30 day shred result pics!



  • destiny364us
    destiny364us Posts: 50 Member
    Do you know how many total inches you have lost?
  • Good for you!!! I haven't ever done 30 day shred, but I'm on my 3rd day of week 1 of Ripped in 30... So you're a huge inspiration!
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    what is the Shred?
  • wow... looks like a lot more than 26 pounds!
  • WOW! Such an inspiration! I am DEFINATELY starting my JM 30 Day Shred again this week! Thanks for sharing!
  • I didnt mesure my waist before I starteded, I REALLYYY regreat that!! I was thinking of doing it again, but giving myself like a 10 day break, I seemed to have hit a platue I havent lost anything in a week, and Ive been eating the same and working out more. I cant complain though, 26 lbs in a month is HUGGEEE, probably not very healthy, but I took off the first 16 lbs in two weeks from stopping soda and chugging 14 cups of water a day, so most of that was inital water weight I think!
  • what is the Shred?
    Jillian michales 30 day shred is a DVD workout at home. :D
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Looking good.

    Am i only 1 thinks picture dont like right size? :S
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    What an awesome job! Wonderful! It's looks like you sure did shred the inches! Great, great work! Keep it up!
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    i know you look lik you lost a lot more you should measure up next time ... im sure would have had great great numbers congrats howeever you look amazing
  • Looking good.

    Am i only 1 thinks picture dont like right size? :S
    I dont understand what your saying? can you rephrase it?
    The picture doesnt look the right size?
    I can promise you I didnt edit any of the pictures, it looks MUCH smaller, but in real life, I dont look THAT small- its just compaired to the starting picture I look tiny, I promise you, I'm still a whopping size 18 and my tummy hangs lower now than ever, I got a LOT of work to do, its not like my tummy is gone, it looks like someone popped it and its deflated **gross** I know, the only thing that REALLY changed is my back and arms
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    OMG you're kidding me! That is so AWESOME! Great job girl! I just started the 30 Day Shred yesterday and I hope I have great results like you!!! Jillian Michaels is no joke - she is scary LOL but she gets the job done!
  • That is incredible!! Great job!!! I may have to start that this week, I've had it for a while....But Jillian scares me. lol
  • also, last pic was taken with my webcam because my digi froze to death in my car :(
  • teresab46970
    teresab46970 Posts: 35 Member
    This is AWESOME!!!!!!! You look great and the difference is like WOW!!!:bigsmile:
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    Looking good.

    Am i only 1 thinks picture dont like right size? :S

    The last one looks squished a little but I think it's just because there are 3 right beside each other. Either way you can still see such a significant difference so again - you go girl!
  • ur tiny! well done. amazing results. :o)
  • pshawapplique
    pshawapplique Posts: 3 Member
    Great job!! Very impressive.
  • Oh my gosh well done you!!!
  • ladycypress
    ladycypress Posts: 19 Member
    Amazing results! You should be super proud of what you have accomplished.