Favorite CHEAT food!



  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 236 Member
    It may not seem like a cheat but frozen ff cool whip omg its good, sometimes I put chocolate syrup on it yummy
  • megannicolex33
    I love a big, juicy bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, mayo, and onions... yum. Also chocolate chip pancakes, ice cream (especially cookie dough), and fried chicken. Wow. I haven't had a real cheat day yet but now I want one! :laugh:

    As for the brownie thing, you HAVE to try the Fiber One brownies! Only 90 calories and they're actually delicious! I have one every time I'm craving chocolate and it helps so much.
  • DeBiKin
    DeBiKin Posts: 107 Member
    Salt & Vinegar chips... The stronger the better!
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    I don't see the sense in having any Cheats while trying to reach your goal, your only cheating yourself of getting there,
    I think it should be that you have something you really like / want , but make sure it fits within your cal allowance,
    you can have a "sin day" once a week to maintain your weight after you reach your goal. :smile:
  • blueham5
    blueham5 Posts: 67 Member
    Ahhh, I was just scrolling through a tumblr food porn blog and dreaming about cheat foods to eat. My favourite would be mint cookies and cream icecream. Haven't had it in months but I'm still salivating over how nice and chewy Oreos are when they've been marinating in icecream. Also craving a toasted ham and cheese panini with sundried Roma and bacon and a stack of hot rosemary garlic fries.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Right now there isn't anything. I'm just getting back into the swing of things, so not tempting myself right now. However, before I went stupid and gained some weight back, I love chocolate! So that would be my splurge. I still fit it into my calories/macros. I also buy it in the prepackaged little squares. Makes portion control easier.
  • reppinplates
    reppinplates Posts: 30 Member
    Whenever I am craving something i know is going to be more calories than I should be having I slightly reduce my the calories in all my meals around it and try to make sure the cheat meal is some where within 2hours of a workout so the calories I am taking in are getting put to good use for recovery as it is the anabolic window.

    Try not to do this more than once or twice per week though. Chicken parmagiana. urrrrghhh! Think I'm booking one of these days in for tomorrow, lol
  • queenofashes
    THanks! It feels good to know that I'm don't have to go nuts about it! this weekend I did not get my brownies but I was busy with a party & had The Pie pizza, yum!!! something I was craving too!
  • Mzbutterfly32
    My favorite cheat foods are either brownies or key lime pie...yum yum yum:smile::smile:
  • zoeluiisa
    I have no cheat foods, if i want something i eat it and fit it into my cals

    Exactly! Looking at a food as "forbidden" or "cheating" is only going to make this that much harder and is unrealistic. Look at your options and decide if it is worth it for you.

    Have you ever had black bean brownies? They are delicious and so simple. All you need is a box of brownie mix (I like Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge) and a can of black beans (not seasoned, obviously. I like Bush's. I found that the Market Pantry (Target brand) is not that good in these). Put the bean in a colander to drain and rinse really really well. Put back in the can and fill the can with water. Dump into a food processor (or blender, which is what I use, lol) and puree/liquify. Then add to brownie mix and mix with fork. DO NOT add anything else- ignore the box directions for oils, eggs, water, etc. Bake at 350* for 34-35 minutes. No need for the toothpick test, or to not lick the fork, since there is no raw egg in there!

    They come out so moist and fudgy it is amazing. They are literally the best brownies I've ever had. My husband was so hesitant when I first made them; now he won't eat brownies any other way and requests them at least once a week! (i.e. the second he finishes off the last one!)

    Seriously, that with a glass of cold skim milk... perfection. You get to have your treat AND have it be healthy!!

    That sounds AMAZING! I wonder how much it reduces the calorie content by?
  • queenofashes
    Ok, maybe it's not just brownies, I just read key lime pie .... oh man....forget the sweet tooth, sometimes I also crave not only salty foods, but very spicy food that just might be high in calories. I am thinking about trying different foods that would satisfy my cravings to reward myself, like I read earlier - Every week without feeling ashamed of eating it, I could enjoy something sweet, but it should be something different, so I don't feel like every Sunday I need to have a brownie, I will get excited about being on the right track & trying something new!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I have no cheat foods, if i want something i eat it and fit it into my cals

    Exactly! Looking at a food as "forbidden" or "cheating" is only going to make this that much harder and is unrealistic. Look at your options and decide if it is worth it for you.

    Have you ever had black bean brownies? They are delicious and so simple. All you need is a box of brownie mix (I like Pillsbury Chocolate Fudge) and a can of black beans (not seasoned, obviously. I like Bush's. I found that the Market Pantry (Target brand) is not that good in these). Put the bean in a colander to drain and rinse really really well. Put back in the can and fill the can with water. Dump into a food processor (or blender, which is what I use, lol) and puree/liquify. Then add to brownie mix and mix with fork. DO NOT add anything else- ignore the box directions for oils, eggs, water, etc. Bake at 350* for 34-35 minutes. No need for the toothpick test, or to not lick the fork, since there is no raw egg in there!

    They come out so moist and fudgy it is amazing. They are literally the best brownies I've ever had. My husband was so hesitant when I first made them; now he won't eat brownies any other way and requests them at least once a week! (i.e. the second he finishes off the last one!)

    Seriously, that with a glass of cold skim milk... perfection. You get to have your treat AND have it be healthy!!

    That sounds AMAZING! I wonder how much it reduces the calorie content by?

    Trust me, it IS amazing. And you can totally feel good about eating a brownie! I haven't done out a comparison, honestly- I don't know how many calories are in a normal brownie made the box way but I can tell you that if you cut them into 24 pieces and don't add anything other than the beans and the brownie mix it is 106 calories each... sometimes I cut them in 12 pieces though, and one is 212 LOL.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    You can make SINGLE serve brownies (120 calories). It's called No Pudge Brownies and they make different flavors. You add 2 TBSP of brownie mix for every TBSP of non-fat vanilla yogurt, stir until smooth and then microwave for 1 minute. They don't carry this at every store so you will have to click on the 'where to buy' link at the top of the screen.

    Pizza and Chocolate are definitely my weakness...:love: