Confessions of a book nerd



  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I haven't jumped on that bandwagon yet. I love books, real books with pages. For me, its all part of the enjoyment of reading. Many of my friends have tried to convert me but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Ditto here-been thinking of gettng one. Usually buy my books at book stores, garage sales, thrift stores, mostly at the library (my library has a section called "friends of hte library"where people donate used books) the lirbary then sells them for a nonimal charge 75 cents to $5. I figure I'm helping them with the monetary donation and saving a bundle at the same time . I'm not one that has to have the latest best seller- I just love to read whatever peaks my interest at the moment. But you all are sure mamking the e-reader sound good. Have had my eye on either the kindle or the nook!
  • ndriedger
    ndriedger Posts: 77 Member
    I use my phone because it always on me. I love it! And I only ever read book once so its kinda meanless to be filling bookshelves. So, I'm also saving trees. :)
  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member

    Lots of people here are jumping on the Kindle bandwagon (apparently they're better but I don't see the appeal personally) But all the library ebooks are epubs and not mobi so sucks to be them!

    This isn't the case anymore - but is why I originally selected a Nook vs Kindle. As of I think October, Overdrive now offers Kindle or ePub formats for their books, so kindle users can enjoy the library too.

    Hence why I said *here*
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I haven't jumped on that bandwagon yet. I love books, real books with pages. For me, its all part of the enjoyment of reading. Many of my friends have tried to convert me but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.

    This was totally me. In fact it was one of my top 2 reasons NOT to get an e-reader. The other being the fact that I stare at a computer all day and didn't want to stare at a back-lit screen while trying to read. Then I got a Kindle (which is not back-lit). I can prop it up against a wall and read while I'm doing something else. I've been known to prop it up between the mirror and the faucet of my bathroom sink so I can read while brushing my teeth. I've proped it up against my toaster while making dinner. It's not as heavy in my purse as a paper book. I'm also one of those who at times reads more than 1 book depending upon my mood. With a Kindle, I can take all the books I'm reading with me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE paper books but the ease and portability of a Kindle has it's benefits. Not to mention the games that are available as well even on the basic Kindle.
  • goodmonster

    This was totally me. In fact it was one of my top 2 reasons NOT to get an e-reader. The other being the fact that I stare at a computer all day and didn't want to stare at a back-lit screen while trying to read. Then I got a Kindle (which is not back-lit). I can prop it up against a wall and read while I'm doing something else. I've been known to prop it up between the mirror and the faucet of my bathroom sink so I can read while brushing my teeth. I've proped it up against my toaster while making dinner. It's not as heavy in my purse as a paper book. I'm also one of those who at times reads more than 1 book depending upon my mood. With a Kindle, I can take all the books I'm reading with me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE paper books but the ease and portability of a Kindle has it's benefits. Not to mention the games that are available as well even on the basic Kindle.

    ^^ this!! all of this.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I think its different for everybody. I mean I have had so many books at one point that I was literally able to make a table out of books.

    I'm a computer professional and yet I still prefer an actual book. I don't even like the paper books, I buy the hardcover whenever possible!

    I can see a lot of benefits of nook and other devices though but dont think I would ever like it
  • scampbellx
    I LOVE books, I just love the smell, the touch, seeing how far you've gotten, physically turning the page..however I have heard so many good things about kindles I am really tempted!! But I think I would miss actual books.
  • emawbey
    emawbey Posts: 50 Member
    Totally love my kindle although i also never thought I would, it is just so light to hold when you read in bed so your hands don't get too cold. Currently reading Sherlock Holmes and loving it!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    My kindle is my best friend, and Pixel of Ink is my favorite website for finding FREE books! :)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    i have an iPad and have downloaded a couple of book on it, never read them! Much prefer real books (even though I have a billion), I miss the smell
    I used to work in a bookshop so have a bit of an issue with ereaders in general :grumble:
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I think its different for everybody. I mean I have had so many books at one point that I was literally able to make a table out of books.

    I'm a computer professional and yet I still prefer an actual book. I don't even like the paper books, I buy the hardcover whenever possible!

    I can see a lot of benefits of nook and other devices though but dont think I would ever like it

    <gasp> I would LOVE to make a table out of books! i feel a weekend project coming on...
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I love my kindle. I just finished "The Next Always" from Nora Roberts and I had gotten it from my library.

    I use a website called Pixel of Ink to get all my books (other than my library books). Most of these are free books and I get an e-mail every day telling me about new ones available. I have had my Kindle over a year and have yet to pay for a book.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I felt the same way. I do feel guilty that I'm putting people out of jobs. Paper manufactures, Printers,, Truck Drivers, Store associates, Distributation Centers .......
    I read 2-4 books a month.
    I broke down and go a Kindle and love, love, love it. When I finish one I just click on another.
    I am so happy I don't have to store or find somewhere to donate my books.
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I had my original e-book reader for 3+ years, though I just also recently got a Nook Tablet, I love it even more than my old Sony E-book reader. I also rooted :D, but it's great that I can find a lot of the books that I've read, but have 'misplaced' over the years. It also is saving me money in the long run, because I can always backup my e-books on my external hard drive, and not have to worry about getting them again & again! While I still love regular books, I love ebooks as well!
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I have my Kindle Fire w/ me all the time. I love getting all the free books on Amazon and I have discovered that I can read it while doing the elliptical, so it has really made my workout so much better!!

    I still LOVE real books. I always will. In fact, I went and bought a hard back after I got my Kindle, but I love to share some of my books w/ my mom and grandma, so I will not stop buying the real thing just because I have Kindle now.
  • MsPetuniaPig
    MsPetuniaPig Posts: 74 Member
    I have a Galaxy tab and I use the Kindle App on there to read and download ebooks! I LOVE it! I just downloaded the Hunger Games trilogy! Can't wait to start reading them.

    Great books! Get them read before March 23rd. I hope the movie can live up to my expectations!
  • FaeryBaby
    FaeryBaby Posts: 104 Member
    I have a Kobo, but I don't really use it for reading. The main reason I wanted it is because most of my knitting pattern downloads are pdf files, so I can put them on my ereader and tuck it in my knitting bag. No magazines or loose sheets of paper to carry around!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I use a Kindle Keyboard. I rec'd it for my B-day in December and I read everything on it. I have downloaded and bought countless books. :) I read all kinds of books... Recently I discovered 'The Hunger Games'. I love the series. It may be young adult but I think the character is easy to relate to for all ages.

    As for the Kindle....I love it.... So convenient...easier to carry aroudn then some books too! And, you never have to worry about book marking your page! haha
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have a Galaxy tab and I use the Kindle App on there to read and download ebooks! I LOVE it! I just downloaded the Hunger Games trilogy! Can't wait to start reading them.

    Great books! Get them read before March 23rd. I hope the movie can live up to my expectations!

    LOVE! The first 2 books are especially amazing. Can't wait for the movie in March!!!!!