This is possibly not for me :(



  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Hickory, I hope you don't give up:flowerforyou: Chance are if you do you will gain more. Like others have said two weeks really isn't enough time. Plus you don't have alot to lose so it is harder. But don't give up. You can do this. You'll be not only thinner but healthier:flowerforyou:
  • Dlhigh
    Dlhigh Posts: 72 Member
    Nobody can make this happen but you. I have spent the past 14 years weighting more than I did 6 weeks post partum from my youngest child. I started this journey back on Feb 1, and today officially hit the 40 pound mark. There are tons of good resources here. What you need to grasp is that your journey is going to be different than everybody elses. So many of these people that are losing tremendous amounts of weight in the first week are -, 1) much larger than yourself, 2) most probably losing water weight. Don't let their progress discourage you.

    You say that you are working your butt off - again you are a small person even now. I am about a whole foot taller, so I can say that, lol. Please make sure that your net calories are close to 1200. It's easy to eat within the prescribed calorie range, then burn off say 500 calories, then all of a sudden your net calories are somewhere at about 800. Will put you right back in starvation mode, so eat your exercise calories, or at least enough of them to get you over 1200 net. I know that you have heard over and over about starvation mode.

    And also be sure that you are getting your heart rate up to a healthy range. When I first started, it only took a couple of minutes walking briskly on the treadmill to put my heart rate into a unhealthy - felt like my chest was gonna explode range.

    And go back and look at your weight loss rate ( you set that up in your goals). If its not at 1 pound per week, you should change it. ( again-you are a smaller person )

    Just a few tips. Hopefully you will keep going knowing that you are worth it!! The rewards will far outweigh the sacrifice. And once you get there, you won't even think it was a sacrifice.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Don't give up. If you want the change in your appearance bad enough you can make it happen. It's not impossible. You may have to work out more and fine tune what you are eating. Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing! I'm not saying she is doing everything right, I'm just pointing out that it CAN be done and wouldn't you be so proud of yourself for sticking with the hard work or working harder until you reach your goal and making it!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    Please-- point to the REAL people here who have done it as proof that it can be done.

    Celebrities have personal trainers, personal nutritionists, chefs, nannies-- red carpet life with unlimited cash at their disposal-- OF COURSE they can do it--

    Hickory-- don't give up-- be patient-- if it's worth having, it's worth working for. Nothing is going to be given to us-- work for it.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've been doing this for a couple of weeks also and haven't lost anything. I've had to increase my calories a LOT to get out of starvation mode, and that is downright scary. But I haven't gained, and that has to mean something, right? I won't give up, because I know that I DO have control over my body (it doesn't control me, dang it) and I CAN do what I set out to do.

    So can you! Please don't give up.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    What are your workouts looking like? What's a day in your eating like? You can't base what other people are losing compared to you.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Yes, of course I would be proud - and my confidence would be majorly boosted.

    But, (forgive me if this sounds harsh - don't mean it to) - I'm not going to compare myself to celebrities who have tons on MONEY and tons of STAFF to watch the kids, pay for the gym, have a personal trainer and nutrionist, etc. If I had all of that, I would probably be doing much better.

    I know there are normal people doing it - I read it here everyday. Which is what is so FRUSTRATING to me that I can't do it. :sad:

    If you want to use someone for inspiration, use a REAL person. Check out TamTastic. She lost 135 pounds in a little over a year. Check out this thread of her Easter pics from last year and this year.

    Those are the kind of people you should be using for inspiration. You should not compare yourself to ohters but these people prove it can be done and done safely and effectively. She has a small child and another one on the way.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Don't give up. If you want the change in your appearance bad enough you can make it happen. It's not impossible. You may have to work out more and fine tune what you are eating. Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing! I'm not saying she is doing everything right, I'm just pointing out that it CAN be done and wouldn't you be so proud of yourself for sticking with the hard work or working harder until you reach your goal and making it!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    Please-- point to the REAL people here who have done it as proof that it can be done.

    Celebrities have personal trainers, personal nutritionists, chefs, nannies-- red carpet life with unlimited cash at their disposal-- OF COURSE they can do it--

    Hickory-- don't give up-- be patient-- if it's worth having, it's worth working for. Nothing is going to be given to us-- work for it.

    I about spit my coffee out when I read this :laugh: :laugh: Good advice.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Don't give up. If you want the change in your appearance bad enough you can make it happen. It's not impossible. You may have to work out more and fine tune what you are eating. Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing! I'm not saying she is doing everything right, I'm just pointing out that it CAN be done and wouldn't you be so proud of yourself for sticking with the hard work or working harder until you reach your goal and making it!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    Please-- point to the REAL people here who have done it as proof that it can be done.

    Celebrities have personal trainers, personal nutritionists, chefs, nannies-- red carpet life with unlimited cash at their disposal-- OF COURSE they can do it--

    Hickory-- don't give up-- be patient-- if it's worth having, it's worth working for. Nothing is going to be given to us-- work for it.

    I about spit my coffee out when I read this :laugh: :laugh: Good advice.


    I just couldn't believe it when I read it-- definitely need me some coffee-- :wink:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    I'm with ya! Celebrities have all the right tools- personal trainers, chefs, etc. but Britney Spears is probably the last celebrity I would have picked! :laugh: :noway:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Hickory, I'm gonna say this, For someone with thyroid issues, you shouldn't be trying to do it on your own. Thyroid medication is good, but it only get's you in the ballpark, there's a big range in metabolic rate that doctors consider healthy but will still mess with your weight gain and loss. It's not an exact science for them, its more of a "that's a pretty good dose" attitude.

    My recommendation is to go see a registered dietician that has experience helping people with thyroid issues. I stress; do NOT go see a nutritionist. Some nutritionists are decent, and some aren't, but the title does not require any type of medical training and anyone can claim to be one. A registered dietician, on the other hand, needs basic medical training and must pass specific courses from an accredited school in order to be registered.

    PS, you stated you had hypthyroidism, which means you probably missed either the o or the er, big difference. Which is it, is your metabolism slowed down because of an under active thyroid, or too fast because of an overactive thyroid that has been corrected. Both can lead to weight gain (for different reasons) and they require very different diet and exercise routines to manage.

    That said, this site can still be a good resource for you, and would probably help out your RD a lot as you can print and send him/her your food for the day and exercise for the day.

    Hope it works out for you!
    Best luck.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    I'm with ya! Celebrities have all the right tools- personal trainers, chefs, etc. but Britney Spears is probably the last celebrity I would have picked! :laugh: :noway:

    Yeah, at least pick Oprah-- okay, well, maybe not Oprah-- umm, Kirstie Alley-- uh, well maybe not--

    Hee hee--
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    Oh sorry - it's HypOthyroidism...underactive...guess I was typing fast. :wink:

    I actually didn't know that about just being in a wide "range" of what is considered "OK". I'll look into registered dieticians...just hope they're not too hubby was laid off in Feb. He's working part time now, but funds are tight.

    Thank you!
    Hickory, I'm gonna say this, For someone with thyroid issues, you shouldn't be trying to do it on your own. Thyroid medication is good, but it only get's you in the ballpark, there's a big range in metabolic rate that doctors consider healthy but will still mess with your weight gain and loss. It's not an exact science for them, its more of a "that's a pretty good dose" attitude.

    My recommendation is to go see a registered dietician that has experience helping people with thyroid issues. I stress; do NOT go see a nutritionist. Some nutritionists are decent, and some aren't, but the title does not require any type of medical training and anyone can claim to be one. A registered dietician, on the other hand, needs basic medical training and must pass specific courses from an accredited school in order to be registered.

    PS, you stated you had hypthyroidism, which means you probably missed either the o or the er, big difference. Which is it, is your metabolism slowed down because of an under active thyroid, or too fast because of an overactive thyroid that has been corrected. Both can lead to weight gain (for different reasons) and they require very different diet and exercise routines to manage.

    That said, this site can still be a good resource for you, and would probably help out your RD a lot as you can print and send him/her your food for the day and exercise for the day.

    Hope it works out for you!
    Best luck.

  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    I actually relate well to Valerie Bertenelli - we're similarly sized - and she looks AWESOME...for now:happy:
    Look at stars like Britney Spears, she has kids and tons of stress, but with alot of hard work and a certain workout...looks amazing!

    I'm sorry-- Britney Spears? Am I reading this right-- :huh:

    Oh my-- :noway:

    I'm with ya! Celebrities have all the right tools- personal trainers, chefs, etc. but Britney Spears is probably the last celebrity I would have picked! :laugh: :noway:

    Yeah, at least pick Oprah-- okay, well, maybe not Oprah-- umm, Kirstie Alley-- uh, well maybe not--

    Hee hee--
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Valerie is a total cutie-- I always loved her.

    You don't look too far from that already-- hang in there!
  • anglbebe
    anglbebe Posts: 89 Member
    I know I haven't given it long enough. Just a couple of weeks. I KNOW that in my head - but then I come here and read about people losing a bunch in their first week - or so many people losing steadily every week.

    I've read not to worry about the scale (easier said than done) and to focus on how my clothes fit, take pics, etc.

    So last week - I measured and took pics. Today I am the SAME measurement - look the SAME in the pics (same clothes, etc.) - the scale is the SAME - my clothes are just as tight - and I'm miserable.

    I'm working my butt off exercising, I eat good calories and the "supposed" right amount of them. And in 2 weeks not a single inch or pound has left my body.

    I'm overweight, sure, but I'm not exactly unhealthy. I am active with my kids - no illnesses/diseases, etc. - the doctors are always amazed at how low my blood pressure its - etc. Which means, I feel FINE. I'm really only doing this to LOOK better and it's getting me nowhere.

    I feel much worse today than before I started this "lifestyle change". I'm almost ready to just call it quits. :frown: :frown:

    Hey Hickory, Ever try being a 285 vegetarian? If your blood pressure is otherwise healthy ask your doc about your hormones. It could be a combination of things that you cant control. Like mine was. I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Which even the doc was amazed when I finally begged on my knees to be tested for. They kept saying you have 4 kids people with pcos cant have kids. Yes they can I have 4.
    Could be thyroid could be anything. Dont be hard on yourself if it is genetics. Then this place is perfect for you. Becasue you can print your logs and prove to the docs your doing everything right.

    If it was suggested before I am sorry I just read they first post and said THAT SOUND LIKE ME!
  • anglbebe
    anglbebe Posts: 89 Member
    I dont know what to say to you. smiley-hug005.gif I assume you have been checked out by a physician and there is no medical reason to have a very slow metabolism?

    I am wondering what you ate prior to starting here, and what changes you have made.

    When I started I was eating out each night, having sweets all the time and drinking no water.
    As soon as I changed these things, I started to lose weight.

    Is your goal realistic? Are you really 40 some odd pounds overweight, or is that what you weighed in High School?

    I am so sorry you feel this way and wish I knew of something better to say to help you. :brokenheart:

    Ignore this I was reading too fast.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Don't give up just yet....people get rid of weight differently then others and the fact that u have kids makes it harder to get rid of the weight...the first time I had lost all the weight was before I had my kids and it was awesome because I lost 30lbs in 2months and kept it after having 2 kids my metabolism has slowed down and it seems a lot harder to lose the pregnancy weight....Now sometimes I'll lose weight in chunks and then i could be doin the same exact routine same cals and same exercises and not lose a pound for a few weeks....I think a lot of it has to do with stress....stress is a bad factor if youre trying to lose weight as well...but if u keep at it eventually that stubborn belly fat or the thick thighs will eventually go away....remember you've had kids and your body has gone through a lot of changes....just be patient hun and keep at the end you'll see the results :) and feel them too

  • DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER GIRL! :happy:
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