Chia Seeds

After reading a few post here about them I am interested. One of my thoughts is that it would make a good thickener for soups and things like that and would be better then using cornstarch or flour. Does anyone use them for that with good results? Any tips for using them in that way?


  • For_the_Last_Time
    For_the_Last_Time Posts: 136 Member


    I just like that better then bump.
  • RobynC_88
    RobynC_88 Posts: 13 Member
    They would be great for thickening soup- if you don't want a weird texture, try grinding them in a coffee grinder first and use them as chia flour.
  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    I dont eat them alone... They are in my Shakeology, makes it easy for me to get the benefit but not worry about how to add them.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I've used these :)

    I mixed them in with Overnight Oats, but I'm not sure what else to use them with yet. I'm sure you can google recipes with chia seeds.
  • momchelle3
    I put them in my oatmeal, but I hear they are also great in smoothies.
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    I sprinkle them on my food. I also have eaten them just plain. I also put them in my protein shakes too. I haven't in awhile though.. need to get back to it!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I've heard good things about chia seeds. Haven't tried them yet...