Foot pain...



  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    I have had the same problem, on and off, for years. It would come and go, and was so severe at times that I could not even walk. I went to doctors and have had steroid injections in my heels (which hurt more than my epidurals). That helped for a few weeks, but it would always come back. But please know, there is hope. I have finally gotten rid of the problem, I believe, for good. My friend is a PT (physical therapist) and she gave me a bunch of things to do that helped me to rehabilitate my feet myself. It is not an overnight cure, but if you keep at it, eventually it will go away, and not come back. The following are things that helped me. Since a major cause of PF are overly tight calf muscles, it is very important to stretch often. You can do this by standing facing a wall, put your hands on the wall, press your heel into the floor and stretch your calf muscles. Put your foot back as far as it is comfortable. Also, you could dorsiflex your feet while sitting on the floor - grab your toes (if you can) and pull them towards you - this will help to stretch your calves and feet. Stretch as often as you can. I find myself stretching all the time, while I'm sitting, in front of the tv, when I get up, just throughout the day. This is very important, even after the pain is gone, to help prevent a recurrence.

    The night splint really helped as well - it holds your foot in a dorsiflexed position while you sleep - you can view one here -

    Some exercises to do : sit on a chair in a room that has a floor (as opposed to carpeting). Put a washcloth on the floor in front of you. Using your toes only, bring the washcloth towards you (while keeping your heel on the floor). Then use your toes only to push it away from you. Do this several times with each foot., daily.

    Icing several times a day also helps. Freeze a bottle of water (personal size) - the kind that has a consistent width top to bottom. Roll the bottom of your foot over the frozen water bottle for several minutes, several times a day.

    I have been doing these things and have not had a flare-up in years. It takes time, but you can get rid of it. I can now walk and run, do jumping jacks, etc. And I'm still significantly overweight. so it is possible to be rid of it before you lose the extra weight.

    Do these things, keep the faith, and you will eventually get rid of it. Good luck!
  • w8sarge
    w8sarge Posts: 4,013 Member
    My sister has the same problems. She rolls her foot on a golf ball once a day. Then she also freezes water in dixie cups and rolls her foot on them after exercising.

    For relief I used a refrigerated water bottle to roll my foot on. A cheaper but effective insert is the kind just under the heel. Here is the kind that helped me.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    My husband has the same problem & filed a claim with worker's comp because he stands all day (as a bailiff) on cement floors that are (very badly) covered with carpeting.
    WC paid for a month of p/t & it really seemed to help my husband. The therapist had him do the stretches suggested by SwimKitty above & also really massaged his foot using some type of tool to loosen everything up. The sad part is, WC refuses to pay for more p/t & is now only going to send him to a podiatrist & not the one my husband has used for years.

    Good luck!!!
  • When the pf tendon is inflamed, heel pain is felt bc the tendon attaches at the base of the heel. Often times, pf hurts most when first getting out of bed or after long periods of stress and overuse due to the foot flattening out and yanking on the tendon. That's why the stretching and ice works well in relieving pf pain, it gets rid of the inflammation temporarily.I work construction and could hardly walk the pain got so bad. Luckily my son is a podiatrist and made me orthotics. Best thing ever. I feel great now! I dunt know if they can help you without a dr ordering them, but you might wanna call them. The logo on my orthotics says orthotic innovations, I think they're a orthotic company from Ohio. My son speaks very highly of them, maybe they can help you out or point you in the right direction.