Sugar Cravings! Ugghhh....

I just started on Sparkpeople and then some friends recommended my fitnesspal (which I find much easier.) I have been tracking my food for 2 weeks now and if only I could cut the sugar I would be stylin'! I manage to stay within my calories but until I started logging my food I had no idea how much sugar I eat each day! WOW! Any suggestions out there besides just stop? Substitutions? I am not much for fake sugar substitues just to make it harder. :smile:


  • donitaj01
    I too have the sugar crave bug! but I know for myself not to even get started or I get way out of control. No sugary treats at all is the only thing that ever works for me. With that being said, maybe try doing a google search for the amino acid that helps curb sugar cravings. Its a suppliment and you have to take it acording to directions. Consult your doctor they know this stuff but wont offer if you don't ask!

    The biggest hurdle with craving sweets is the massive number of reasons for the craving. For example... menopause,lack of excercise or too much, brain chemistry malfunction, insulin response,body type, alcohol or drug problems etc. etc. Only medical testing can be trusted to give even a glimmer of possibility of cause.

    The possibilities are too overwhelming for me. So, I just can't even go there at all thou sugary treats have been my bestie in the past. Artificial sweetners are the worst they are poision and cause you to crave more. I even have to limit natural sugars like yams and potatoes Uggggg!

    It all boils down to how much I want to not suffer and how! I hope I have been helpful.
  • vanessabs
    vanessabs Posts: 4 Member
    I too love my sweets. I have found that if I can avoid the sugars and sweets and pop for 1-2 weeks I get to the point where I stop craving them, which is awesome. Unfortunately, it is so easy to fall back into the addiction. I read the previous posting about the supplement, very interesting. Good luck!!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Sugar alternatives in my kitchen: stevia, raw honey and agave nectar. Oh, Splenda too, but I don't use it, my BF does. I try to only use natural sweeteners. I try to avoid processed sugars too. My honey is local, and the stevia and agave nectar are organic and I can recognize their ingredient.

    Sugar cravings are the worst! My doctor told me to up my protein to get rid of them. For the most part it works. Except for near that TOM. Then don't get between me and the chocolate! :wink:
  • coconut151
    coconut151 Posts: 4 Member
    All good stuff, thank you! I notice when I cut way down the cravings go away so that is what I need to do but it is hard. I am trying really hard to take a multivitamin too because I heard with the vitamin deficiencies you can get many different cravings! Thanks for the tips!