Working Long Hours and Working Out

Hey, I'm am currently trying to deal with working 8-9 hours a day 5days a week. When I get home, I'm super exhausted I stand on my feet most of the time (i'm a cashier), except for about 1hr and 30 minutes is when I'm actually relaxing. I have been doing 30 day shred since the beginning of feb.2012, but I haven't did it in 2 days because My feet hurt really bad. I was talking to someone about it, but they said it's just an excuse. How do I deal with this problem of working and working out. ?


  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    you just make yourself do it. make it a habit. then it becomes easier and easier to push aside the excuses.

    I work 3-midnight. long day. but make sure that, six nights a week, I hit the gym before I get home. I get in at least 30 minutes a day ... and now I feel like I have to go. I'll feel bad if I don't.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I work 10 hour night shifts, 4-5 days a week. I only get 4-5 hours sleep after work. I go for a walk after dinner and do pilates/ strength training after the kids are in bed, before I get ready for work. I Run and lift 25-50kg bins at work. If you want it, you make time.
  • cyndy1214
    cyndy1214 Posts: 22 Member
    I work 10 hour days and drive 2 hours round trip. I am attending college and I exercise when I can. Usually on my days off I put the text book on the treadmill and walk.
  • I'm more of a night hawk but workout in the morning! Just keep at it. Your feet won't hurt as much - if they still do after awhile try some sole supports for @ work maybe.
  • i work a flexible schedule, but often end up working really longer hours for several days (sometimes weeks) in a row. i understand where you're coming from. I have been successful at taking group classes with a designated time, especially when you're required to sign up. Once I sign up, I make it a priority in my calendar to be there. If I back out, I would have the trainer to hold me accountable (and a $25 fee now where I'm at).
    Before when I would just want to work out on my own I would always find some excuse not to. But now I'm usually at a boot camp class at 6am, and working 10-16 hour days is not uncommon. get home at 10:15pm, and go to bed so I can get back up & do it again. I know that if I had not been working out through this really stressful time in my work life, I would likely be sick and so run down and SOOOOO crabby. My boot camp classes are a perfect stress reliever. It sucks waking up so early, but I feel so much better when I'm all finished.
    Best of luck! Keep us informed how things are going!
  • Also, find YOUR workout. The 30DS is awesome, I've done it. However, when I was starting I was grossly out of shape and pushing myself too hard and getting exhausted fairly quickly was really demotivating. Set some time aside to workout, and do what you can. It gets easier.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    If I can work 84 hour work weeks and still work out. Find the time.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    Yup its an excuse, sorry but it is. A very familiar one may I add that I use to use ALL the time! I work 8 hours commute another 4 (2 up and 2 back), get home eat, attempt to play with my kids etc etc I have no time and I am too tired. You have to make the time. While I believe you really are tired as I was, its an excuse to comfort us in not doing. I bet if we wanted to go to the movies or to the store or something that we want to do, we suddenly find a way to make the time. It's just cuz its exercise. We have all been there....keep trying to make the time. 30 minutes is all you they say.....Good Luck!
  • micahnator
    micahnator Posts: 1 Member
    I dig it, i work a tough gig that is more mentally straining than physical and it is REAL hard to not come straight home and just vegg... What i try and do is work in something physical to my daily routine. Then be real active on my off time...:flowerforyou:
  • I recently started working out before I head to work. I also work long hours 8-11 in a kitchen standing most of the day. My wife and I started working out in the mornings and just getting it over with. We feel better and as weird as it sounds we are more awake at night and it helps us focus throughout the day. It sucked the first two days getting up early, but if you make it a routine it gets easier. Hope that it helps.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Sorry to be blunt but, yes it is an excuse. Most people work 8 hour shifts, I will grant you that being on your feet most that time is a bit wearing. You need to get yourself into a routine and as Nike says Just Do It.
    For me I do better when I do not hesitate change directly into my workout attire.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I think you have to experiment and see what fits best into your schedule.
    Personally, I'm much better if I exercise in the morning - it give me more energy for the day ahead and I can't make excuses not to do it at night! It means getting up ealier than I would otherwise, but it's worth it.
    Find what works for you, and jsut do it!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I run an in-home daycare.

    I get up at 6am and start cleaning up and prepping breakfast. My first kid arrives at 7am on the dot. I feed 6 kids breakfast, and then my older two leave... And then two more kids come in. I have six kids until 5:30pm. From 5:30 pm, I feed my three kids, put the kids to bed at 8:30, and clean up the house till 9:30 when my husband gets home. I work out from 9:30-10:30, come home, hit the shower, and go straight to bed, hopefully by 11:30.

    My almost three year old doesn't sleep through the night. My middle kid has had open heart surgery and TWO brain surgeries. My son is on the brink of being suspended from school. I'm still recovering from two ankle surgeries this summer. I may never walk normally again.

    Almost everyone has it really hard. I'm sorry. I know how hard it is. If i can do it, YOU can do it.

    If you want it badly enough, you find time.
    If you dont , you find an excuse.
  • yeah, I feel for you. I am just getting started with this too, basically it comes down to me wanting to eat more than a carrot for dinner. So, even though I have worked 10-12 hours and I am tired, i work-out. I really enjoy a dance game on the WII Iwhich helps get me going even though I would rather be laying on the couch, I end up having fun. Find something you like to do that doesn't hurt so much, even an exercise bike while you watch TV would do it, be creative!
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Hey - I work 12 hour shifts - Im doing the shred too - i have to take a day off here and there - just remember it's only 27 mins from start to finish including the warm up and cool down.

    I feel much better after I've done it. Maybe on the days you cant get the 30 DS in - try going for a 30 min walk. you'll feel better for it.

    good luck with this journey!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    If you want it badly enough you'll find a way to get it. Today was a 13.5 hour day for me. I got up at 5 am and worked out and when I got an hour break I slipped back into my gym clothes and ran. It happens all the time but if you want to do it you quit making excuses and get it done. I work 8-12 hours a day 5 days a week and still manage to get 2-3 long workouts and 3 two-a-days in. Just make it happen. What ever it takes. Some things that help me, "pain is weakness leaving the body" "the sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise" and from some brilliant MFPee-er "the only workout you will regret is the one you didn't do."
  • neo200120018
    neo200120018 Posts: 106 Member
    I work rotating roster 9 hour shift work which normally is 12hours, with occasional short change! I literally couldn't sleep when I had a short change and had to prioritize sleep over working out!

    What I reccomend? Find something you love doing! I love Zumba so found the easiest way for me to do it! I could never make it to classes due to work so got a Wii and Zumba wii best thing everrrrrrrr! goodluck!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    8-9 hours a day is not long hours its normal. When I have sore knees I go swimming instead of gym, its about adapting the exercise to suit your personal situation.

    If you really want to do exercise you will find time rather than an excuse.

    It is a lot easier to do once you have got yourself in the right mindset. All the best.
  • dancerman
    dancerman Posts: 46 Member
    dude - I hear you!

    2:33 am -
    sleep or Jillian

    30DS #5

    sleep now
  • I also work full time, have 2 little monsters to take care of beside that, so fairly busy. I have decided to get up half hour early every day to do it, my health is worth it!

    Good luck to you, if you are not getting satisfaction from Gillian's dvd, you might want to think of jogging or walking, anything that you will give a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction.