How do I keep the ball rolling?

Hi guys. 20 year old female. 5'7", 155 pounds. Started off at 158. I believe earlier this week I was 157, so I've lost 2 pounds this week, yipee! But this is only the beginning of my journey.. nothing is stopping me now. I have until July to get down to 130. I think 5 months is a reasonable time to do this. I'm mainly concerned about wearing out too quickly...

1) I'm on a thermogenic. Oxy elite pro, it's not a "magic" pill, but it definitely boosts me up/gets me cracked up and energized to power through my work outs.
2) I eat around 1200-1400 cals a day. Mainly white meat proteins, lots of good vegetables, and whole grains.
3) I drink a lot of water.
4) I try not to eat after 7pm, but if my body is hungry, I'm gonna feed it. Not gonna store fat because of a silly time rule.
5) I do 5 days of cardio a week, and 3 days of lifting weights/pilates.

This is my first week of really doing all of the above and I've dropped 2 pounds. The issue is that when I do cardio, I'm starting to already get tired quicker when I run. I don't want to go as long. Is my body just tired? Because if this continues, it's going to suck when it comes to the point where I have to raise my incline...

Any other tips for helping me achieve my goals? I need concise, good, information to think about and to keep me motivated. Thanks guys.


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I think you have all of the information regarding weight loss that will get the job done - the part that seems to have been the challenge for me, a 20 year old female, is the mental side of it when the going gets rough.

    Something I still want to do and haven't yet is set up a board or something and add to it when you're doing really well - notes to yourself with encouraging things or ideas like calling a supportive friend, doing something easy to distract yourself from eating, stuff like that. At least for me, losing weight was so much more of a mental battle than a physical one, and unfortunately the mental part doesn't get too much easier over time.

    Best of luck to you, you can do this!!
  • popalud
    popalud Posts: 4 Member
    I know others may disagree here, but I weigh myself every morning. It adds accountability to what I ate and how hard I worked out the previous day. When my weight goes up, then I know I need to eat better and increase my workouts today. When my weight goes down, it validates my efforts and adds to my determination to keep it up.

    In the 4 weeks that I have been using this site to track my food/workouts, only 10 days have been either minor weight increases, or no change (of which 2 increases came after the Super Bowl and my wife's birthday dinner...). Since January 3rd, I have lost 23lbs and I am almost half way to my goal.

    That, eating better, no sodas/boose, and working out (C25K/30DS) 5-6 days a week, has worked for me...

    Oh yeah, I also don't eat back my workout calories.

    Good Luck/Keep it up!