What are your cardio workouts like?



  • I do 30+ minutes a day on my indoor bike - try to keep my heart rate at the top level of Fat Burn.
    I do 25+ miles on a treadmill a week - equates to about 4 days with 6-7 miles per day

    About to start adding in the P90X weight training into my routine.
  • I do the Crunch Cardio Salsa video on Netflix, 20-30 minutes on the elliptical machine, ride my bike for an hour or so, or walk/jog around my neighborhood. Depends on the weather and what I feel like doing.
  • I do Max Interval Training 6 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Thats long periods of high intensity cardio, giving it all that I go for as hard and long as I can, then a short period of rest. Makes my heart work up to 85-90% of its full ability and burns the most calories. Plus, no weights required!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i like to do zumba for the wii, i do alot of just dance 1,2,3 for the wii! (i love dancing) :D, i go jogging in the evenings to help tone my legs, i loooove jumping jacks! i constantly do them haha!, i like skipping. ive got a fitness skipping rope, and when its not too cold outside i go in the garden and do about 20 mins of skipping.. (dont care if the neighbours catch me skip!) i sometimes go to the gym, not all the time, as its really expensive - but i love the elliptical, rowing and running machines :bigsmile:

    if you havent got any zumba games, go on youtube and type in a song with zumba at the end, and all different zumba routines will come up for you to zumba along to! i always do it when i dont have a chance to go on the wii. zumba is a really good cardio workout, and the results are really good x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I do cardio twice/week 15-20minutes per session. Cardio is way overrated, all it does is allow you to eat more, diet and strength training are going to create the majority of the changes in your body.

    i run for 30 minutes 5 days a week, and it's not so i can eat more. i actually care about the health of my heart.
    if i get bored running 30 minutes straight, i'll do intervals of walking/sprinting for 30 minutes.

    Sorry I missed that Heat health is def. another benefit to cardio, A lot of cardio is also good if you are training for an endurance event. I was just trying to get across the burning a ton of cals on cardio is not necessary to lose weight and be fit or have low BF%.

    Also keep in mind that if your are doing a lot of cardio and not eating back most of those cals there is a good chance you are actually burning muscle along with the fat.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I do 1 hour of Energy Sculpt class on Monday, 1 hour of MTV dance on Friday, 1 hour of Cardio Latino dance on Saturday and then 3 hours of MTV, Cardio Latino and FunkBlitz dance on Sunday. :happy:

    sorry... i hate jogging or running (it's boringgggggggg to me :tongue:)
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    On my lunch breaks, I usually do 33 minutes on the elliptical. After work, I either lift or do 30 minutes on the treadmill. I also play a lotta racquetball which is GREAT cardio.

    That's just my regular stuff. I'll also mix in some Ultimate Frisbee, rollerblading, biking, tennis, etc. Anything that gets my body moving makes me a happy guy.
  • I do anywher between 30-120 mins of cardio per day. I switch it up between high resistance elliptical, running on the tredmill, full incline on the tredmill, and just began switching it up doing hill plus on the elliptical. I have to say its getting pretty damn boring though..what do you do for cardio ?

    If you don't have any knee problems, plyometrics burns more calories and it is a fun workout., lunges, burpees, jumping jacks, etc.....repeat similar exercise...
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I do the Elliptical, Zumba, and TurboFire for my Cardio... love love love live classes...because they push you further...it's NOT boring....and the time seems to go much quicker :) I also use a weighted Hula Hoop, but I think that winds up being more toning.. ( on my bodybugg, it only rates about 4 or 5 cals a min, vs 10-14 for the Zumba/Turbo...and usually only moderate activity, vs vigorous for the Zumba etc...)
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    interval on treadmill 20 min tops on strength training days. my weight training routine itself gets my cardio jacked up with crazy short rest and a circuit/superseted style here and there.
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Spinning or intervals on the treadmill.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    On most days I do 45-60 min of Zumba.
    2-3 times a week I switch that out for 30 min of free step with a 20 lb weighted vest.
    When the weather is nice we hike when we can.
  • Your cardio sounds a lot like mine used to, I got pretty bored and then I started doing crossfit. Crossfit was very tough but I liked how the workouts always varied so it never got boring. I now incorporate that idea into my cardio... So every cardio day I try to do something differant RPM (bike riding), treadmill running, 5K races (just look into some in your area), cardio classes like Zumba that are offered at my gym, rowing, stair climber, jump roping. I also like to do cardio for 5 minutes, weight lift for 10 minutes, cardio 5 minutes, weight lift 10 minutes- these intervals make the time I spend at the gym fly!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I do cardio twice/week 15-20minutes per session. Cardio is way overrated, all it does is allow you to eat more. Diet and strength training will do much more to change your body.

    That depends on what change you are looking for.
  • FrostyBev
    FrostyBev Posts: 119 Member
    Most days I do 1/2-1 mile freestyle swims. 5-6 days a week. I've been adding in running into that mix. Yesterday afternoon I ran 1.5 miles on the track and then last night swam a mile. Occasionally I'll put the treadmill on max incline and then increase the speed till I hit 85% of my max HR and sustain for 30-45 minutes.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I do cardio twice/week 15-20minutes per session. Cardio is way overrated, all it does is allow you to eat more. Diet and strength training will do much more to change your body.

    That depends on what change you are looking for.

    I assumed fat loss with minimal amount of muscle loss.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I am a runner, so 3 days a week my cardio is running. But once or twice a week I'll change it up and do a combination of this weird reverse elliptical machine my gym has (it's SO much harder than a regular elliptical, but it's awesome), and the stairmaster. I swear, I can run 3 or 4 miles and be alright but 10 minutes on the stairmaster and I'm dying....so great for the legs and booty!

    I need to incorporate more biking/swimming though.
  • I am taking a PE class for college credit. Through that I am participating in the TIGER study, which stands for training interventions and the genetics of exercise response. I basically have to do 30 minutes of cardio on my target heart rate zone to get an A. That's the only way I can make myself get to the gym! :) Sad, but I guess whatever works! The good part about the class is that they evaluate you at the beginning and end with a blood draw and body fat composition x- ray, so I get to compare my progress!
  • jwb_
    jwb_ Posts: 9
    I do about 45 mins of cardio 5days a week before work on an empty stomach, about 20 mins running at 6mph and 25mins on recumberent exercise bike, my aim is to get my heart pounding and sweat alot! I change machines every few months to avoid plateuing, cardio is definitely overrated though ive recently started strength training alongside my cardio routine only 10/15 mins so a day about 4 times a week and I have noticed a much bigger difference in weight loss and how my body feels id recommend it alongside cardio even just 10 mins makes a big difference
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    bike,treadmill,elliptical... anything that will get my heart rate to 140-155 and keep it there for 60min 7 days a week..