What are your cardio workouts like?

I do anywher between 30-120 mins of cardio per day. I switch it up between high resistance elliptical, running on the tredmill, full incline on the tredmill, and just began switching it up doing hill plus on the elliptical. I have to say its getting pretty damn boring though..what do you do for cardio ?


  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    I do treadmill intervals some days and heavy bag on others. I do a minimum of 30 minutes on the treadmill but find it hard to do that on the bag. When the weather is better I may add in some cycling. I also intend to start jumping rope but I haven't yet.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I switch it up between treadmill, elliptical and Arc Trainer. Also doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred that incorporates cardio and the Turbo Jam.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member

    Kickboxing, plyometrics, playing soccer
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I do cardio twice/week 15-20minutes per session. Cardio is way overrated, all it does is allow you to eat more. Diet and strength training will do much more to change your body.
  • NicVino
    At my gym there are classes that I like to take, which are variations between weight training and cardio. Each class is 60 mins. but before hand I go on the ellipitcal for 35 mins (at least 300+ calories). I'll also go back in the evening and do the same routine, but with a different class afterwards.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I do some steady paced cardio work here and there...but I like to combine cardio and resistance training together. one form of this is my weekly boot camp. The other form of it is my sprint interval training where I go outside and do this: go as hard and fast as I can, pushing from my rear end, for 10-20 seconds...do a bodyweight exercise for as many reps as I can do...rest until my HR drops back into the 120s...and then repeat with a different bodyweight exercise for 10-12 intervals.

    another thing I have done for cardio/resistance combo training is the 10x10x10 routine on bodyrock.tv. really, most of those routines would be great.
  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    P90X: Plyo, Kenpo X

    Treadmills are too boring for me.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Interval training on a stationary table-top bike .... BORING! Now there's a promotion via my work place where I can earn points (which can be redeemed for merchandise) for doing laps around the employee walking track, so I'm starting up on that (even though the temp's been most uncooperative this week!) so that'll help break up the routine.

    Plus we just joined the local Y last weekend so I went down there earlier this week and did 35 laps on their banked walking track ... now THAT was a good cardio session! :)
  • amandamaren
    amandamaren Posts: 16 Member
    I do cardio twice/week 15-20minutes per session. Cardio is way overrated, all it does is allow you to eat more, diet and strength training are going to create the majority of the changes in your body.

    i run for 30 minutes 5 days a week, and it's not so i can eat more. i actually care about the health of my heart.
    if i get bored running 30 minutes straight, i'll do intervals of walking/sprinting for 30 minutes.
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    I run 3-4 days a week outside because it's a lot less boring! I also will elliptical on off-running days as well as zumba classes!
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    Mostly Zumba and elliptical, but I have it programed to go between two high resistance levels. It drives me crazy to see people on the elliptical just kind of coasting. Next week I'll probably get on the treadmill and walk/jog. I'm not a great runner so I try to take it slow.
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I try to aim for 30 minutes at least 3 x a week. I switch between P90 and Jillian Micheals DVDs. I don't have any equipment at home and don't want to join a gym just yet. I'd love to do the elliptical.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    swim for 1/2 hour, then a cybex arc trainer for 15 min, then a stairmaster for 5, then rowing for 3. I mix weights in between. 3 days per week. occasionally i walk our dog for 20 min 2 days a week.
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I do classes, Zumba, Ujam , and kickboxing...
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I mix it up, but Salsa 4x/week is a staple and an absolute joy.

    Also, tabata running (http://www.tabataprotocol.com), runs through the hood, Nike Training Club, hip hop, and I'm about to start a pole dancing class.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Mix it up a bit with exercise DVDs. Learn something new - Step aerobics, rebounding, zumba

    I'm choreographically challenged but I like to do (basic) step aerobics. The step bumps up the intensity.

    For advanced videos look for Cathe Friedrich
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I run 4 days per week. 40-60 minutes for 3 of those runs and I'm up to about 2.5 hours for my long run.
  • tmcmurtray
    tmcmurtray Posts: 13 Member
    I do 5-6hrs a week of cardio that can be anything from Turbo Fire to spin classes, zumba, running, or the elliptical.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    I have recently started doing Bodypump. I don't know if you'd consider it cardio or not, but it's not exactly strength training either. It's an awesome combination of the two! I love it! I love to do Zumba when I get the chance, but most days it's just my Jillian Michaels dvds
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    Treadmill, stationary bike, regular bike (when the weather is warmer), outside walk/jog and low impact aerobics.
    Trying to start some strength training soon to bump it up a bit.