New to MyFitnessPal(ish)

Greetings! I'm a young thirties dad of 3 and have found my weight gradually increasing over the years. Looking to shed the weight finally and this app/board seems to be the ticket.


  • fifipye
    fifipye Posts: 6 Member

    I'm fairly new to this too - signed up out of interest ages ago but only started using it properly recently. It's good if you have the phone app too, as I can't often get to a PC and it means I can log what I eat as I go (I tend to 'forget' if it's not written down quickly!)

    Good luck,

  • RhodyREX
    Thanks - I got this on the android and via computer. So I am really liking the access. I was on WWO, but got frustrated with their lack of nutritional info on most things - and they're Android app was really terrible.