Crossfit or Personal Trainer??

I'm debating whether to join a crossfit gym or join a regular gym and look into getting a personal trainer??

THOUGHTS? Just wants some opinions.

Please & Thank You. :]


  • jlryan123
    I have never done crossfit but I did hire a personal trainer about a month ago. It has been a HUGE help to me. Last week was about the time I normally quit and say forget this because I am so tired but I knew he was waiting and I have pushed through. My trainer is so supportive, pushes me, and cheers me on. I am so grateful I hired him.
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    Sorry if I sound stupid...but what is the difference?:embarassed:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I'd say CrossFit! =)
    I did it over the summer for 4 months and loved every second! I look back now and even though I didn't lose any weight, I toned up like woah! It's a fun atmosphere and a big challenge, which I love. It's very expensive though, that was my reason for leaving it.. :(
  • Scully10
    Crossfit. DO IT!
  • Ajones33
    I love my gym, it's cheap and has classes& you can sign up to have a one on one with the trainers to come up with a work out regimen. I feel amazing after doing the classes& the trainer really works with you and I dont have to pay a crazy amount :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have no idea what a "crossfit" gym is. But I have had a personal trainer in the past, and it is worth every penny I paid.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    Crossfit basically is getting a trainer and being a part of a community....
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I'm working out with a personal trainer and I love it/him.
    I have one hour sessions every 2 weeks, and between such sessions he sends me programs to do on my own, which include crosstrainer/elliptical, treadmill, rowing machine, and also weight training/muscle training.
    Though my weight loss slowed down, I lose inches faster.

    I'm glad I have a good personal trainer, who knows what he does, who focuses on right positioning and whole-body-toning.
    You might as well get a bad one, who does more bad than good, so be careful who you chose! The trainer you chose should be able to push you, to help you, to understand you, and soon enough they get to know you better than you might like ;-)

    I wouldn't want to work out without personal trainer anymore!
  • Jennan1
    I've been doing crossfit since this August, and years ago I did the gym/personal trainer. I have had excellent results with both. I would however, recommend crossfit. Do your research and find an excellent cf gym with a great feel to it. Try a few, I look for one that treats my experience as a school/education. You should be able to ask questions and really be taught how to lift. You will meet tons of supportive, like-minded people. With crossfit you learn how to exercise, and eat. It really is an education. With the personal trainer/gym deal you're on your own and don't get that community feel. I love cf and seeing improvements every workout. When I started I couldn't do a pull-up. Now I can do 10-15 dead hang pull-ups without any assistance. Cf will change your life if you find a gym you love. It's a blast. Ok, I'll shut-up, I think I may have been a little too much! I did do cf this morning and it puts me in such a positive frame of mind!!
  • Jennan1
    Oh, and I forgot to mention. I'm 41 and have a 3 year old, and my 60+ year old parents all do cf. It is for anyone who's willing to try it.
  • cassavaca
    cassavaca Posts: 89 Member
    Im not really sure what Crossfit is, but I do have a Personal Trainer and he is super awesome. I really like the one-on-one, my exercises are focused on me and he has helped me with my exercising, eating options (shoot, he introduced me to MFP) and helped me with my emotional issues that come along with being unfit and unhealthy. I never have regretted once about my decision to have PT, even when my husband gives me a hard time about the cost of it.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    If you're comfortable with the big lifts Crossfit does, then do Crossfit. However, Crossfit is like a cult and a lot of members don't believe anything else will suffice. Also, some Crossfit gyms is about doing as many reps possible with the worst form...speed over safety sometimes.

    If you're new to lifting, get a trainer then move towards Crossfit.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    For those who haven't heard of CrossFit:
  • kiely13
    kiely13 Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    My only problem I foresee with crossfit is money wise. I'll have to scope out the area and see what all my options are.
  • melrose09
    Another option is to join the regular gym and just work with a trainer once a month. S/he can help you with your goals and show you how to achieve them and then the next month you two can readjust the plan as you get stronger and stronger.
  • YcatsFursworth
    YcatsFursworth Posts: 278 Member
    my gym I can do a personal trainer for a bit more but I just had one today and set up a personal plan for my workouts and he's always there for support or questions when I go in so I dont' see the need for him to stand there to push me harder... I have the plan to do that... and he will update it every two weeks as needed so it gets harder as I get stronger. I'm the kind of person I will really push and succeed doing it this way... some people need that person standing there pushing them... I just need that paper to tick what I could do each time.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    My only problem I foresee with crossfit is money wise. I'll have to scope out the area and see what all my options are.

    That's why I'll never join a Crossfit gym...all the ones in my area are over $120 a month. Check for Z-Fit in your area as well, its virtually the same as Crossfit, but its usually attached to a gym and you don't have to pay separate.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm debating whether to join a crossfit gym or join a regular gym and look into getting a personal trainer??

    THOUGHTS? Just wants some opinions.

    Please & Thank You. :]

    Look for a trainer that is knowledgeable in the core lifts (squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift) if they steer you towards machines and cardio equipment. Run away!

    Here is my problem with Crossfit. In order to be good at Crossfit you need to learn the Olympic lifts. The problem is many Crossfit "trainers" don't know what they are doing. That is why Crossfit as a whole is changing this.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    where is RachealSNO? did she get banned?
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    OP: Both would be beneficial, flip a coin.