so sorry you feel this way and wish I knew of something better to say to help you. :brokenheart:
  • KimberlyKurtz
    Do not give up. I was the same way when I started this site. I didn't see any results actually gained a few pounds. I was down on myself and thought heck I'll never lose weight and get healthy. Then I started to lose weight, my clothes feel loser. We all want it to come off quickly then I tell myself it took me 3 years to gain it so it's not going to go away over night. Give it a while longer. It is working my eating and working out your doing youself good even if the scale doesn't say so. Remember the reason why your getting heathly. stick with it! You'll be glad you did!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Yes, of course I would be proud - and my confidence would be majorly boosted.

    But, (forgive me if this sounds harsh - don't mean it to) - I'm not going to compare myself to celebrities who have tons on MONEY and tons of STAFF to watch the kids, pay for the gym, have a personal trainer and nutrionist, etc. If I had all of that, I would probably be doing much better.

    I know there are normal people doing it - I read it here everyday. Which is what is so FRUSTRATING to me that I can't do it. :sad:

    Not to mention the tummy tuck and breast lift:laugh:

    But I understand what the other poster is saying. That we all come from a place..........some place..........and have to work hard to get the results we want
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    I do have hypthyroidism, but my last check up said I was just fine with my meds.

    I'm not shooting for my high school weight - that would be 90 pounds. 105 is what I weighed when I lost weight after my 2nd son was born. I now weigh 148 3 years after my 3rd baby was born...which is ridiculous. I just want to get back to that 105 or anywhere near it. And, I'm 5 feet tall, so that's well within the range of "normal".

    I was like you- we ate out a lot, I'm a cheeseburger lover, I ate candy and chocolate all the time, never drank anything except diet coke, etc. That immediately stopped - but no change in weight whatsoever.
    I dont know what to say to you. smiley-hug005.gif I assume you have been checked out by a physician and there is no medical reason to have a very slow metabolism?

    I am wondering what you ate prior to starting here, and what changes you have made.

    When I started I was eating out each night, having sweets all the time and drinking no water.
    As soon as I changed these things, I started to lose weight.

    Is your goal realistic? Are you really 40 some odd pounds overweight, or is that what you weighed in High School?

    I am so sorry you feel this way and wish I knew of something better to say to help you. :brokenheart:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It is not an overnight fix. If you expect quick results, it may possibly not be for you.

    I know that I am in this for the long haul and expect my results to be slow. So far the weight has come off slowly and I have every intention of losing more.

    Speak to your doctor about your thyroid some more. Maybe that could be the problem
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh, now I understand. I am 5'2" and 48 yrs old. I was 105 during my slimmest, and 118 when I looked great.

    So, what I am reading is that you realistically have to lose 20-25 health pounds and then 10 more vanity pounds (refers to when the body wants to keep it, you want ribs to show Jillian uses this phrase:grumble: )

    Because you are really so close to your healthy BMI it will take you much more hard work to get there. This is how I finally got it thru to my thick skull. I am NOT 20 and our metabolism slows as we age. I took the first 20 off pretty steadily, but at 1 pound every 2 weeks. Once I hit 138, which is 20 pounds form my "Oooh skinny b!tch" size but only 10 from my age appropriate size I came to a screeching halt.

    Turns out I was not eating enough.......can you imagine?? So I upped my cals 50 a day until I was at 1400 and then exercised 300 cals a day and ate back 1/2 (I hope this is making sense :tongue: ) so I was at about 1500-1600 a day and I started to lose the last 10.

    Now I am increasing my exercise even more, to try to kick the last 10 into orbit.

    You must tweak and see what works for you and then do it. I have a 4'11" friend who eats 1000 cals a day of good food and 90 grams of protien or so. If she exercises she gets more cals, which in turn makes her want to exercise. She is healthy as a horse, albeit a tiny horse, and has steadily lost 1 pound a week.

    Lastly I will say that if you are eating healthier, and exerciseing, you are warding off future health issues AND teaching your children to be healthy. You have not yet hit 40 and believe me, if you dont eat healthy and exercise, your weight will get worse and you WILL get health issues. Promise.
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    I know I haven't given it long enough. Just a couple of weeks. I KNOW that in my head - but then I come here and read about people losing a bunch in their first week - or so many people losing steadily every week.

    I've read not to worry about the scale (easier said than done) and to focus on how my clothes fit, take pics, etc.

    So last week - I measured and took pics. Today I am the SAME measurement - look the SAME in the pics (same clothes, etc.) - the scale is the SAME - my clothes are just as tight - and I'm miserable.

    I'm working my butt off exercising, I eat good calories and the "supposed" right amount of them. And in 2 weeks not a single inch or pound has left my body.

    I'm overweight, sure, but I'm not exactly unhealthy. I am active with my kids - no illnesses/diseases, etc. - the doctors are always amazed at how low my blood pressure its - etc. Which means, I feel FINE. I'm really only doing this to LOOK better and it's getting me nowhere.

    I feel much worse today than before I started this "lifestyle change". I'm almost ready to just call it quits. :frown: :frown:
    If you quit, you're giving up on you...I believe women have a harder time loosing weight than men, but it can be done. To me, and I'm no expert, it sounds as if your body went into "starvation mode" right off the sometimes happens, stick with it, it does work!!! You can have what you truly desire, just don't doubt yourself.... Best to you always, Rick
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    Actually, my ribs didn't show at 105 - I looked just right, lol :happy:

    I have heard of adding some calories - but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it - it's hard enough eating the calories I am supposed to and keeping it healthy - I'm afraid adding more calories will make me GAIN weight and then I'm even more screwed, you know?

    I don't want to give up - it's just so hard to keep going with no results. I know it's not a quick fix, but in 2 weeks I did expect SOMETHING to happen.

    I guess I'll take this one day at a time and go for at least 2 more weeks. If there is no change in a month, I'll reevaluate.

    Thanks for the encouragement and advice everyone.
    Oh, now I understand. I am 5'2" and 48 yrs old. I was 105 during my slimmest, and 118 when I looked great.

    So, what I am reading is that you realistically have to lose 20-25 health pounds and then 10 more vanity pounds (refers to when the body wants to keep it, you want ribs to show Jillian uses this phrase:grumble: )

    Because you are really so close to your healthy BMI it will take you much more hard work to get there. This is how I finally got it thru to my thick skull. I am NOT 20 and our metabolism slows as we age. I took the first 20 off pretty steadily, but at 1 pound every 2 weeks. Once I hit 138, which is 20 pounds form my "Oooh skinny b!tch" size but only 10 from my age appropriate size I came to a screeching halt.

    Turns out I was not eating enough.......can you imagine?? So I upped my cals 50 a day until I was at 1400 and then exercised 300 cals a day and ate back 1/2 (I hope this is making sense :tongue: ) so I was at about 1500-1600 a day and I started to lose the last 10.

    Now I am increasing my exercise even more, to try to kick the last 10 into orbit.

    You must tweak and see what works for you and then do it. I have a 4'11" friend who eats 1000 cals a day of good food and 90 grams of protien or so. If she exercises she gets more cals, which in turn makes her want to exercise. She is healthy as a horse, albeit a tiny horse, and has steadily lost 1 pound a week.

    Lastly I will say that if you are eating healthier, and exerciseing, you are warding off future health issues AND teaching your children to be healthy. You have not yet hit 40 and believe me, if you dont eat healthy and exercise, your weight will get worse and you WILL get health issues. Promise.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I also have a hypothyroid (had my left thyroid removed) and it does take longer even if your tests "say" you are okay. All of my thyroid tests said I was fine but the rest of the blood work was messed up (calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D). I went for a couple of years with them trying to find out what it was (and gained 30 pounds in about 4 months or so). I finally saw an endocrinologist who diagnosed the thyroid problem with an ultrasound. The surgery made all my blood work normalize but I am still struggling with the weight. The lab tests aren't always correct.

    Also, it will take awihile to lose the weight unless you go dramatic and use "quick fix" stuff then it will come back double or more. You didn't put the weight on overnight, you won't lose it overnight.

    I only measure once a month. Every week will not show any results and will only frustrate you.

    You have to think of this as a way of life, a lifestyle change. I know it took me 25+ years to get this unhealthy and it will take me a long time (hopefully not 25 years though :laugh: ) to get healthy again.

    Be patient and dilagent.
  • Euphonasia
    Euphonasia Posts: 136
    This particular program may not be for you. There isn't something that works for everyone. However, you don't need to give up. It's not just about losing weight and looking good. It's about being healthy and making a positive change in your life. I know that it's incredibly hard to lose weight while watching over children, but just look at it as it is: A test of your strength and determination. And even if you don't lose a single pound or inch, it will have been worthwhile because you're living a healthier lifestyle.

    Good luck and I really hope that you don't quit, because it really is worth it in the long run.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • babydraco269
    Well, the most important thing to do it not stress about it. Stress holds on water weight. Try not to worry so much about immediate physical results, and maybe change your workout, especially if you don't like doing your workout. Pack up the kids in strollers or put them on their bikes or whatever, and head out for a nice long walk/bike ride through the park or something. Everyone is different, maybe your body is just making the chemical changes needed to boost your metabolism first. Keep it up for a little longer, and I'f you're still not seeing any results, you may want to consult with a professional dietician to find the plan that works for you, but we'll still be here for you for support along the way! Don't give up, you can do this!
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Try to hang in there, and even harder, try to be patient. Just keep with it, you will see results. Don't give up, if you really want this, stick with it!!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    This won't happen over night, or even in one week. You have to have the strength to carry on. You have to make the lifestyle changes that you have to make. Feeling down and sappy isn't going to help you stay motivated at all. Don't give up. With the right changes, and the right exercising I fully believe you can. I'm only aiming for a pound a week... that's it. If I do more awesome, but I got at least a pound. It's gonna take your body at least a week to kinda get in the hang of things and adjust to what your doing is the way that I look at it. Drink lots of water. Walk, do pilates, get more active. Make it fun... just try not to get sad because that won't help you at all.... you can do it. good luck.
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    I'm just throwing this out there....
    I've been on here a year.... and to date I have a 6lb loss to my name.
    A WHOLE year and I'm still here pluggin along.
    Health-wise, there is nothing wrong with me.
    I see the posts about people dropping weight every week and I'm sitting here trying to keep the scale going down. If you DWELL on what others are doing in comparison to yourself.... just as with comparing to celebrities you will drive yourself nuts.

    Sure, here we are regular people with a similar goal but we are all still different.
    Do what you can, do your best and forget about comparing yourself and YOUR results to everyone else.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This particular program may not be for you. There isn't something that works for everyone. However, you don't need to give up. It's not just about losing weight and looking good. It's about being healthy and making a positive change in your life. I know that it's incredibly hard to lose weight while watching over children, but just look at it as it is: A test of your strength and determination. And even if you don't lose a single pound or inch, it will have been worthwhile because you're living a healthier lifestyle.

    Good luck and I really hope that you don't quit, because it really is worth it in the long run.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :drinker: here here!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I don't have time to read all the posts so this may have already been said, but two weeks is not enough time. Some people drop weight fast, I am not one of those people. I have been on here for almost two years. I lost about 18 pounds in about six months. It did not happen right away. Some personal issues came up last year and I gained almost all the weight back. Now I can't get it off. I've been working out and counting cals for a month. I've gained three pounds. But my DH says my bottom is tighter :blushing: and I can tell my thighs are more solid. I have wanted to quit too but what good have I done without the use of this site? I have learned from experience that it takes at LEAST two weeks before your body starts to respond to your changes. Don't give up. This works, but it doesn't always happen at first. I think most people that drop six pounds immediately have quite a bit of weight to lose. You may not have that much, so your body is thinking ":noway: ". Hang in there!
  • tinah22
    tinah22 Posts: 4
    Don't give up! Give it at least 1 month of tracking what you eat. I was ready to throw in the towel after two weeks also but around the third week I started losing some weight. I keep telling myself that it didn't go on in two weeks so I shouldn't expect it to come off that quickly either. I also try to remind myself that my body will be happier with the good food I'm eating regardless of what the scale says.

    I have tried all different diets and I've lost a few pounds here and there but they've always come back with a few extra tacked on. This is the first time I've written my food down and boy what a difference!!! Having to put my food in writing really keeps my food choices in check. When the calorie counts are staring me in the face, some foods just aren't worth it!!! And, if I go over, it just makes me go out for a half hour walk.

    It's always hard in the beginning but stick with it and you will see changes! Good luck!!!