C25K Headache


So I started the couch to 5k last night. I started well, but only did about 4 of the 90secs running sections. I did walk 2 miles though. I'm pretty unfit, but didn't realise just how bad!

Anyway, by the time I got home I had a really really bad headache. I had brought water with me as Im not stupid, but I do suffer from migrianes, and it felt like it could be that kind of headache. Ended up having to have a kip to prevent it turning into a migraine.

Is this just an indicator of exactly how unfit I am, or could it be migraine related? I don't want to stop the programme so has anyone any suggestions / advice?



  • AngelJordan
    AngelJordan Posts: 46 Member
    No adivce on the headaches, but on the C25K i'm doing, i run 30secs, and walk 90secs. Thats what it tells me to do.. Don't think i'd make 90sec running just yet haha.
    Maybe just take some painkillers before, and drink heaps of water
  • I wouldn't have thought that, its related. I think if you have a history of migranes then it would more than likely be the cause. Other than the 'Drink more water' tip. I would just say try and stick with it, as it does get a lot easier and Is a natural stress releiver so if your migranes are due to stress, then it should aid it.

    Also as a footnote, drink green tea, it gets rid of anti-oxidents which shifted a few of my headaches.

  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    If your migraines are stressed enduced then running could be a trigger. It increases your bp and causes stress to the body...
    That being said... maybe try to be proactive. Drink more water. Take something an hour before your workout starts to help catch it before it starts?
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I get migraines too, and I'm also doing C25K! I find that after any workout where I've pushed myself I get a headache... I drink loads and loads of water at the gym but it still happens...
    I think the above poster was right, it may be stress-induced. Try taking a painkiller before the gym and see if it helps? I have tried it and it seems to work.
    Sometimes I just have to nap, too.. I get antsy and headachey after an hour in the gym so I come home, hot shower, eat some fruit, drink some water and go to bed for an hour.
  • Thanks for the advice.....my migraines are definitely not stress related though!!

    I generally tend to get them in the heat. Due to how unfit I am my face goes really really red and hot, so that might be the cause.

    Might try the run 30 sec and walk 90 for a while til I'm more use to it. Thanks for the green tea tip too!
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Your best bet is to call your doc and let them know. Seriously. I've suffered migraines for years and if this is happening when you run then your doc needs to know. If it could be related they can tell you. This isn't something you even need to go in for; just call and leave a message and ask if there's a concern. They'll call you back and let you know.

    Be well.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member

    So I started the couch to 5k last night. I started well, but only did about 4 of the 90secs running sections. I did walk 2 miles though. I'm pretty unfit, but didn't realise just how bad!

    Anyway, by the time I got home I had a really really bad headache. I had brought water with me as Im not stupid, but I do suffer from migrianes, and it felt like it could be that kind of headache. Ended up having to have a kip to prevent it turning into a migraine.

    Is this just an indicator of exactly how unfit I am, or could it be migraine related? I don't want to stop the programme so has anyone any suggestions / advice?


    Many women are low in Magnesium, and you'll utilize what you've got even faster by exercising.. it plays a crucial role in muscle contraction.. ironically enough, it's a huge trigger for migraine. Make sure you up your Magnesium (I suggest supplements) and see if that helps. I tell all my migraine suffering friends to try extra Mag, it's usually the culprit in Migraine.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Perhaps your blood pressure got too high from running? Do you have a history of blood pressure problems?
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Oh, and have you ever had your galllbladder our? Bad gallbladder also causes headache.
  • No gall bladder or blood pressure issues. My BP is also fine, and I have just had a huge series of blood tests done for a job I've been offered and there was nothing strange from that....I would presume magnesium was tested at the time.

    I'm going to just take it a bit easier today and see how I go.

    Thanks for the help!