
I weigh myself everyday, first thing in the morning. I started out my journey 3 weeks ago at 279 lbs. Today I weighed myself and I weigh 259 lbs. Is it possible, given the fact ive been eating so much better and excercising at least 2 days a week to have lost 20 lbs in three weeks? My scales are reading my set of weights correct so im pretty sure theyre accurate. Whats going on?


  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    You may lost a lot of water weight. I lose a lot of weight at first too. It will slow down considerably so don't get surprised about that. Keep up the good work and make sure you're eating enough!
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    its possible. ive lost 24 pounds in 3 weeks too
  • razindawn
    well i try to at least eat 1000 calories a day. I find it hard though considering i try to schedule my meals out each mornign for the day. Then I always come up shorthanded and have to add in a snack or so to make up the rest. Sometimes i just feel full though! I really am happy with the weight ive lost, although it doesnt seem like my clothes are fitting me much different so im putting it off to water weight. Is losing water weight a good thing?
  • razindawn
    well i say congrats to that! Wether it be water weight or poundage there is nothing mroe exciting than getting on the scales and seeing the numbers go DOWN instead of UP right? Keep up the great work! Feel free to add me if your looking for supportive people!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    It is entirely possible. When I first started dieting, I upped my water intake to over 100 ounces a day. Dropped 9 pounds in one week without any other changes to my diet and exercise routine!

    Congrats on that weight loss! It's probably mostly water weight, but it's still a loss! Way to go!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    well i try to at least eat 1000 calories a day. I find it hard though considering i try to schedule my meals out each mornign for the day. Then I always come up shorthanded and have to add in a snack or so to make up the rest. Sometimes i just feel full though! I really am happy with the weight ive lost, although it doesnt seem like my clothes are fitting me much different so im putting it off to water weight. Is losing water weight a good thing?

    Congrats on the loss but you should be eating a lot more than 1000 calories a day! I'm 194 and eat 1700 a day and still lose. Why did you pick to eat so little calories?

    I know it's opposite from what we are usually lead to believe but too few calories doesn't always mean weight loss.
  • razindawn
    well to be honest with you, i strive to reach my 1500 calorie goal every once in awhile. But the foods im eating, its really hard to reach tthat goal, theyre very filling foods and when im not hungry i cant eat. Im having a hard time finding that balance between too little and too much!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Then why aren't you reevaluating what foods you're eating? You know you should be eating more, and the foods you're eating aren't getting you there so.. I don't get it. Eat foods with more bang for their buck like nuts, peanut butter, healthy oil, avocado, eggs, full fat cheese, etc. There is no reason to not be getting as close as you can to your 1500 goal consistently. You may be losing quickly now but you'll just end up doing yourself more harm than good if you keep eating so few calories.
  • razindawn
    I appreciate the advice I really do. As for peanut butter, i dont like peanut butter. The nuts are something I eat as a snack, healthy trail mix and other nuts. I think everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another. Im working hard to figure out what foods are going to help me reach my calorie goal without overdoing the fat content. I really appreciate the help but critiscism helps no one. thanks! :)
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Keep in mind the fat in most nuts are healthy fats so you don't need to worry about them as much. It's better to eat 25g of fat from eating nuts as oppsed to eating fries that have 25g of fat in them. Healthy fats shouldn't be seen as the enemy. If you are having issues increasing your calories try switching to full fat/full calorie versions of things you eat. Also, make sure you are measuring things properly with measuring cups and spoons based on the nutrional information on the packages. The database on this site is not always all that accurate.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I appreciate the advice I really do. As for peanut butter, i dont like peanut butter. The nuts are something I eat as a snack, healthy trail mix and other nuts. I think everyone is different and what works for one may not work for another. Im working hard to figure out what foods are going to help me reach my calorie goal without overdoing the fat content. I really appreciate the help but critiscism helps no one. thanks! :)

    Well fat doesn't make you fat... excessive calories do. In fact, fat is very healthy for you; it provides a source of energy for your organs except for trans fat.. they are really bad as your body can't break them down.

    Also, what you are doing is not healthy by any means and you will lose weight for a while but in the end, you are going to slow your metabolism down so bad that it will take months to fix. If you have trouble with calories, then you need to eat higher calorie foods, add nuts, avocado or cook in extra virgin olive oil. Calories are your energy source and under eating will only lead to lean muscle mass loss, which is bad.